Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4307: All down

This hapless deputy domain master was quietly killed by Ji Tianxing while he was resting in his residence.

Ji Tianxing defeated his godhead, refined his soul memory, and got the information he wanted.

At the same time, he also knew that tens of thousands of soldiers were almost mutinous in the past few days.

This makes him more confident, has more means and opportunities, and throws the sky into chaos.

This deputy domain master followed Xin'an domain master and brought more than two thousand elite guards to Tiandu.

The other four domain owners have a good relationship with them, and they are in the same spirit in private.

Since there is a good relationship, there are naturally others who have a relationship.

There were two domain owners who had grievances and grudges with them because of some frictions and contradictions.

It's just that everyone is staying in Tiandu, under the eyes of the Tianyu God King, and can only pretend to be harmonious, and the well water does not offend the river.

At this time, a transmission guard came to his residence and reported a piece of news to him.

"Master Qi, those guys who sent Leyu have already taken up our posts, now we have to change defense!"

Not all of the more than 40,000 soldiers are performing tasks.

On weekdays, it is divided into two shifts, which are on duty and patrol in rotation.

Only in this way can it be ensured that the soldiers are energetic and can do their best in any war.

The two groups of soldiers have a five-day period, and they have to change defenses every five days.

In the past few days, more than two thousand people under this subdomain master have been on duty.

It won't change defense until midnight tonight and will be replaced by someone from the field.

It stands to reason that the people who sent Leyu four hours ahead of schedule were a little anxious.

But in the past two months, the sky is dull and boring, without any waves.

Let the guards and soldiers rest all day, they have long been impatient.

Every time before, the people who sent Le Domain came to replace him a few hours earlier. The deputy domain master didn't say anything, and the handover went smoothly.

In addition, there have been six thousand soldiers on the expedition in the past two days, and Tianyu God King has already begun to counterattack.

As long as the soldiers on duty, it is possible to receive orders at any time to perform combat tasks.

The people of Qianleyu obviously want to take this opportunity to strive for more opportunities to march and make meritorious service.

After the **** guard reported it, he thought that the deputy domain master would order the soldiers to transfer and change defenses as before.

But he didn't expect that the deputy domain master in front of him would have changed individuals long ago.

Ji Tianxing frowned, and yelled angrily: "The **** who send Leyu take the tolerance and kindness of this seat as a habit? Are you afraid of them?

Who doesn't know what they are making? Treat us as fools?

This seat has endured so many times, this time it will definitely not work!

Go tell the people in Qianleyu, let them go back, don't show up before time! "

"Huh?" The transmission guard did not expect that the sub-domain master would get angry, and of course he was a little confused when he said such strong words.

He hesitated a little, and tentatively asked: "My lord, do your subordinates really want to answer them like this?"

Ji Tianxing glared at him sharply and scolded, "Are you scared of them?"

The frightened neck of the transmission security guard shrank, no longer daring to talk nonsense, and hurriedly bowed to salute, and said, "Subordinates understand! Please rest assured, your subordinates must convey the truth."

After speaking, the transmission guard ran away in a hurry.

Ji Tianxing got up and went to the study, let the maid make a pot of tea, and lay on the grandmaster's chair leisurely, waiting for the follow-up.

His spiritual consciousness has spread out long ago, observing the surrounding situation, staring at his subordinates and those in Qianleyu.

He could clearly detect how wonderful the expressions on their faces were when the interrogation guards relayed his words to those in Qianleyu.

The next picture is also in his expectation.

The sub-domain master of Qianleyu and many of his guards naturally became angry and clashed with the soldiers under his command.

The two sides yelled at each other and ridiculed each other, and neither of them gave in, and then shoved and fought.

Although no lives were killed, dozens of people were injured on both sides.

Most of them were slightly injured, but a few people were severely injured, very miserable.

Naturally, things are getting louder.

Dispatched the deputy domain master of Leyu, and hurriedly called their domain master to come to town.

The security guard ran to Ji Tianxing again and reported what happened.

Upon hearing this, Ji Tianxing was furious, and angrily rebuked the people who sent Le Yu for boldness and lawlessness.

Your own soldiers are still on duty, and the other party dared to attack, which is really deceiving!

He immediately asked the subpoenaing guard to report to the Xin'an domain master, and contacted a few well-connected domain masters to support himself.

After a while, the Xin'an domain master ran to Ji Tianxing and asked angrily what had happened.

Ji Tianxing was still angry, and described the actions of the people in Qian Leyu.

Although the Xin'an domain master felt that it was not quite right, he was also bitter with the enemy and did not think much about it.

Knowing that Ji Tianxing had contacted several other domain owners to help them support the scene and reason with each other, the Xin'an domain master deeply agreed. The fastest updated novels https://

And ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he also urged earnestly: "We are about to launch a counterattack soon, now is a critical moment, we must not cause trouble.

This seat knows that the previous three gods led their troops and did not pick us. You feel a little regret and anger in your heart.

But you are not emotional, and you can still remain calm. Ask the other four domain owners to comment, and I can rest assured. "

Ji Tianxing quickly said: "Yes! We are elite teachers, and we have shed blood and sold our lives for the Heavenly King. How loyal to the Heavenly King?

How could the **** of Qianleyu be bullied? This is absolutely unbearable!

However, I will not conflict with them, just let a few other domain owners comment.

It's really hard to tell, let's ask Fengyi God King to judge! "

The domain master of Xin'an waved his hand quickly and persuaded: "Don't! It's best that we can solve it in private, don't disturb the God King Fengyi at will."

Ji Tianxing nodded to express his understanding.

The domain master of Xin'an was still a little worried, and decided to go to the scene in person.

Ji Tianxing followed him, but a joking sneer flashed under his eyes. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

The two of them left the house where they lived, and only flew thousands of miles away, when the transmission guard galloped towards him with a slightly flustered expression.

The domain master of Xin'an shook his heart for a while. He had a premonition that the situation was not good, so he quickly stopped him and asked, "Why are you so flustered?"

The transmission guard replied with a weeping face and a very embarrassed expression: "Master Domain, the other four Domain Masters brought people to judge and preside fair justice to us. I didn't expect that the **** who sent Le Domain would not be forgiving, spitting blood, and insisting on us. Bullying by too much.

A few commanders were very popular, but they fought with them again.

Those four domain masters were also affected, and everyone was involved.

So... the people from our five families united and brought down all the people from Qianleyu! "

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