Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4537: A complete success

When the morning sun rose, Ji Tianxing appeared on the stage under the expectation of many orcs.

He walked straight to the high platform in the middle of the square and sat cross-legged on the high platform, his majestic eyes swept around.

The two thousand orc races around were very curious about him. At this time, they finally saw the deity, of course they were full of joy.

Under the leadership of several lords and generals, two thousand orcs all stood up and saluted, expressing their greatest welcome and respect to Ji Tianxing.

Seeing that the attitude of those orcs was very respectful and had a certain foundation in etiquette and education, Ji Tianxing was secretly relieved.

Therefore, he didn't waste any time to teach etiquette and shame to those orcs.

He directly began to talk about Taoism, starting with the origin of all things, and telling the two thousand orcs about the origin of Tao and the origin of the universe, heaven and earth.

The ancestor-level powerhouses of the orcs, such as Splitting the Sky and Misery, of course also study the origin and understand these principles.

But these truths, they will not be popularized among the orcs, only a few orcs know.

Nowadays, Ji Tianxing describes the highest avenue between heaven and earth in plain and easy-to-understand language, and it suddenly makes many orcs suddenly realize that they are infinitely useful. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

Of course, this is just an introduction.

After the two thousand orcs were attracted, and his attention was completely immersed in his narration, he gradually changed the subject and transitioned to Taoist practice.

The content he talked about today is relatively broad, not limited to a certain skill, whether it is combat skills, experience in the use of laws, or skills in understanding Taoism and using magical powers, he has all involved.

The Two Thousand Orcs had never received such instructions and teachings. They felt that they were unique, fresh and interesting, but they also gained insights and understood many truths.

As a result, the guards arranged in advance by Cracking Sky were of no use at all, and there was no need to maintain any order.

The two thousand orc races sat in the square properly, listening intently, no one made trouble or distracted.

Even the guards gradually became fascinated.

Time passed quietly.

The sky changed from bright to dark until night came.

Ji Tianxing preached and preached for a day, so that the two thousand orc races understood a lot of truth, gained countless insights, and learned a lot of experience and skills.

As for the gains and revelations of each orc race, it varies from person to person.

But all the orcs were very happy and satisfied, and thanked Ji Tianxing for his teaching and teaching.

Even if the sky is getting dark, they are unaware of it, and they still listen with gusto, and they don't want to leave.

It wasn't until Ji Tianxing announced that today's preaching was over and that he was going to leave. The two thousand orcs woke up like a dream and suddenly panicked.

They got up one after another, and some bowed to express their gratitude, and begged Ji Tianxing to continue speaking. More orcs shouted loudly, begging Ji Tianxing not to end.

But Ji Tianxing turned a deaf ear, and returned to the palace, closing the gate of the palace.

The two thousand orc races were deeply sorry, and they showed their expressions of regret and perseverance, staying in the square not willing to leave.

At this time, Splitting Sky reappeared in the sky above the square and said in a majestic tone: "Today's preaching is over, you can move on your own.

No matter whether you stay here, wait for the beginning of the sermon tomorrow, or return to your residence to rest, you are not allowed to disturb the Emperor Longtian.

The emperor invited him to preach to everyone, so that you can understand what is Shinto, why and how to cultivate.

If you only know listening, but don't know how to think, analyze, and apply it, then you are listening for nothing and failing to live up to this emperor's good intentions! "

As the saying goes, awaken the person in the dream.

After the two thousand orc races heard the words of Splitting, they immediately understood the key point, and they all showed shame.

It is true that the Tao and skills that the Emperor Longtian talked about today not only sound interesting and fascinating, but also contain many mysteries and principles.

They only feel that listening is interesting, but they have not settled down to ponder and think carefully, naturally they can't learn more, and it is difficult to improve.

The reason why Longtian Divine Emperor stopped talking is to leave everyone a night of thinking time.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of time and effort no matter how much truth he talked about.

Knowing this truth, the two thousand beast races saluted one after another and obeyed the sky.

Afterwards, more than half of the orc kings left the square and returned to their respective residences, carefully contemplating and comprehending them.

If they can remember half of what Ji Tianxing is telling today, and then comprehend a little bit of mystery and truth from it, it would be enough to make them advance by leaps and bounds.

Within half an hour, more than 1,400 orc races left one after another.

But there were more than five hundred orcs who chose to stay. They were not noisy and stayed in the square very quietly, all with a thoughtful or contemplative appearance.

Obviously, these orc kings are earnestly comprehending and comprehending what Ji Tianxing teaches.

Thanks to the easy-to-understand and thought-provoking narration of Ji Tianxing, once these orc **** kings start thinking, they will quickly enter the state.

They will forget themselves completely, put aside everything around and immerse themselves in their spiritual world. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Talented and intelligent people can face up to difficulties, quickly understand one problem after another, solve all kinds of puzzles, and finally understand the truth, and suddenly have a clear vision.

But the Orc God King with mediocre aptitude can learn to think and introspect even if he can't quickly understand the truth.

Once they have accumulated enough insights and insights, there will be a day of epiphany and breakthrough.

In short, these more than five hundred orc **** kings will all benefit from thinking and comprehension.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

They stay in the square, which also shows that they are waiting for tomorrow's sermon.

Maybe if you don't understand the problems and confusions tonight, you can listen to Ji Tianxing's account tomorrow, and you will be able to stop them.

at the same time.

News about Ji Tianxing's preaching and art spread in the capital.

During this whole day, tens of thousands of orcs who could not listen to the sermons were anxiously waiting for the results.

They can't get close to that square, so naturally they don't know the situation today.

Now, the one-day sermon is over.

More than a thousand orcs who had listened to the sermon brought back various news.

Many orc **** kings said that they had never learned so much knowledge and truth in their lives like they do today.

There are also many orc **** kings who say that the Dragon Heaven God Emperor is the only one they have seen in their lives, the most knowledgeable, and the most sacred and powerful.

When the Emperor Longtian preached today, they seemed to see the incarnation of heaven and earth, the figure of heaven.

There are also some orc **** kings who admire the Dragon God Emperor and vowed to break through the realm as soon as possible, so as to live up to the teachings of the Dragon God Emperor.

Various words and news spread in Lidu and were learned by tens of thousands of orcs.

As a result, the expectations in the hearts of tens of thousands of orcs became even greater, and they became more curious and awed towards Ji Tianxing.

:. : M.x

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