Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4383: Sky star area

The Tianfeng star field is about the same size as the Tianhe star field.

The same is the hundreds of millions of stars arranged irregularly, among which there are thousands of stars, inhabited by intelligent life.

Between the Heavenly Phoenix Star Territory and the Heavenly Crane Star Territory, separated by a large area of ​​void, there are few stars dotted.

On the side close to the Heavenly Phoenix Star Territory, there is a galaxy that is several billion li long, composed of hundreds of thousands of stars.

All the stars in the Heavenly Phoenix Star Territory are arranged in patterns like a soaring phoenix with outstretched wings, hence the name.

The galaxy of billions of miles is like a band of light surrounding the phoenix, setting off its nobleness and elegance.

In the seemingly gorgeous galaxy, there are actually huge dangers and dangers hidden.

The stars in the galaxy flowed back and forth.

Although it looks gorgeous from the void, it looks like countless light spots are swimming.

However, being in the galaxy, I know how terrifying the flowing stars are.

Once hit by a group of meteors, even if it is a strong king, it is very likely to die.

In addition, there are large and small black holes in the galaxy.

It is like a whirlpool that chooses people to devour, and can swallow the past **** kings and battleships at any time.

If you are waiting for leisure, you will not dare to cross that galaxy and rush straight to the Heavenly Phoenix Star Territory, you must go around billions of miles to avoid the entire galaxy.

However, the God-slaughtering battleship that Ji Tianxing rides is a king-class superb ship, naturally not afraid of the danger in the galaxy.

Bailong drove the warship in the void, and entered the galaxy two months later. During the period, although he encountered a meteor shower, he also encountered a dozen black holes.

However, Bailong could perceive the danger in advance and control the Battleship Tushen to avoid it.

The meteorite that is really unavoidable, even if it collides with the Battleship Tushen, is harmless.

While the Battleship Tushen was on the way, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others have been practicing in twisting time and space.

Even if Ji Tianxing's strength is already very powerful, he never forgets to improve his strength.

He is working towards the realm of the seventy times peak **** king.

Yunyao, Ji Ke and others are also working hard to improve their strength.

Although everyone didn't say it, they knew it well.

Ji Tianxing has unified the God Realm, and is now exploring the void outside the domain.

After he conquered the Heavenly Phoenix Star Territory, and then traveled to the Heavenly Lin Star Territory, this trip to the void should be over.

The nine star regions have been traversed. By then, regardless of whether he has found a clue to the disappearance of the Tianlong Emperor, Ji Tianxing will seek revenge on the five gods.

Perhaps 20 years later, or 30 years later, the two sides will inevitably start a decisive battle.

Everyone also hopes that they can improve their strength as much as possible before the decisive battle breaks out, so that they can help Ji Tianxing and play a major role in the future.

Not only Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Ji Wuhen, Nangong Ao, and Lin Xue thought so, but even the soldiers and the king of gods who followed Ji Tianxing thought this way.

Therefore, when the Battleship Tushen was on its way, everyone was extremely quiet, without any waves.


It took ten days for the Battleship Tushen to pass through the vast galaxy without any danger.

Three months after Ji Tianxing left the Tianhe Star Region, the Battleship Tushen successfully entered the Tianfeng Star Region.

Still the same as before, God Tu's battleship concealed its whereabouts and breath, and was not noticed by anyone.

Bailong drove the Battleship Tushen, cruising in the Tianfeng star field, ignoring the smaller stars with no signs of life, and looking for the stars where living things live.

Every few days, he could find a star inhabited by living creatures, and then awakened Ji Tianxing, who was practicing Yun Gong.

Ji Tianxing sneaked into the star secretly, performed various magical skills, and used various methods to investigate clues about the Tianlong Emperor.

There was no result for one star, Bailong steered the divine ship to leave, and continued to search for the next star.

The two stars did not find any clues, neither Bai Long nor Ji Tianxing had any feelings, and continued to rush to other stars.

In this way, the years passed quietly, year after year.

Unconsciously, eleven years have passed.

Ji Tianxing investigated thousands of stars, but the result was still as usual, with little gain at all.

Although, he was able to investigate some clues that proved that the Heavenly Dragon Emperor visited the Heavenly Phoenix Star Territory more than a thousand years ago.

However, the Emperor Tianlong just passed by here and stayed occasionally, and nothing major happened.

The result is frustrating, but Ji Tianxing is not discouraged.

Next, his goal was the center of the Heavenly Phoenix Star Territory, the highest-level Heavenly Gang star.


There are hundreds of shining stars in the void of one billion li.

The Heavenly Phoenix Star is located in the middle. It is not only the largest in size, it is dozens of times the size of other stars, and its light is also the most dazzling.

The entire star was shrouded in the dazzling red flame divine light, like a sun.

It is worth mentioning that the Heavenly Phoenix Star Territory is actually controlled by the God Emperor Prajna.

The domain master who controls the Heavenly Phoenix Star Territory is one of the capable officers of the God Emperor Prajna, and is called the King of Seven Kills.

It is said that this person is more than ten feet tall and full of red hair ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looks vicious, like a ferocious murderer, which is scary to see.

As long as the gods spend some thoughts and methods, they can improve their appearance through various methods to make themselves look more beautiful, elegant and noble.

Like the King of Seven Kills, those who don't care about their appearance, and even deliberately maintain a fierce appearance, either have psychological problems or are really cruel.

There is also a gossip about the origin of the name of the Seven Killers, and there is a chilling story behind it.

The King of Seven Kills was born in a weird and mysterious family.

This family is famous for the birth of freaks and frightens the world by cultivating powerful killing machines.

Every thousand years, this family will cultivate a group of elite leaders of the gods, and use cruel and iron-blooded means to stimulate the growth of those gods.

Every once in a while, a group of god-lord leaders will engage in various competitions and fights, and they will die if they fail.

With the continuous improvement of the strength of each god, the genius who broke through the **** king realm survived, and the genius who failed to break through the **** king realm died out.

Even in the Divine King Realm, many geniuses still have to kill each other.

In the end, only one person can survive, become the best of this group of geniuses, and walk the world on behalf of this family.

More than 10,000 years ago, a ugly king with a big body and red hair, with strength and tenacity, lived to the end.

Before he succeeded in the final battle, seven talented powerhouses of the Divine King Realm joined hands to besieged him.

Because the seven **** king geniuses all know that the red-haired **** king is the most threatening to them and the most brutal means.

As long as the red-haired **** king is resolved, their chances of survival will be much greater.

But no one thought that the seven **** king geniuses entangled with the red-haired **** king for half a month, but he eventually killed them one by one!

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