Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4081: Alliance reached

  The **** kings in the hall are all smart people.

   As soon as Ji Tianxing said, everyone understood.

  He just wants to strictly control the power of the various clans, and not allow the situation of separatism between the heroes, so as to ensure the peace of the Vast Sky Continent.

  Some people agree with this, but some people object to it.

   Xu Bailian frowned and asked, "Sword God, by then you will be the overlord of the Vast Sky Continent. With you sitting here, all clans and top forces will not dare to start wars at will?"

   This question was asked to the heart of many strong people, and many people nodded in agreement.

   Ji Tianxing smiled, and explained: "I guessed that you would think that way, but do you think that the goal of this seat is to rescue the Haotian Continent?

   There are also Reincarnation Island, Heaven, Qiankun and Chaos Continent, all under the dark rule of the four great emperors.

   The Li people on the four continents also yearn for light and freedom! "

   Hearing this, everyone was shocked, showing unbelievable expressions, and some others took a cold breath.

   Obviously, Ji Tianxing is saying that he not only wants to rescue the Haotian Continent, but also rescues the entire God Realm!

   He wants to overthrow the rule of the five **** emperors and go to war with the five **** emperors!

   What kind of mind and spirit is this?

   Naturally, if Ji Tianxing rescued five continents, he took control of the entire God Realm.

   Then he is too busy, there are still many things to do, it is impossible to sit in the Haotian Continent.

   In this way, he deliberately suppressed the power of the major clans, and it made sense.

   Several patriarchs and suzerains were silent, and Patriarch Xia was speechless.

   He still felt a little bit frustrated, and wanted to gain more benefits for the Xia clan, but he didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing was more considerate and didn’t embarrass Chief Xia for too long, so he continued: “Originally, we just took the first step to rebel against the plan. I don’t want to tell everyone about it so early and hastily. .

   But everyone asked here, it’s okay to let you know in advance.

   Patriarch Xia, the conditions you requested cannot be met by this seat.

   But this seat can help the Xia clan, proofread and correct the secrets of the exercises, and give pointers on a few things that can be made. What do you think? "

   If another **** king said to help the Xia clan fix the secret book, then the Xia clan must doubt whether the other party wanted to steal the Xia clan’s inheritance techniques.

   But when Ji Tianxing said this, the strong people present would never doubt it!

   After all, none of the powers has a peak **** king.

   The Sword God was the pinnacle **** king thousands of years ago, and now he is back to the pinnacle. Can you still see those low-level techniques?

   To put it another way, the sword **** helped the Xia clan revise the practice secrets, that is definitely the Xia clan's profit.

   What's more, the Sword God also promised to give pointers on what the Xia can make.

   Everyone present knows that if the Sword God is personally directed, as long as it is not an elm bump, it will fly into the sky!

   For example, Bai Feng of the Feng family, that is a living example.

   Didn't you see that Bai Feng had been following the sword **** with all his heart, and didn't even return to Shenfeng Dongtian?

  Although, this condition promised by Ji Tianxing will benefit the Xia a lot.

   But this condition is not excessive, and the other seven forces will not be jealous. It is the best of both worlds.

   Patriarch Xia also knew how to measure, so he responded to Ji Tianxing and expressed his gratitude.

   Next, he took the jade slip and read the covenant in public.

   After he finished reading the covenant, the content of the oath was recognized by the heavens. He was lit up with golden light, Dao Yun appeared above his head, and thunder blasted again above the Palace of Light.

   Ji Tianxing also publicly agreed in accordance with the procedures to reward the Xia clan in one area and allow the Xia clan to develop power and industries in the surrounding ten areas.

   So far, the nine powers, including the Nangong clan, have formed an alliance with Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing and the nine patriarchs and suzerains saluted each other and thanked each other.

   Even if I had many thoughts in my heart before, I smiled at this moment and showed great harmony and unity.

   Next, everyone began to discuss a specific plan of action.

   The leader of the rebellious alliance is naturally Ji Tianxing, and the deputy leader is of course Nangong Buzhu.

   Ji Tianxing has the right to control and dispatch the nine powers, and also has the obligation to protect the nine powers from being destroyed.

   But how to act specifically and where to start dealing with the strong under the command of God Emperor Shura is still debatable.

   After half an hour of negotiation, the principals of several forces all thought that starting from Yanxu Cave Sky was a good choice.

   Various forces will spend half a month leading their own elite, at least a thousand people, to gather in Yanxu Cave.

   Then, Yuji Tianxing led everyone to take the initiative, sweeping each domain one by one, and purge the power of the Emperor Shura.

   Ji Tianxing and Nangong Buluo have not expressed their views, and in fact do not agree with everyone's suggestions.

  Because they knew in their hearts that the various forces did not want to be alone, they would rather stay together to keep warm.

   But this is inefficient. As long as Mengshuai and Emperor Shi are not stupid, it is easy to find a countermeasure.

   Seeing that the six patriarchs and the suzerain reached a consensus, only the Shenfeng patriarch and Lan Wuji were silent and hesitated to express their opinions.

  According to the principle of the minority obeying the majority, it is natural to follow the suggestions of the six patriarchs and suzerains, and work together.

   But this alliance is respected by Ji Tian, ​​he has the absolute right to speak, and there are no principles or rules.

   Seeing that everyone was still discussing, Ji Tianxing raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said in a majestic tone: "The collective action is safe, and the strength is concentrated, but it is inefficient.

   We must defeat Mengshuai and the emperor as soon as possible with lightning speed.

   If time is delayed for a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ give them enough time to make arrangements, our actions will be more difficult.

   Therefore, this seat decided to split the troops into two operations.

   One route is personally led by this seat, followed by the Feng clan, Bailian Guzong and Yuchi clan.

   Another route led by Nangong Buluo, followed by the Lan clan, the God of War, the Xia clan, She Mi Dongtian and the Jiang clan. "

   Hearing about Ji Tianxing's arrangement, the principals of the eight forces were a little confused.

   Ji Tianxing only brought three clans, but Nangong Buluo brought four clans and Bailian Guzong.

   Everyone frowned and thought, what was his intention for doing this?

   Could it be that he relied on his high strength and only brought three clans, which was worthy of the other five clans and Bailian Ancient Sect?

   Moreover, the Lan family, the God of War and the Jiang family were obviously more loyal to him, but he arranged to be under the command of Nangong.

   Is he doing this to stabilize the situation, so that Nangong won’t be confused?

   After all, the Lan Clan, the God of War and the Jiang Clan look at his face, and they will not make Nangong confused.

   Thinking of this, the principals of the various forces are relieved.

   Then, Nangong asked in a solemn tone, "Leader, in our rebellious action, in addition to eradicating the power of the Emperor Shura, do we need to attack the domain masters of each domain?"

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