Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 448: Answers and gains

Although Ji Tianxing found it incredible and unreasonable.

But he certainly can't reason with heaven, nor can he reason.

The will of Heaven is so mysterious and unpredictable, hard to figure out!

Ji Tianxing stood in the void for a moment, and saw that the void was completely quiet, and Tiandao didn't mean to be angry anymore, he was completely relieved.

"It seems that Heavenly Dao will not punish me and Dao Xingyun.

What exactly is this for? What is the criterion and basis for the judgment of Scourge? "

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought, but couldn't figure out this question for a while.

Therefore, he sacrificed the battleship of God Slaughter and drove the battleship to the depths of the void, intending to think slowly on the way.

Although Tiance Star is still in turmoil, it will take a long time to truly calm down.

But all this has nothing to do with Ji Tianxing.

He still has a lot of things left to deal with, not only counting the spoils, but also refining the fragments of the gods of many gods, and absorbing the memory of the gods and souls of the master of the sky strategy...

The Battleship Tu Shen flew in the void without hesitation, Ji Tianxing sat cross-legged in the cockpit, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

While manipulating the God Slaughter Battleship, he took the King Grade God Pill to restore the lost divine power.

Before fighting with Dao Xingyun and hundreds of **** kings, he didn't seem to have any influence, but in fact he consumed a lot of energy and strength.

Now, I can finally calm down and take care of it.


Time passed quietly.

Two days later, after taking Shendan and Yungong, Ji Tianxing's mental state was much better.

At this time, after many thoughts and deductions, he also guessed the reason and answer.

"Above the Divine King Realm, the so-called last step is to master the power of heaven and interfere with the rules of heaven.

In this way, like Dao Xingyun and the other four **** emperors, they are all top powerhouses who can influence the will of Heaven.

Therefore, they can evade the punishment of the will of heaven and are not condemned by heaven.

It's just that I haven't mastered the power of Heaven's Dao, nor have I reached the Divine Emperor Realm, how can I avoid the punishment of the will of Heaven's Dao just like them?

A few times before, everyone and I have made salvation works. They have all been commended by heaven and gained the power of merit, but I have not.

Now it seems that God will neither reward me nor punish me...should it completely ignore me?

Or is it... I used the Zhutian Array to come back from the dead, and I have jumped out of the scope of the rules of heaven? "

Although Ji Tianxing's tone was tentative, his tone was not certain.

But after thinking about it, he always felt that this answer was the closest to the truth.

Of course, regardless of the truth or not, at least he proved one thing.

Heaven will not commend him, but it will not restrain or sanction him!

This makes him more confident and more stable in his heart.

He gradually put aside this question, no longer thinking and sad about it.

He began to sort out the gains of this battle and count the spoils.

The first is the silver dragon gun and a space ring left after the incarnation of Dao Nebula is destroyed.

The Silver Dragon Gun is a king-level superb artifact, and it was refined by Dao Xingyun himself, there is no doubt.

With the help of the power of the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron and the Magic Hammer, Ji Tianxing forcibly erased the imprints and spirit aura on the Silver Dragon Spear, completely severing the relationship with Dao Xingyun and becoming the treasure of no master.

Then, he entered the Twisted Time and Space and gave this king-level superb sharp gun to Ji Ke.

"Koke, you have always used sharp guns as weapons, and you can also exert a stronger combat effectiveness.

The sharp spear I refined for you before is just a king-level middle-grade artifact, which will limit your combat effectiveness in the future.

This silver dragon spear is given to you, enough for you to use it forever, so please sacrifice it. "

Of course Ji Ke was full of surprises and a little excited.

She refused, but knew that Ji Tianxing had given it to her sincerely, and that no one was more suitable for this sharp gun than her, so she accepted it.

Ji Tianxing left the twisted time and space and went to check the space ring of Dao Xingyun's incarnation.

The space ring worn by the avatar is far inferior to the ring of the Dao Nebula deity, and the resources and wealth stored in it cannot be compared.

But this is the case, Ji Tianxing also found cultivation resources worth two trillion yuan from this spatial ring.

There are also dozens of middle- and top-grade king-level artifacts, thousands of king-level **** pills, and some weird gods.

Ji Tianxing put all these cultivation resources and artifacts into his own ring, put them in different categories, and may be able to use them in the future.

Next, he continued to check the space ring of the Tiance domain master and more than three hundred alien kings.

In contrast, the spatial rings of these people are even poorer and shabby, and cannot be compared with the rings of Dao Xingyun.

In addition to the space ring of the Tiance Domain Lord, it can also find cultivation resources worth several trillions, and a batch of valuable artifacts and medicines.

In the rings of the hundreds of alien kings, there are often only tens of billions or hundreds of billions of resources.

But wealth has always accumulated more.

There are only hundreds of billions of resources in the space ring of an alien king.

Add up to more than 300 spatial rings, and the accumulated resources and wealth are amazing.

Ji Tianxing gave a rough estimate, and a conservative estimate is around two trillion, which is two hundred trillion in conversion.

Originally, he planned to select some king-level resources and artifacts and keep them in his spatial ring, while the others would be absorbed by the Five Elements World.

But the Five Elements World had gained great benefits before, and the divine power storm has not ended until now, even if another two hundred trillion resources are invested, it is just icing on the cake.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing stored these cultivation resources in his space ring first, and then allocated them later.

It is worth mentioning that he had only one space ring before.

Since he rescued dozens of stars and picked up massive star fragments and crystals, the ring was almost full.

Now that he has so many resources, he can only refine one more king-level top-grade space ring to store resources and treasures.

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The index fingers of his left and right hands wore the space ring.

Fortunately, these two rings are as black as ink, and they are simple and unpretentious, so they don't look funny.

After counting the spoils, it was already three days later.

At this time, the Tushen battleship flew by near a dead star.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing drove the God Tu battleship and landed on the dead star.

He hid in the remote place of the dead star, sacrificed nine heavens and ten absolute towers, entered the twisted time and space, and refined the fragments of the gods.

After the battle of Tiance Xing, he had accumulated four hundred pieces of the godhead of the **** king powerhouse in his hand.

The first thing he wants to refine is naturally the fragments of the godhead of the Tiance Domain Lord.

Not only is the strength of the Tiance Domain Master the strongest, but also because he wants to learn from the memory of the Heavenly Strategy Domain Master and investigate clues related to Fengtian Dragon Emperor.

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