Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4046: Disaster of Tiance Star

While many heaven and earth **** formations collapsed, the mending dzi bead also absorbed a huge amount of heaven and earth power.

Half of the divine power is purified by the Dzi Replenishing Bead and turned into pure power, which is absorbed by the Replenishing Dzi Bead.

The other half of the heaven and earth's divine power was sent to the Five Elements World by the Filling Dzi Bead, causing the Five Elements World to blow another divine power storm.

The people of the Li people in the world of the Five Elements were all excited and excited when they saw the colorful divine light that covered the sky and the colorful spiritual liquid spilling all over the sky.

The entire world began to expand, everything grew savagely, and countless birds and beasts opened up their spiritual wisdom and entered a state of cultivation.

As for the warriors and geniuses of the human race, they have received unimaginable benefits, and their realm of strength has risen slightly.

Next, as long as they practice hard and work hard to absorb the divine power of heaven and earth, their strength will rapidly increase.

Those warriors who were stuck in bottlenecks and shackles and were unable to break through in a short period of time also gained opportunities for promotion.

Undoubtedly, after this round of divine power storm, another group of gods will emerge in the world of the Five Elements!

Compared with the huge changes in the world of the five elements, the benefits of dzi supplementation are also great, but the changes are not so obvious.

It just becomes more dazzling and dazzling, and the breath is more rounded and restrained.

But beyond that, there is no obvious change.

With the passage of time, the divine power that fills up the dzi bead swallowed more and more, and his own strength and breath will also be restored to the state of the peak period.

But restoring to the peak is not the end, the power of replenishing the dzi will continue to increase!


Unconsciously, two hours passed.

There were more than three hundred heaven, earth and **** formations scattered around Tiance Star, and there were already more than fifty large formations, all of which fell apart.

These collapsed altars and heaven, earth and **** array are not far away from each other.

Most are distributed on a single continent, and a few are on the borders of adjacent continents.

The more than a thousand masters of the gods guarding these big formations are all in a state of shock and confusion.

They didn't even see the enemy, nor did they figure out what was going on.

After the altar and heaven, earth and **** array collapsed, they were at a loss and could only report to their immediate superiors and request instructions.

However, they discovered at this time that they couldn't reach their boss at all.

No matter how many messages they send out, the jade slips are like a stone sinking into the sea, and no reply is received.

This situation horrified and worried many gods and monarchs, and produced various bad guesses.

Everyone realizes that something must have happened!

But no one knows what is going on.

For a while, people everywhere were panicked and panicked.

The gods guarding each of the big formations sent messages to each other and asked about each other's situation.

But the people communicated for a long time, and they couldn't explore a result or answer.

In short, I was aggrieved, confused, and panicked.

Ji Tianxing continued to cast spells, and the Sky Filling Pearl was still devouring the heavens and the earth's power.

The colorful canopy that blocked Tiance Star spread out from the center point, and changed slightly.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the colorful light curtain in that area has become thinner, and the array veins extending around it are very conspicuous like bursts of green veins.

After all, those formations are desperately absorbing the power of heaven and earth from other divine formations.

But that's the case, the sky-shielding array is too big, and the speed at which those large arrays can mobilize the divine power is far behind the swallowing speed of the Sky Bead.

Therefore, the heaven, earth and **** formations one after another are still collapsing and collapsing.

"Boom bang bang!"


Every continent of Tiance Star, every corner of every continent, burst out a dull loud noise from time to time.

Every loud noise burst out, representing the collapse and destruction of a heaven, earth and **** array.

Even some gods with slower reactions or clumsy brains tried to prevent the collapse of the gods and cast spells to resist.

The result was no suspense, and their divine power was swallowed up.

Even if they perceive something wrong and struggle and retreat desperately, they cannot escape.

In the end, they were all swallowed up by the Dzi Beads, and they were killed on the spot, and their gods were also wiped out.

Seeing the miserable end of these gods, others did not dare to approach the altar. They could only watch the altar collapse and watch the heaven and earth divine formation collapse.


Time passed quickly.

The whole day passed like this.

The World of Five Elements has received an incalculable divine power of heaven and earth, and the divine power storm covering the entire world will continue for a long time.

The Heavenly Patching Pearl has also returned to its peak state, and its strength continues to increase, and it seems that it has a momentum to surpass the king-level artifact.

Ji Tianxing stopped casting the spell, no longer urging the power to replenish the dzi.

Because, the more than three hundred heaven, earth and **** formations that formed the big formation covering the sky have all collapsed and destroyed.

These divine formations formed the base of the Zhetian Great Formation. Since the bases were all destroyed, the Zhetian Great Formation ceased to exist and was subsequently shattered.

The multicolored light curtain that blocked Tiance Star had long been torn apart, turned into hundreds of millions of divine light fragments, scattered all over the world.

Such a rare scene was witnessed by hundreds of millions of people of Tiance Star, and countless people shouted in exclamation, as well as shouts of worry and doubt.

No one can answer them.

However, their worries and concerns are correct.

After a short moment, an unexpected disaster swept across the entire Tiance Star.

Previously, the great formation of the sky blocked the entire Tiance Star, mobilizing more than half of Tiance Star's heaven and earth divine power, and compressed the space to a state of almost solidification.

Now that the Zhetian Great Array collapsed, more than half of the heaven and earth's divine power was taken away by the Replenishing Dzi Bead, and Tiance Xing returned to a stress-free state.

As you can imagine, the space barrier of Tiance Star began to collapse, bursting into countless cracks, and bursting into dense gaps.

Between heaven and earth, violent shocks also occurred.

The earth was shaking, jumping and trembling, causing a super terrifying earthquake, and several continents shook violently.

The sky also began to collapse and crack, and numerous spatial cracks emerged, and large black voids appeared.


"Boom bang bang!"

The outbreak of the super earthquake caused a series of chain reactions.

Several continents are facing a tsunami that obscures the sky, and the continental plates are also fragmented.

The vast mountains and rivers collapsed and shattered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The magma and volcanoes in the center of the earth erupted violently, obscuring the sky.

Space barriers are shattered and the sky collapses, which will naturally be eroded by the void.

Large areas of darkness began to appear in the sky of Tiance Star.

There are endless void storms, pouring into the sky strategy star, raging violently, sweeping and killing everything.

Such a terrible disaster is equivalent to a natural disaster.

If the Tiance domain master and hundreds of **** kings are still alive, they can still manage to resist and resolve them.

But those strong **** kings are all dead. For example, there are fewer than 30 **** kings surviving on Cexing today.

In the face of such a terrible disaster, they were helpless.

They could only watch a few continents shatter, countless kingdoms of God collapsed and destroyed, and thousands of cities were destroyed in the flames and fires under the void storm.

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