Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4488: All parties calculate

   The question mentioned by the God King Chixia, the God Emperor Prajna of course also thought of it.

   However, this is just one of her many thoughts.

   And many of her conjectures can only be confirmed after returning to the fleet to investigate.

   The Chixia God King also understands this, and what he says now is a conjecture and cannot be confirmed.

  All they have to do is to be vigilant towards the Kongming Temple and rush back to the fleet as soon as possible to appease the 10,000 soldiers who survived.

   As for revenge, I can only talk about it later.


at the same time.

   The headquarters of the Kongming Temple, the four hall masters ordered two thousand elite **** kings and masters, and quietly left the Kongming secret realm.

   Everyone took a king-class superb divine ship, hiding their traces, and rushed to the direction of Qiyue Mountain silently.

  The main task of the Four Halls is to appease Qiyue Mountain and prevent the counterattack and revenge of the Prajna fleet.

   The leader of the four halls, the **** emperor and the strong, plus two thousand **** kings and the strong, must be more than enough.

   Even if the Lord Prajna returned to the fleet, the Lord of the Four Palaces wanted to destroy the 10,000 soldiers of the Prajna fleet.

  The reason why so many **** kings and powerhouses are gathered is also because the four hall masters also shoulder other secret tasks.

   In the consciousness of several hall masters, this matter is far from that simple.

   They must make adequate preparations in case there is another accident.

   On the way of the divine ship, the four hall masters are also releasing their divine knowledge, performing magical powers and secret methods, and tracking the position of the **** emperor Prajna.

   Before departure, the master of the main hall warned that he must keep an eye on the God Emperor Prajna.

   Of course, the Lord of the Four Halls must grasp the whereabouts and location of the God Emperor Prajna, but they should not be too close, otherwise they will be noticed by the God Emperor Prajna.


   The Lord Prajna and the Lord of the Four Temples are all rushing to the direction of Qiyue Mountain.

   At this time, Qiyue Mountain is in a state of lockdown of the whole city, and various shrines are closed.

   The 180,000 people of Qiyue Mountain who hid in the shrine have already withdrawn from the shrines and returned to the city.

   But all the people got the news that they knew that Qingyuetang was defeated and suffered heavy casualties.

   Not only the mainstays of Qingyuetang were killed and injured, but even several elders and many deacons were killed in the war.

   It can be said that Qingyuetang has suffered the most tragic blow and trauma in history, and is currently in its weakest moment.

   This news made the people of Qingyuetang feel depressed and uneasy.

   People are hiding in their homes, but they can’t help but communicate secretly and talk in whispers.

   The entire city is enveloped in a depressed and dull atmosphere, filled with panic and anxiety.

   Qingyue Hall Master and the 1,000 surviving elite citizens all returned to the shrines and went to recuperate.

   For Qingyuetang’s fiasco and heavy damage, Qingyue Hall Master didn’t want to explain anything, and didn’t have extra energy to appease those panicked people.

  All he can do is close the entrances and exits of the city and open the defense formation.

   Also, send out the people of the Divine King and Divine Sovereign Realm who have not participated in the war and are not injured, firmly guarding the vital points, and maintaining vigilant patrols.

   The main reason for doing this is to prevent the Prajna fleet from counterattacking and sneak attacks.

  Although, the Prajna fleet has also been hit hard, and it is unlikely to counterattack Qiyueshan.

   But Hall Master Qingyue has already suffered. Of course, we must remain vigilant and take precautions.

   On the other hand, Hall Master Qingyue also tried to prevent the people from panic and commotion and accidents like escaping from the city.

   He has reported the situation to the Kongming Temple, and he believes that the Kongming Temple will soon send a palace owner to resolve the matter.

  All he has to do is to wait patiently, and just protect the Qiyue Mountain before a certain palace master arrives.

   There was silence inside and outside of the July Mountain. No sound was heard, and no traces of the activities of the people were seen. Only the guards patrolling in the sky.

   And to the south of the July Mountain, somewhere in the mountain range ten million miles away, the Prajna fleet resting here is also silent.

   The only remaining fifty warships stopped in the sky, arranged in a circular formation, and the divine powers of the divine warships communicated with each other to form a huge defensive mask.

   All the warships maintained a defensive posture, and the soldiers who had been severely wounded retreat in the warship for healing.

   Those soldiers who are relatively slightly injured and who can recover a little combat effectiveness after simple treatment will act as guards and keep vigilant monitoring around them.

   They are outsiders relative to the Origin Star. At present, except for the God Emperor Prajna and the God King Chixia, everyone else may be enemies.

   They can't guess what will happen next, so they can only defend and prepare to prevent any accidents from happening.

   Only when the Prajna God Emperor returns, the soldiers can relax their vigilance.


   Ji Tianxing's goal has been achieved, but he has not left.

   He often wandered between the Prajna fleet and the Qiyue Mountain, observing the dynamics of the two sides, in order to speculate on the movements of the Kongming Temple and the Prajna Emperor.

   He can be sure that after the God Emperor Prajna gets the news, he will never join the Kongming Temple again.

   At present, the God Emperor Prajna will definitely rush back to the fleet as quickly as possible.

   And Kongming Temple is not a stupid and kind-hearted person. Most of it will send one or two hall masters, leading many elite and powerful people, and rush to Qiyue Mountain to deal with the aftermath.

   The masters of the Kongming Temple have no grudges with him, so he doesn't need to provoke him.

   But he has to grasp the movements of the God Emperor Prajna, looking for a favorable opportunity to take action, defeat or kill the God Emperor Prajna.

   After solving the Prajna Divine Emperor as soon as possible, he can explore the Origin Star and find the other four Divine Emperors.

   When the time comes, he will adapt to the situation and use various methods to solve the four gods one by one.

   And now, he wanders between the July Mountain and the Prajna fleet, just waiting for the Prajna Emperor to pass by.

   He is already on the only way for the God Emperor Prajna to return to the fleet. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has laid out several traps and ambushes, and began to wait for the rabbits.

   He knew very well that when the God Emperor Prajna went to the Kongming Temple, he was only accompanied by the God King Chixia and a team of guards.

   At present, the defense power of the God Emperor Prajna is the weakest. Once she returns to the fleet, Ji Tianxing wants to assassinate her again, the difficulty will increase a lot.


   Just like that, time passed day by day.

  All parties have their own calculations and plans, and they all try to detect other people's tracks.

   There are only Qingyuetang and the Prajna fleet, these two parties are in the most peaceful and at ease.

   They don't need to do anything, and they don't need to consider any plans or conspiracies, just wait patiently.

  Unconsciously, a month passed.

   The Prajna Divine Emperor’s ship finally arrived in the territory of Qingyuetang, and could return to the fleet in one day.

   The four hall masters and two thousand elite **** kings and powerhouses, following the Prajna **** emperor, will also arrive at Qiyue Mountain.

   At this time, Hall Master Qingyue and the two marshals both received the news, and they both waited in a complicated mood.

   Ji Tianxing calculated the time, guessing that the King Prajna was about to return, and stopped meditating and adjusting his breath, and began to vigilantly monitor the surroundings.


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