Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4073: Hard work

The two questions raised by Ji Tianxing are indeed very critical.

Everyone knew that this made sense, but they all fell into hesitation and hesitation.

The first question is fine, but the key is the second question.

The spirits of everyone present are intact, and the spirits are very mysterious and complicated.

If you rashly cut the soul into a strand, it will definitely cause a lot of damage to yourself, and even present unpredictable danger.

For example, it affects spiritual consciousness, consciousness and thinking, loss of certain memories or abilities, and even affects the foundation and realm of God's power...

All of the above dangers are very likely to happen, and no one dares to be careless.

As a result, everyone fell silent and calmed down.

Ji Tianxing looked around for a week, smiled and said, "I'll try it first."

As soon as his voice fell, the Blood Illusory God King hurriedly stopped, saying: "My son, never!

You are now implementing a very important plan. There must not be any mistakes. Let me do it! "

Xue Lin quietly pulled the sleeves of the blood illusion, and reminded in a low voice: "You have already merged with the sacred tree, how can you try?"

"Uh..." The Blood Illusory God King scratched his head awkwardly, and could only step back.

Afterwards, Lin Xue, Chao Qingyu and Yanke stepped forward at the same time, and said firmly: "Let me come!"

The left envoy Jin and the right envoy of the blood dragon also leaned over and said passionately: "I'll come!"

Ji Tianxing looked at them and persuaded: "You two had a hard time breaking through the Divine King Realm. Now that even the realm is not stable, don't join in the fun."

Jin Zuoshi and Xuelong Youshi were persuaded to go back, but Lin Xue, Chao Qingyu, and Yan Ke were still insisting.

But Ji Tianxing stopped the three of them, and said earnestly: "This tree of blood flames was cultivated and grown by me. I am its owner and know it best.

Moreover, I have the most experience in cultivating Shinto, so of course I will try first.

After I am successful, I will teach you how to do it.

Even if I can't succeed, at least I won't hurt myself.

Don't worry, my control of the spirits is meticulous, and nothing will happen. "

Everyone couldn't hold back him, so they could only promise him to try first.

Of course, everyone knew that he was protecting everyone, and their hearts were full of gratitude.

In a short while, Ji Tianxing began to use his powers and spells, carefully dividing the soul.

Everyone was sitting around him, dedicated to defending the law for him. They didn't even dare to let out the atmosphere, let alone make a sound, for fear of disturbing him.

Although, cutting a strand of soul is very dangerous, but also very complicated and troublesome.

But Ji Tianxing's control of the soul is indeed beyond the meticulousness of ordinary people.

Ten days passed quietly, and he successfully separated a ray of soul, condensed into a cloud of white light in front of him.

It looks like a spirit of white mist, only the size of a walnut, but it contains pure spirit power, and has consciousness and memory.

But after it leaves Ji Tianxing's divine body, it cannot exist for too long in the twisted time and space, and must be attached to something.

Moreover, Ji Tianxing had just separated a ray of soul, which still had an impact on himself, and was a little weaker than before.

But he didn't care about recuperating and adjusting his breath, and quickly used the power of the soul to warm the branches of a certain blood flame tree, and then began to try to merge.

The platform was silent, and time passed quietly.

Lin Xue, Chao Qingyu and others kept quiet, staring at Ji Tianxing intently, observing how he casts the spell.

The hearts of everyone were also raised, and they were worried and anxious for Ji Tianxing.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing's casting process has been very stable, and there is no abnormality.

His expression is also very calm, his divine power and spirit fluctuations are normal.

Day after day passed, and everyone's hanging hearts gradually relaxed.

Ten days later, above everyone's heads, the three-foot-long branch gradually changed from purple-red to a layer of pale gold.

Seeing this special change, everyone was excited, full of excitement and anticipation.

After waiting for another three days, Ji Tianxing finished casting his spell and opened his eyes.

Everyone hurriedly gathered around Xihan to ask Nuan, and asked him how he was doing with concern.

Ji Tianxing showed a slight smile and said: "I made you worry, the process went smoothly, I succeeded!

Now I also have a ray of soul, pinned on this tree of blood flame, which is equivalent to an extra life-saving talisman. "

When everyone heard it, they suddenly cheered excitedly.

"Wow, that's great!"

"Finally succeeded, the lord is really amazing!"


After cheering, everyone looked at Ji Tianxing, listening to him explain the process of casting the spell and the matters to be noted, as well as the experience he summarized.

He told them carefully one by one, so that everyone could hear clearly, without missing a single point.

After all, this matter is very important to everyone, and there is no room for mistakes.

After half a day, Ji Tianxing taught everyone his experience and answered all questions.

Afterwards, Lin Xue volunteered her first attempt.

Ji Tianxing, Chao Qingyu and others all expressed encouragement and support for her bravery.

Therefore, Lin Xue began to cut the soul and merge the tree according to Ji Tianxing's instructions.

Ji Tianxing, Chao Qingyu and others were on the side to help her protect the law, keeping an eye on her situation.

The process does not need to be detailed. Although there is a little episode ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, under the **** of Ji Tianxing, it can be regarded as a surprise.

More than twenty days later, a strand of Lin Xue's soul was successfully integrated into a branch of the blood flame tree.

The purple-black branches were also covered with a layer of white fluorescence, flowing slowly, very special.

Xue Lin made it!

Next, Chao Qingyu, Yanke, Laner and others all tried one by one under the guidance of Ji Tianxing.

Chao Qingyu spent twenty-two days and successfully integrated a strand of soul into the tree.

Lan'er took 24 days to complete, while Yanke only took 18 days.

This is not to say that Yanke is more talented and stronger than the couple, but that Yanke's thinking is simpler and more direct.

After they all succeeded, the Golden Left Envoy and the Blood Dragon Right Envoy, who had been practicing for several months, also rushed over to join in the fun.

As a result, the people taught them both experience and know-how, and together they protected the law, so that they also successfully integrated a ray of spirit.

Unconsciously, half a year passed.

Yun Yao and Ji Wushuang finished their cultivation and woke up.

Seeing everyone gathering under the tree of blood flames, they seemed to be studying something, and the mother and daughter flew over.

The crowd met with greetings and greetings for a while.

After finishing, Yun Yao asked Ji Tianxing what happened.

Ji Tianxing explained the whole story to Yun Yao.

Yun Yao smiled after hearing this, worried and reproachfully said: "You are too foolish!

You have already merged with the world of the five elements, as long as the world of the five elements is immortal, you are immortal.

It is enough to have the world of five elements to save lives. How can you still risk dividing the soul and merging with this tree?

In case something goes wrong when dividing the soul..."

Halfway through, she suddenly understood Ji Tianxing's good intentions, and stopped the topic.

"Hey, I know that you are doing it for the good of everyone, to find a way to save everyone's life..."

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