Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4064: All thoughts

The words of Nangong Nihuang stunned several elders.

Although, her words are simple and clear, and there is no long-term truth.

But it is such a simple and popular truth, but it is shocking and embarrassing, making several elders feel ashamed.

The atmosphere in the hall was a bit embarrassing. Several elders looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to say.

In the end, Nangong made up his mind and spoke.

"Nihuang is right. Since our Nangong clan is most trusted and respected by the Sword God, we must never let down his trust.

When encountering difficulties and dangers, you should first think about how to solve them.

Instead of letting the sword **** solve everything, we hide behind to keep safe.

I believe that Sword God certainly has the ability to solve it.

But if so, what is the meaning and function of our existence? What qualifications do you have to be trusted and entrusted with important tasks by the Sword God? "

With these words of earnestness, several elders nodded in agreement, and stopped mentioning the awakening of the sword god.

Nangong was not confused and ordered: "Immediately summon all the guards, young children and deacons of our clan, and all enter a state of preparation for war, and fully guard Yanxu Cave.

If we guard Yanxu Cave Sky, we can buy more time for the Sword God.

Even if there is more bloodshed and sacrifice, never flinch! "

Nangong Nihuang and several elders said in unison and obeyed their orders, and quickly left the Guangming Hall and went on their mission.

Soon, they passed on Nangong's order not to be confused.

A loud, rapid horn sounded in Yanxu Cave days, the clansmen from all directions gathered one after another, and those clansmen who were practicing were also awakened.

After just half an hour, tens of thousands of Nangong people were fully armed and gathered on the squares of the peaks.

Nangong was sitting in the Guangming Hall, commanding seven elders and dozens of deacons, and issued a series of orders.

The tens of thousands of Nangong people were divided into dozens of teams. Under the leadership of the elders and deacons, they rushed to various places in Yanxu Cave to perform different tasks.

The first task is to activate the large array of Yanxu Dongtian, input divine power for each array base, and strengthen defense.

Only in this way can the defensive strength of the large formation be enhanced and the delay will be longer.

Forty-nine teams and nearly 6,000 Nangong people were spent on this task alone.

Secondly, a few elders and a dozen deacons will lead more than 3,000 clansmen to arrange several large defensive formations with a radius of thousands of miles.

This task was personally presided over by Nangong Nihuang, and several elders cooperated fully.

The large defensive formation deployed should cover the peaks and firmly protect the residence of the Nangong people.

Once Yanxu Dongtian's defensive formation is breached, Jinshuang and nearly a thousand masters will come in, at least there will be a second barrier that can protect the Nangong people.

When the entire Nangong clan was dispatched to support and arrange various large formations with all their strength.

At the entrance of Yanxu Cave, the seven inspectors, 42 **** kings and 900 **** kings under Jinshuang's command are also busy.

Numerous gods and powerful people joined forces to gain insight into the mystery of Yanxu Cave Sky's defense formation and began to study how to crack it.

Although there is only one big formation in Yanxu Cave Sky, there are many people who study the big formation!

Everyone has their own thoughts and opinions, and their accomplishments are also different.

Therefore, the total of seven inspectors and forty-two **** kings gave birth to more than thirty different suggestions and ideas.

Each one sounds very reasonable, and seems to have the necessity of practice.

But time does not allow this, everyone must come up with an effective plan as soon as possible.

Several inspectors were arguing with many domain masters, and those **** kings with low strength were basically unable to intervene.

As a result, more than a dozen proposals and ideas were eliminated.

But there are more than 20 kinds of proposals, which need to be screened by everyone.

Jinshuang frowned when she saw this scene, showing an unhappy expression.

The seven inspectors saw that the deputy commander was not happy anymore, and they no longer talk nonsense with the domain masters and kings, and directly ruled out their suggestions.

Those domain masters and powerful **** kings are naturally full of grievances, but they are helpless.

Who made the status of several inspectors higher than them?

But even so, the seven inspectors also hold different opinions and need to be screened.

The forty-two **** kings all stepped aside, and only seven inspectors remained arguing.

Jinshuang was angry at that time, and cursed the seven inspectors.

The seven people immediately became honest and unanimously agreed with a certain inspector's proposal.

In fact, everyone knew that the proposal of the inspector was the best solution.

It's just that everyone has been competing and showing their minds, and they don't want to be compared.

Since Jinshuang was angry, they didn't dare to entangle anymore.

If Jinshuang is angered by any chance, the gain is not worth the loss.

Furthermore, using the plan proposed by the inspector, even if there are any problems, they cannot be blamed.

In this way, the seven inspectors determined the plan to crack the big formation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and led the 42 **** kings to start practicing.

As time goes by, everyone is devoted to the work of cracking the big array, working very hard.

Only those three divine ships were idle and had nothing to do, and were sent away by Jinshuang.

They flew around the entrance of the cave and inspected the situation in a radius of 100,000 miles to prevent other forces from reinforce the Nangong clan.

Unconsciously, half a day passed.

In spite of the many gods and kings, busy and full of enthusiasm, they look very serious.

But in fact, the task of cracking the big array only started not long ago, and even half of it was not completed.

After Jinshuang observed carefully, his face was pale with anger, and he reprimanded the many gods.

He knew very well that if one more hour was delayed, they would be more dangerous.

But the seven inspectors had limited abilities, and no amount of scolding would help.

In desperation, he could only personally join the ranks of cracking the formation, cast a spell to break the formation by himself.


In fact, Jinshuang's concerns are not unreasonable.

Not confused, Nangong also thought about sending messages to other forces, asking them to support Yanxu Cave Sky.

However, after thinking about it, he gave up this plan.

There are not many allies of the Nangong clan, just two or three ancient clans and two sectarian forces.

Those two sect forces will not be mentioned, the number of strong and master is not enough, even if they come, they will die.

As for the two or three ancient clans... Of the five mysterious powerhouses who came before, two of them were the patriarchs of the ancient clans.

Nangong thought with their toes and knew that they would definitely watch the fire from the other side, taking this opportunity to observe the reaction of the Nangong clan and test the depth and details of the sword god.

After getting the answer, it is more convenient for them to negotiate with the sword **** in the future.

They are eager to have such an opportunity, how can they send people to rescue?

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