Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4378: 1 Sword Power

The Tianhe domain master and many **** kings and guards stood inside the temple.

They faced off with Ji Tianxing and the others through a thick defensive formation.

As a result, the hundreds of guards and ten **** kings outside the gate of the divine palace became extremely embarrassed.

They also did not expect that the attitude of the Tianhe Domain Master was so decisive, and before they showed up, they would summon the soldiers and prepare for war.


"Should we rush to kill by the order of the master of the domain, or surrender to the sword god?"

"Oh my god...we are still being locked out, the domain master doesn't care about our life or death?"

"How can this be good? Once we fight, we are cannon fodder!"

Seeing the swords on both sides and the murderous aura, the hundreds of guards whispered in their hearts and looked anxiously.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke saw the posture of Tianhe Domain Master, and they knew that the other party had made a choice.

Ji Ke offered a sharp spear, and from the soles of his feet, a fiery divine fire rose up, condensed into a flaming red armor, and gradually enveloped his body.

In the blink of an eye, she turned into a female **** of war wearing a fiery red armor and holding a seven-foot gun, her posture was extremely heroic.

She stared at the Sky Crane Domain Master above the palace gate with cold eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Sky Crane Domain Master, do you think about the consequences?"

The domain master of Tianhe took a deep look at Ji Tianxing, before his eyes fell on Yunyao and Ji Ke, and sneered: "Hehe... I have ten years to consider and prepare. Naturally, I have already made a decision. !"

After speaking, he looked at Ji Tianxing again, and said in a cold tone: "Master Sword God appeared in person, but didn't plan to make a move, but let these two female classmates deal with this seat?

Sword God, you are too arrogant and despise people too! "

Ji Tianxing glanced at him coldly, and didn't even bother to answer.

Yun Yao wielded the Sun and Moon double swords, pointed at the Sky Crane Domain Lord, with a calm expression: "How can a weak person like you be worthy of the sword **** to take action?

Our two sisters are enough to step down in the Jinghe Palace! "

Everyone knows how strong the sword **** is.

The Sky Crane Domain Lord would not be so stupid to say that ‘the sword **** would only hide behind a woman’, he just felt that he could not die under the sword of the sword god, which was very regrettable.

According to his assumption, only by dying under the sword of the sword **** can he be tragic enough to show his loyalty to the nether **** emperor.

Both sides have said everything that should be said, so they no longer talk nonsense, and immediately start fighting.

Ji Kefeng glanced at the hundreds of guards outside the palace gate, pointed a sharp spear in his hand, and shouted coldly: "You, drop or die?"

Obviously, the guards who are in embarrassment are the first to bear the brunt.

The guard leaders of the ten Divine King Realm were dumbfounded, and hundreds of guards backed away, and they couldn't help shaking their heads.

Out of instinct, they were afraid.

But the domain master Tianhe was watching from the palace gate, and they couldn't escape in public.

Being pointed at by Ji Ke's sharp spear and at the same time stunned by Ji Ke's breath, the guards had to make a decision on the spot.

The two guards still tied their heads, hesitated, and slowly retracted their weapons, took off the armor, and bowed to Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

"I'll wait... I wish to drop!"

The two guard leaders endured the humiliation and guilt in their hearts and surrendered to Yunyao and Ji Ke.

Hundreds of guards breathed a sigh of relief, unloaded their weapons and armors, and saluted uniformly to express their surrender.

"It's so good, step aside and wait for it!"

Ji Ke retracted the spear, making the guards step aside and wait.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Sky Crane was so angry that his face was blue, his eyes were full of anger, and he couldn't help but curse.

"You traitors who are greedy for life and fear of death! You still have shame, do you still know how to write the word loyalty and justice?"

Not only the Heavenly Crane Domain Master, but other generals and God King powerhouses also scolded the guards who surrendered.

Hundreds of guards were blushing with scolding, bowed their heads in shame, afraid to look at the faces of the crowd.

The two guard leaders were also embarrassed and indignant, but resisted the humiliation, raised their heads to look at the Sky Crane Domain Lord, and yelled and asked: "Sky Crane Domain Master! We admit that we have no spine and shame to surrender.

But we were forced to do this by you!

Lord Sword God dominates the world, this is the general trend, and it is definitely not something we little people can resist!

Moreover, you shut us out because you want us to die.

If you are unkind, don't blame us for unrighteousness! "

When the hundreds of guards heard the commander's rebuttal, they immediately gained confidence and found psychological comfort, and they shouted words like ‘all you forced us’ to the Sky Crane Domain Lord.

The Lord of the Sky Crane Territory was furious, but he couldn't say that the guards.

At the same time, Yun Yao had already wielded both sun and moon swords, displayed supernatural powers and faculties, and took the lead in attacking the gate of the divine palace.


She used her unique swordsmanship to cut out six sword lights that looked like crescent moons and slashed them on the colorful mask.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

With a few dull and loud noises, the colorful divine light shield shuddered violently by the sword light, and countless divine light fragments were spattered~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the raging shock wave turned into a flood of colorful colors. , Spread in all directions.

Some of the peaks around Shenhe Palace were cut off, destroying large areas of jungle.

The power of the shock wave was too great, and the hundreds of guards were full of horror and quickly retreated to the distance to watch the battle.

Although, Yun Yao's strength was almost the same as that of the Peak God King.

However, the defensive formation of the Shenhe Palace was laid by the Nether God Emperor thousands of years ago, and it was a genuine king-level top-grade **** formation.

With the strength of Yunyao and Ji Ke, it will take a certain amount of time to break them.

What's more, the Tianhe Domain Master issued an order on the spot, bringing tens of thousands of guards to manipulate the divine formation, and launched a counterattack.

They used the power of the defensive formation to release the overwhelming light and sharp blades, and Chao Ji Tianxing and others attacked.

Ji Tianxing was naturally unwilling to let the power of Yun Yao and Ji Ke wasted on cracking the battle.

So he personally took action, displayed his supernatural powers, and cut out a sword light that opened the world, carrying terrifying power, and slicing the defensive formation.


Only heard a loud noise exploded, the colorful defense formation was cut into a huge gap on the spot, and countless fragments were spattered.

Thousands of guards cast spells to increase the power of the king-level top defensive array, but they were cut open by Ji Tianxing!

This shows how tyrannical his strength is!

This scene also made thousands of guards pale in fright, incredible.

Even the Tianhe Domain Master was frightened, his hands trembled.

If the Sword God really made the move, then he and the more than 10,000 guards in the divine palace would not be able to survive, and would undoubtedly die.

Fortunately, the sword **** stopped after breaking through the defense formation.

Yunyao and Ji Ke were holding weapons, turning into a stream of light, passing through the gap, and rushing into the Shenhe Palace.

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