Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4312: Separation and estrangement

The words said by the God King Tianyu were addressed to many domain masters.

Later, I will announce to the entire Tiandu and let tens of thousands of soldiers know.

Therefore, these remarks are concise and clear, showing his attitude.

But Feng Yi Shen Wang knew very well that there was a subtext in it.

The first point is that no matter how God King Tianyu punishes soldiers, it represents the will of God Emperor Nebula, and soldiers have no right to criticize and resist.

The second point is that Xin'an's deputy domain owner's performance is a bit abnormal, which is not in line with his usual behavior, and Fengyi Shenwang wants to investigate.

It must be clarified whether the deputy domain master of Xin'an was instigated and provoked by others, or for other reasons.

The third point, no matter what the soldiers think, even if they are filled with righteous indignation, share the same hatred of the enemy, and hate the Heavenly King.

This incident must also be characterized as that the soldiers have been misled and provoked.

God King Fengyi only needs to find some scapegoats, and get rid of them on charges of provoking discord.

All in all, Tianyu God King does not care about the lives of the soldiers. It is not a big deal to die one or a thousand.

He only needs to be faithful and obedient to the scholars!

Feng Yi Shen Wang can guess the subtext of Tianyu Shen Wang, and naturally has the ability to complete these tasks.

As a result, God King Tianyu withdrew from the main hall and Shi Shiran left.

The King Fengyi stayed, supervised the many domain owners and soldiers from each domain, and went to the penalty hall to receive punishment.

The ten domain masters are in a complicated mood, especially the Xin'an domain master, and their hearts are even more tormented.

Those thousands of soldiers who participated in the battle were also silent all the way.

In the past, when they were punished in the Xingtang, they would definitely scream again and again when they were tortured.

But what's very strange is that this time, both the domain master and the soldiers received the punishment silently and were carried down by their companions.

Of course, there are also many soldiers who were already seriously injured, who failed to withstand the torture of torture, and fell into a coma on the spot or were deposed.

But they still didn't yell or beg for mercy, but with incomparable hatred and resentment in their eyes, they swept past those tormentors in Xingtang. The fastest updated novels https://

Silent hatred is the most terrible.

Silence does not mean fear. These domain masters and soldiers who were tortured and punished just swallowed their breath temporarily.

But in their hearts, they gave up on Tianyu God King and Feng Yi God King.

The so-called loyalty has also disappeared.

Of course, they are still in the Heavenly Capital, and it is impossible for them to betray the Heavenly King.

But if they were to leave Tiandu, it might be possible.


After thousands of people were punished in the Xingtang, nearly half of the soldiers fell into a coma, a small number of soldiers were abolished, and dozens of them died on the spot.

Those who can move will return to their residence to retreat by themselves.

Those who could not move were dragged and carried by the Silver Armored Guards, and sent back to their garrison like cargo.

And this scene was seen by domain owners and soldiers in many regions.

Seeing the tragic end of the punished soldiers, look at the murderous, indifferent and merciless attitude of the Silver Armor Guards.

Even if the domain owners and soldiers were not implicated, there was a sense of sadness.

As related news spread throughout the capital, more than 40,000 soldiers learned about the causes and consequences of the incident, as well as the methods of the God King Tianyu and the God King Fengyi.

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For a time, the whole sky was filled with a heavy and depressive atmosphere.

Tens of thousands of soldiers talked in private, but on the surface they were very silent, especially when facing the Heavenly King and his descendants, it was extremely dull.

In short, there has been a very deep gap between the soldiers and the people under the King of Heaven.

Although the two sides will not be opposed for the time being, the gap between the classes is rapidly strengthening.

No matter how many methods the Tianyu God King and Feng Yi God King use, they cannot be eliminated!

But the two sides stand on their own positions, and neither think that they are at fault, and neither will reflect on and make concessions.


The suicide of Xin'an Deputy Domain Master was of course a scene performed by Ji Tianxing.

He infiltrated the Tiandu and seized the deputy landlord of Xin'an, just to create contradictions and disrupt the situation in Tiandu.

When the Fengyi God King killed all the people who sent Leyu and arrested everyone for trial, his goal was actually achieved.

The identity of Xin'an Deputy Domain Master doesn't have much value for use.

In addition, Fengyi God King has noticed him and will definitely monitor and investigate him closely.

That being the case, he simply added the last fire when things developed to the peak, when it was about to end and settle down.

He committed suicide in public, and before he died, he called out grievances and accused the gods of Tianyu and Fengyi of the crimes, which evoked the resonance of many domain owners and soldiers.

I have to say that this trick is ruthless and the effect is very significant!

Moreover, no one thought he would do that at the time, no one responded, and no one could stop him.

The so-called suicide is actually relatively simple.

When he smashed the Tian Ling Gai with his palm and committed suicide, his soul quietly escaped from the body and flew away in hiding.

As for the godhead fragments of Xin'an Deputy Domain Lord, he kept it all along and returned it to the head of the corpse.

As a result, his spirit and spirit escaped smoothly, and Xin'an deputy domain master died very real and natural.

Even if Tianyu God King and Feng Yi God King became suspicious ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ after checking the body of Xin'an Deputy Domain Master, nothing could be found.

After Ji Tianxing's spirit left the square in front of the temple, he temporarily returned to his body and continued to lurk in the sky, looking for the next target.

As for who the next target will be, it depends on how the situation develops, and then choose the most suitable target.


In the next few days, the atmosphere in Tiandu remained strange.

Dozens of domain owners and their soldiers are still discussing in secret, and they are very depressed and bored.

Although they did not show any intention to resist, they followed the orders of the God King Tianyu and God King Feng Yi to continue their mission.

However, whenever they saw the descendants of the Tianyu God King and the silver armored guards, they would appear to be particularly indifferent, and there was a complicated meaning in their eyes.

Even if the King Fengyi was investigating the cause of death of the Xin'an Deputy Domain Lord, he was aware of this situation and also realized that the two sides were separated, I am afraid there will be signs of danger.

However, dozens of domain masters and tens of thousands of soldiers were well-behaved, did not make a single mistake, and he could not start and change.

Afterwards, he also reminded the Heavenly King, but the Heavenly King did not take it seriously, and said with a cold expression: "Xin'an Deputy Domain Lord committed suicide, causing the soldiers to misunderstand this seat. Their reaction is normal.

Don't worry about them, they will be fine after a while.

Furthermore, they are all citizens and soldiers of this seat, and they should obey any orders of this seat.

Is it possible that I have to consider their emotions and feelings and enlighten them? "

The God King Feng Yi had nothing to say and could only give up.

Even if he still has some worries in his heart, he can only comfort himself like this...When the sword **** and the army of the rebellious alliance are killed, after the battle between the two sides, many domain masters and soldiers divert their attention, and they should not be entangled in this matter again. Up.

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