Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4040: The world is a sword

We are all besieging these dozen alien kings and two beasts.

It's good for you **** to just grab that magic sword?

Damn bastards, this king must report to the domain master later and let the domain master punish you!

The dozens of **** kings who besieged Yun Yao and others flashed these thoughts in their minds and became more and more angry.

But they can't leave their posts without authorization, and they can't follow the roar to hunt down the Heaven Burying Sword.

They could only grit their teeth and resort to their best efforts, desperately besieging Yun Yao and others.

However, Ji Ke urged the power of the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers to protect everyone with a shield made of colorful flames.

The magical skills performed by dozens of alien **** kings blasted down on the shield, but they didn't have any effect.

On the contrary, it was the counterattack of Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others, which kept falling into the crowd, causing a lot of casualties.

The two sides fought together in the high sky. Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Feng and others were all injured, their long hair and robes stained with blood.

However, the casualties of dozens of alien kings were even worse. More than 20 people were killed and more than 20 injured.

Seeing that the battle continues to stalemate, the more than 20 surviving alien kings will sooner or later be killed by Yun Yao and others.

At this moment, the team of a hundred people from the rear rushed over to support the surviving **** kings.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ji Ke decisively urged the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers to gather everyone into the twisted time and space.

The fierce battle just now came to an abrupt end.

Ji Ke also hid in the tower, controlled the tower with his mind, turning into a black light and fleeing into the distance.

After a while, the Heaven Burying Sword blasted and killed two foreign **** kings and merged with the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers.


With a flash of white light, the tower of God entered the world of swords, and the Heaven Burial Sword disappeared under everyone's eyelids!

When hundreds of alien **** kings arrived, they went out again.

Everyone was shocked and angry, yelling and roaring in anger.

They never thought that a mysterious black sword could be so cunning and difficult.

At the critical moment, a star master with gray hair and very old qualifications calmly put forward suggestions.

"It's not a way to go on like this. We can't trap that divine sword, but we may be killed by it one by one.

You must report to the Lord of the Domain, and ask the Lord of the Domain to take action, and everyone will join hands to destroy the Excalibur and the dozens of alien kings! "

More than a hundred foreign **** kings around, all calmed down from greed, excitement and excitement.

For the white-haired star master's proposal, everyone sensibly agreed.

Although they all wanted to get that Excalibur, they wanted to save their lives.


Seeing that everyone agreed, the white-haired star master took out the jade slip of the message and sent a message to the Tiance domain master who was 80,000 miles away.

At the same time, the Tiance domain master with more than 60 high-ranking **** kings is chasing and killing Ji Tianxing.

This team is at the forefront, the nearest to Ji Tianxing and Dao Xingyun, only about 350,000 li.

Although, the Tiance domain master and these high-ranking **** kings desperately sprinted with all their strength, and soon they could catch up with Ji Tianxing.

But they obviously retained their strength, and they have been stuck behind, pretending that they can't keep up with Dao Nebula and Ji Tianxing.

These people are not stupid, they are careful.

They neither wanted to be punished by Dao Xingyun, nor did they want to confront Ji Tianxing head-on.

They only hope that Dao Xingyun will kill Ji Tianxing as soon as possible and end this battle.

At this time, the Tiance Domain Master received the call from the White-haired Star Master, and immediately fell into hesitation and entanglement.

The confidants next to him saw that he was hesitant on his face, and they asked, "Master Domain, what happened? Is there anyone we need our service to share your worries?"

The domain master of Tiance didn't hide it from them, and said truthfully: "A divine sword appeared behind the team, and there are more than a dozen alien kings who have killed dozens of our brothers.

This seat is considering whether to continue chasing the sword **** or to deal with that divine sword..."

A few of them are not stupid, and while showing shocked expressions, they also suddenly realized.

"An Excalibur? Was it the sword of the Sword God that was shot into the air by the Supreme Lord?"

The domain master nodded.

The confidant said with a certain tone: "If this is the case, that sword can move freely, as if it has consciousness, it must be a peerless sword!

Moreover, it seems that the sword of the Sword God was knocked into the air, but in fact it is not, this is likely to be the conspiracy of the Sword God! "

After this person's reminder, the Tiance domain master's eyes lit up and he had an idea.

"Okay! That is how this seat reports to the Supreme Lord, now to destroy the divine sword and destroy the conspiracy of the sword god.

This can be regarded as sharing the worries of the Supreme Lord, right? "

"Of course!" Several henchmen nodded in agreement.

Therefore, the domain master of Tiance sent a message to Dao Xingyun, and after reporting the situation, he took many **** kings and turned around and flew back.

But they flew tens of thousands of miles to meet the white-haired star master and many **** kings, but they didn't see the sky-burial sword.

The domain master of Tiance frowned fiercely, and asked in a majestic tone: "Didn't you say that you were intercepted by a divine sword and a dozen alien kings?

What about that sword? Where did you go? "

The white-haired star lord had a bitter expression and explained with embarrassment on his face: "My lord, that divine sword is very cunning, it...hidden!"

The others also nodded in agreement: "Yes! That magic sword will only make a sneak attack when we are not prepared. Once we are crowded, it will run away!"

"..." The Tiance domain master's face became more and more ugly, and he sneered: "It's just a weapon, even if it has a bit of spirituality, it is impossible to have such wisdom and scheming.

Is that sword too smart, or are you too stupid? "

People couldn't answer these words, and more than a hundred **** kings were full of sorrowful faces and hesitated to explain.

The domain master of Tiance didn't waste time, and Shen Sheng ordered: "Don't be too slow, everyone gather to act and be on guard at all times.

All the high-ranking **** kings used magical powers and secret skills to search for the trail of the **** sword! "

This method is indeed the wisest.

More than three hundred **** king and powerful people gathered together, no longer scattered, and vigilantly guarded, of course, it was impossible for the Heaven Burying Sword to start.

Moreover, the Tiance domain master is the **** king of the nine levels, plus dozens of upper **** kings, he will definitely be able to find the Heaven Burying Sword.

But the problem is that Tiantianjian has long been far away from here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to join Ji Tianxing!


Five hundred thousand miles away.

Ji Tianxing and Dao Xingyun are still fighting, quickly shifting the battlefield, leaving a fragmented world along the way.

The fight between the two is still a tie, and neither side is injured.

However, Dao Xingyun was full of confidence, and he wanted to further attack Ji Tianxing's confidence. He mocked and said: "As a sword god, he couldn't even hold the sword and was knocked into the air.

Sword God, you are not worthy of this name. Either change your name or dictate yourself! "

Ji Tianxing sensed that the Heaven Burial Sword was approaching quickly, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, saying: "The highest state of kendo is that there is no sword in his hand, and the world is a sword!

To kill you, there is no need to use a sword.

What's more, my sword has returned! "

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