Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4499: Close to the horizon

   Originally, Ji Tianxing felt that the Kongming Temple took great pains to let the Prajna Emperor and his fleet join in order to expand his power.

   After all, there are several temple forces on Origin Star, and perhaps there are competitions and contradictions among them.

   is not just the Kongming Temple, maybe every temple will find ways to increase its power.

   But now, the Prajna God Emperor has been defeated and sealed, and the Prajna fleet has been wiped out.

   The Lord of the Four Palaces not only failed to deal with him as the culprit, but also moved to subdue him.

  This makes Ji Tianxing have to doubt that the Kongming Temple first absorbed the Prajna Divine Emperor, and now wants to subdue him, is it for expansion of power or other purposes?

Mindful of this, Ji Tianxing did not hide it, and directly asked: "The Kongming Temple subdues the Prajna Divine Emperor. It is very understandable. After all, the Prajna Divine Emperor is quite strong. There are still 100,000 soldiers under his command, and he has a strong combat power. .

   But this emperor is alone. I wonder why the four hall masters invited this emperor to join the Kongming Temple?

  Thinking about it, this emperor has no effect on Kongming Temple, right? "

   The Lord of the Four Halls chuckled and said: "Since your Excellency has thought about this issue, it means that we have the possibility of reaching a consensus.

   Although, the God Emperor Prajna and her fleet are indeed the first goal of the main hall.

   But the main hall absorbed her to join, not just to expand the power.

   In the eyes of the emperor, a genius and powerhouse like you is far more important than her and her fleet! "

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, looked at the four hall masters with a calm expression, and said: "But, you still haven't told this emperor why you invited him to join Kongming Temple?"

   The Lord of the Four Palaces knows that a strong man like Ji Tianxing has a deep understanding of the city, and he absolutely cannot deceive trust in a few words.

   It is better to be frank and direct than to talk, maybe it is more effective.

   Thinking of this, the Lord of the Four Halls put away a smile, and said with a stern face: "It is true that this hall is always looking for talented creatures, regardless of race.

   As long as it is a genius with extraordinary talents and outstanding aptitude, it is possible to help Kongming Temple.

   As for what can help the main hall, and why it can help the main hall, this emperor cannot answer you this question.

   These secrets can only be unlocked for you after you join the Kongming Temple.

   Of course, you are treated the same as the God Emperor Prajna, and the temple will enshrine you as the Lord of the Six Temples. "

   There is no doubt that the words and attitude of the four hall masters are more sincere, and they also sincerely want Ji Tianxing to join the Kongming Temple.

   Ji Tianxing also believes that the words of the Four Palace Masters are true.

   But he just wanted to know what problem Kongming Temple had encountered and needed help?

   The secret mentioned by the Lord of the Four Palaces seemed to be a little mysterious and important, and it also made him very interested.

   The four hall masters explained that if he wants to know these secrets, the premise is to join the Kongming Temple.

   Therefore, Ji Tianxing would rather stop exploring these secrets and problems, and would never join the Kongming Temple.

   "Sorry, since you refuse to give the reason, this emperor can only think that you are not sincere.

   An insincere invitation is naturally not attractive. "

   Ji Tianxing believed that the four hall masters would keep secrets, and would never confide them easily, so he used this as an excuse to reject the other party.

   Sure enough, the face of the Fourth Hall Master was a bit gloomy, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

  "The emperor has shown enough sincerity and promised you corresponding status and treatment.

   Unexpectedly, your Excellency is still so stubborn, it seems that he did not put the main hall in his eyes! "

   Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Why? If it doesn't work, then it will be hard. If the negotiation is not achieved, you have to do it? Is it finally revealed?"

   The Lord of the Four Halls snorted coldly, and the power that shocked the world and the surging pressure surged from his body.

   "It's you guy who toasts and doesn't drink fine wine. The emperor gives you a face, but you are shameless.

   In this case, the emperor can only defeat you and **** you back to the temple! "

   With the voice of the four hall masters falling, endless divine power gushes out of his body, spreading in all directions, connecting hundreds of thousands of miles of heaven and earth.

   Suddenly, his robe was bulging, and gusts of wind blew up all around him for tens of thousands of miles.

   The majestic and magnificent heaven and earth divine power, quickly condensed and strengthened, formed an invisible big hand, and severely suppressed Ji Tianxing.

   The Lord of the Four Palaces relied on his identity, and would not draw his sword as soon as he came up.

   Although the Lord of the Four Palaces kept saying that Ji Tianxing was the only one he had seen in his life, he could be called a genius and strong man of evildoers.

   But in fact, he still underestimated Ji Tianxing's strength.

   Ji Tianxing made up his mind from the beginning, instead of fighting desperately with the Lord of the Four Palaces, but trying to get rid of his entanglement.

   So, on the surface, he was negotiating with the four hall masters, but he was actually delaying time and accumulating strength secretly.

   When the Lord of the Four Palaces controlled the heaven and earth divine power, accumulated huge heaven and earth divine power, and suppressed him, he turned around and fled without hesitation.

   "It's so close!"

   Forced by the situation, Ji Tianxing used the power he accumulated to the apex, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, and resorted to a magic trick that he recently pondered.

   Since he sent the Five Elements World back to his original position and the three-star return, he not only broke through to the Divine Emperor Realm, but he has also undergone tremendous changes.

   The most intuitive feeling is that he can easily merge with any star in the world.

  Secondly, he can smoothly use the power of heaven and earth to exert power far beyond the same realm.

   This trick is called Zhi Chi Tian Ya's magical power, which is the method of retreat he recently figured out.

   After this method is cast, it can switch positions in an instant and move with the power of heaven and earth.

   is as short as eight to one hundred thousand miles, and as long as hundreds of thousands of miles.

   On the surface, it sounds very similar to the teleport used by **** kings.

   But teleportation is based on the supernatural power of space.

   The space of the Origin Star is too strong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The **** king and the strong cannot teleport here, only the **** emperor can do it, and the distance is also limited.

   This trick created by Ji Tianxing is very close to the world, but it is a different one.

   He did not use the power of space, but in a form similar to the escape, instantly moved a hundred thousand miles away!


   Before the heaven and earth supernatural power accumulated by the four hall masters descended, Ji Tianxing flashed golden light all over his body and disappeared in place.

   In the next instant, he appeared on a mountain top a hundred thousand miles away.

   The self-confident and majestic Fourth Palace Master was dumbfounded at that time.

   He couldn't believe his eyes, a primordial **** emperor who had condensed his rhyme, could teleport 100,000 miles!

   Even he, a strong man in the middle of the **** emperor, can't do it!

   This is incredible!

   The Lord of the Four Palaces was stunned for a moment, his heart was full of shock, and his eyes widened.

   However, he quickly reacted and quickly suppressed it, shocked, and hurriedly teleported to chase Ji Tianxing.

   While teleporting on his way, he was still thinking silently in his heart: "This emperor is not mistaken, this son is indeed a peerless wizard!

   In any case, the emperor will let him be used by the temple! "


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