Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4551: Destined

Although Li Du was shrouded by two large defensive formations, he couldn't see the internal situation clearly.

But after the traces of the three hall masters and the fourth hall masters were exposed, they immediately contacted the other three hall masters and told them what happened.

When several hall masters heard that a strong orc **** king approached, they guessed that the sky splitting and disgusting had acted.

The four hall masters can conclude that this is by no means accidental, but a temptation and search by the orcs.

To put it simply, the orcs already knew they were coming and were actively preparing for battle.

The four hall masters unanimously believed that they would immediately attack, and when the orcs were not sufficiently prepared, they would break through the capital in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, the longer the delay, the longer nights will have more dreams.

It's just that the four hall masters reached a consensus, but they still have to report to the big hall master, and it's up to him to decide.

The main hall master is still on the way, and it will take a day to arrive.

After hearing the news, he also knew that the situation was urgent.

But he didn't come to the scene in person, couldn't command the battle, and he didn't know what to do.

It's not that he is afraid of Ji Tianxing and the orcs, but that he has no confidence in the four hall masters.

After all, both the Second Hall Master and the Fourth Hall Master suffered losses in the hands of Ji Tianxing.

The main hall master had to worry that the four hall masters could easily fall into the trap of Ji Tianxing and cause serious losses.

"You immediately change your position, still maintain a distance of 300,000 miles, and continue to monitor Lidu!

You must not act rashly before this seat arrives! "

After thinking about it again and again, the main hall master still made a decision and issued this order.

After the four hall masters received the order, they were all like eggplants hit by the cream, and they wilted on the spot, and the blood and fighting spirit could only be suppressed.

Amidst the anger and injustice, the four hall masters carried out orders and changed positions, while calling to discuss the matter.

"Before the orcs might just suspect that we were here, so they sent the orc **** kings to test.

But our whereabouts have been exposed, the orcs must now actively prepare for battle. "

"Yeah! Now is the best time to attack. Taking advantage of the orcs' rush and not being fully prepared, we attack at the same time, and we can definitely break through the capital!"

"We all understand the truth, but the main hall master refuses to let go, and we must not violate his orders!"

"Speaking of which, the main hall master still refuses to believe us!"

"Fine, change your position first. Anyway, there is still one day before the main hall master will be there."

The four hall masters all complained, but they could restrain their own emotions, so they did not continue this topic.

Within an hour, they changed their positions one after another, re-selected hiding places, and went into hiding.

With the previous lessons, they were more cautious this time, hiding deeper, and they would never be discovered by the orc kings.


Perhaps it is destined, or it is God's favor.

The seemingly accidental decision of both parties will definitely lead to an inevitable result.

Ji Tianxing just felt that the time was pressing and there was no room for delay, so he made a decisive decision and led the cracking sky and more than 400 kings to arrange a large array.

At that time, he didn't know the plan of Kongming Temple, let alone how much impact and suffering Lidu would face.

He only knows that he and the orcs must go all out and not have the slightest chance of luck.

On the other side, the main hall master had his concerns, so the four hall masters were not allowed to lead the army to attack.

If he knows the internal situation of Lidu, know that Ji Tianxing is bringing countless strong men to lay out a large array...

With his courage, perhaps he would not let the four hall masters stand still, but let the four hall masters attack immediately.

But there are no ifs.

This is destiny.

The decision of the main hall master gave Ji Tianxing and the orcs a respite.

In the whole day that followed, Ji Tianxing, Splitting Sky and more than four hundred god-king powerhouses worked non-stop and went all out to set up a large array.

Around Lidu, a hundred divine formations with various functions rose from the ground at an extremely fast speed.

When the progress of arranging the **** formation reached 70%, the more than 400 **** king powerhouses had basically understood the content of their tasks.

At this time, Ji Tianxing does not need to lead anymore, he only needs to direct and guide him.

Many powerful **** kings already know what they should do and what to do next.

As a result, as hundreds of divine formations gradually formed, they also began to connect with each other and their divine powers were connected.

Everyone was shocked to see that each divine formation was shining with dazzling divine light, and crisscrossed and connected to form a huge formation group, which surrounded Lidu.

Until this moment, they really understood Ji Tianxing's intentions.

The same thought came to the minds of all the orc powerhouses.

"The formation can still be arranged like this? It's incredible!"

As for the followers and **** kings under Ji Tianxing's command, they would also be shocked in their hearts, but they are not surprising.

In the years when they followed Ji Tianxing, they had already seen more shocking miracles than this.


Finally, the whole day passed.

The main hall master, who rushed to the road with all his strength, brought thousands of elite and powerful men on board the divine ship to the vicinity of Lidu.

The long and splendid warship, exuding a sacred and majestic aura, arrived 300,000 miles west of the capital and joined the five hall masters.

Seeing the main hall master's ship coming, the five hall masters quickly led his confidant generals and flew into the sky to greet them. The fastest updated novels https://

"Meet the main hall master!"

Seeing the main hall lord flying out of the battleship ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the five hall lord and others hurriedly bowed and saluted. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

After patience for a whole day, it was finally possible to start, and the five hall masters and others were all excited and full of fighting spirit.

But the look and aura of the main hall master remained steady and determined.

He waved his hand to waive the ceremony, and then took a dozen confidantes and walked forward across the sky.

At the same time, he released an invisible and vast sense of consciousness to probe the situation in Lidu.

He has just arrived on the battlefield, and he will not rush to launch an offensive. He must first probe the situation in the capital before formulating tactics.

The five hall masters looked a little anxious, and quickly conveyed a message to the other three hall masters, indicating that the hall master had arrived.

Then, he said to the main hall master: "The main hall master, since our whereabouts were revealed, it has been a whole day.

We should not waste any more time, please order an attack as soon as possible.

The elites we lead can't wait long ago. "

The main hall master stared at the direction of Lidu expressionlessly. The divine sense was exploring the great formation of Lidu, and wanted to pass through the formation to peek inside.

Hearing the urging of the five hall masters, he said in a deep voice, "I have been waiting for so long, and I don't care about this moment or three, right?

The so-called knowing oneself and the enemy can win all battles.

You are all temple masters, and have been in charge of divine power for so many years, why are you still so impatient?

Because of this, I cannot rest assured of you. "

The fifth hall master was taught a lesson, his expression was a bit embarrassing, but he couldn't refute it.

After all, the Second Hall Master and the Fourth Hall Master had indeed suffered under Ji Tianxing.

The main hall master probed for a while, and his divine consciousness had just passed through the Lidu Great Array, and was about to spy on the situation inside Lidu.

At this time, two tyrannical divine consciousness suddenly struck, and blasted towards the main hall master fiercely.

:. : M.x

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