Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4217: Before the war

A few hours ago, Ji Tianxing discussed the follow-up plan with Patriarch Songhe and several elders.

Ji Tianxing has full confidence in the ambush of the four reincarnation gods and the eight thousand army, so there is not much discussion.

The focus of his discussion with the Songhe patriarch and several elders was how to proceed after the eight thousand troops were resolved.

He appeared openly and declared to everyone on Samsara Island that the Sword God has arrived and rescued the Songhe Clan from danger...

Doing so will appear upright, upright, and very high-profile.

The consequence is that the people of Samsara Island cheered and were extremely excited, looking forward to the Sword God's ability to capture Samsara Island as soon as possible, and return the people's freedom.

However, when the Styx Commander and the Blood Prison Marshal received the news, they would be extra vigilant and guarded.

There is a high possibility that they will shrink their forces, all of them will be shrunk in Youdu, and they will no longer attack easily.

In this way, even if Ji Tianxing conquered a few ancient clans and formed a rebellious alliance·reincarnation island army, it would be difficult to weaken the opponent's forces.

The Rebellious Alliance can only attack Youdu and start a decisive battle with the commander of Styx and the Marshal of the Blood Prison.

The numbers and strength of the two sides are very different. It is by no means a wise choice to fight a decisive battle as soon as they come up.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing told Patriarch Songhe and several elders at the time that he would not appear invisible to avoid leaking the news.

He also told Patriarch Songhe and others what to do after solving the eight thousand army.

Today, things are developing according to his expectations.

The four reincarnation gods and the eight thousand army have been resolved, and it is time for Patriarch Songhe to act.

"Follow the orders of Lord Sword God!"

Patriarch Songhe and the four elders bowed and saluted together, and after saying that they obeyed, they turned and left the hall.

Afterwards, the two elders personally went to guard the prison and strengthened their vigilance and defense to avoid problems with the two thousand prisoners.

Patriarch Songhe and the other two elders went to perform a series of follow-up tasks, mainly to release news of the battle.

In addition, the more than 3,000 children of the Songhe tribe also need to recuperate and adjust their breath to restore their peak state as soon as possible.

Because everyone knows that the real battle has just begun.

Next, the Songhe tribe will face even greater challenges and crises!


Patriarch Songhe is very efficient.

Only one day later, the relevant news was released from various channels, quickly spread throughout the surrounding areas, and then spread to the entire Samsara Island.

Therefore, a day later, many forces and the people of Reincarnation Island will know.

The commander of Styx is very domineering and powerful. In order to force the Songhe Clan to surrender and allegiance, he sent four reincarnation generals and eight thousand troops to attack Gusongdongtian.

The commander of the Styx also issued an order to deprive the Songhe tribe of all assets, and arrest all the members of the Songhe tribe, and escorted them until Youdu beheaded.

Of course, this news is half-true and half-false, and the Songhe Clan deliberately processed it in order to arouse public outrage and highlight the brutality of the Styx commander.

Seeing that the Songhe clan was about to be destroyed by the cruel methods led by Styx, the inheritance of tens of thousands of years was cut off.

The Songhe people, who did not want to sit still, went up to the patriarch and elders, down to the old and weak, women and children, all of their will to fight back.

Fortunately, before the arrival of the four reincarnation gods and the eight thousand army, the Songhe clan secretly contacted several powerful men.

Those strong men are also righteous men who yearn for freedom and peace and are unwilling to be controlled and driven by the commander of Styx.

They had long expected that the leader of the Styx would take the Songhe tribe, so they led thousands of elite soldiers in advance to lie in ambush under the ancient Songdong sky.

Therefore, this battle is very fierce, and the result is very pleasing.

Thousands of Songhe tribesmen, and more than 5,000 children led by several other strong men, laid a large seal in the ancient Songdong cave.

Patriarch Songhe used a clever trick to induce the four great reincarnation gods and the eight thousand army into an ambush, and the two sides launched a fierce battle in the seal formation.

In the end, the four reincarnation gods will be killed by the Songhe patriarch and others, and the eight thousand army will be completely annihilated, with no bones left!

The Songhe tribe won the victory and preserved the legacy of tens of thousands of years.

This incident also proved that the leader of Styx and Marshal of Blood Prison, who ruled the island of Samsara and oppressed the people for thousands of years, were not so terrible.

Only by daring to resist and not afraid of sacrifice, can it be possible to defeat the power and win freedom and peace!

Here, the Songhe clan also appealed to the hundreds of millions of Li people and thousands of sectarian forces on Samsara Island.

If you don't want to continue to be slaves, you must unite and fight back to overthrow the dark rule of the Nether God Emperor!

Similar news is spreading on Samsara Island at an extremely fast speed.

The major forces and the people of Reincarnation Island who heard the news suddenly exploded and discussed the matter emotionally.

Many people felt unbelievable. They didn't expect the Songhe Clan to be so strong and daring to resist the will of Styx.

And more people are speculating, who are those mysterious strong men who have joined hands to help Songhe tribe? What forces are behind them?

The first reaction of most people is... it must be the other four ancient clans!

The four ancient clans, like the Songhe clan, have been procrastinating for time and refused to surrender to the leader of the Styx River. They seem to want to wait for the arrival of the sword **** ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then, they will be loyal to the sword **** and overthrow the nether god. The rule of the emperor.

Although there is no news from the Sword God, the commander of Styx can't wait, and decisively starts with the Songhe tribe.

Once Styx succeeded in commanding it and successfully destroyed the Songhe tribe, it played a role in killing chickens and monkeys.

Next, the leader of the Styx will deal with the other four ancient clans one by one.

In order to avoid this situation, the five ancient clans could only secretly communicate and secretly unite to advance and retreat together.

Only in this way can he contend with the leader of Styx, delaying time, and waiting for the arrival of the sword god.

Thinking of this, many forces on Samsara Island were secretly excited.

They are even more looking forward to the reaction of the commander of Styx and Marshal of the Blood Prison to the resistance of the five ancient clans?

They even want to know how long can such a powerful force be supported by the five ancient clans united?

In this way, the atmosphere of the entire Samsara Island has changed.

From the previous mountain rain, the wind is full of wind, calm and depressed, becoming lively and boiling.

The people rushed to tell each other to support the five ancient clans spiritually.

Although they all look forward to the arrival of the Sword God as soon as possible, they all know that even if the Sword God comes to Reincarnation Island, they must first conquer the five ancient clans.

All in all, if you want to fight against the Styx Commander and the Blood Prison Marshal, the five ancient clans are the main force!

On the other side, the Styx Commander and the Blood Prison Marshal were the first to receive news.

When they learned that the four great reincarnation gods and the eight thousand army had been killed, they burst into anger on the spot, and thunder was furious.

Although they knew that the Songhe tribe were hard bones and would not surrender easily.

But they didn't expect that the attitude of the Songhe Clan was so tough and not afraid of death!


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