Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4571: Out of danger

"Sword Breaks Nine Heavens (

The main hall master cast the spell himself, sealing the godhead of the five hall masters in a divine formation in the secret room.

After handling the matter, he returned to the hall of the godship to check the situation of everyone.

There were more than 130 elite kings who entered his divine ship. Only four lucky ones were unharmed, and a dozen of them were slightly injured.

More than a hundred people were seriously injured, all of them were clothed with blood and looked very embarrassed.

These elite **** kings were languid, most of them sat slumped in the hall, their eyes dimmed and their faces embarrassed.

There are some people who are very seriously injured, unable to endure the torture of the pain, and constantly groan and moan in pain.

There were also a few people with the most severe injuries who passed out without being able to support them for long and fell into the hall.

The main hall master's gaze swept across the crowd, seeing the soldiers' injuries so tragically, and thinking of the Kongming Temple's feathered return, losing more than 3,000 elites, gritted their teeth in anger.

He knew better than anyone how important the three thousand elite **** kings were to Kongming Temple.

The disastrous defeat of this battle has caused too much trauma to the Kongming Temple, and it will not be able to recover its vitality for a few hundred years.

The more the main hall master thought about it, the more angry he got, and the blood was surging in his internal organs, and he couldn't help but open his mouth to spray bleeding arrows.

But he couldn't lose his temper in front of the checkmates, he could only forcefully suppress his anger and hatred, and silently swear in his heart: "Despicable and lowly orcs, this account book is written down.

Let you be arrogant for decades, and when the elites under this seat recover their vitality, this seat will come back again!

At that time, this seat will definitely return the humiliation suffered today ten times, one hundred times! "

After a pause, he remembered something even more angry, and added two more words in his heart.

"Especially that **** bastard, this seat must eat his flesh, drink his blood, and sleep his skin!

If you don't torture it for a hundred years, how can you eliminate the hatred in my heart? "

Although, the main hall master did not state the identity of the other party.

However, Ji Tianxing is the only one who can make him angry and hate so much!

After a long time, he finally calmed down his anger, and said to more than a hundred soldiers in the hall: "They all go back to their rooms and heal their injuries. Those who cannot act will be helped by others."

Everyone bowed their heads and said in a low voice to obey orders, leaving the hall one after another and entering each room.

Those soldiers who had passed out in a coma or were unable to move, were supported and carried on their backs by their companions and left the hall.

When the hall became empty, the main hall master turned and left, returning to the secret room with a gloomy expression, and went to meditate and adjust his breath.

In the previous battle, although he was not substantially harmed, he also consumed a lot of divine power, which was exactly when he was exhausted.

But at this time, he received the second hall master, the third hall master and the fourth hall master one after another.

The three hall masters are all driving their own divine ships, closely following the main hall master's ship, as fast as an aurora.

Their hearts are also full of anger and unwillingness, feeling extremely aggrieved and angry.

However, they can do nothing but escape.

Soothing the wounded soldiers and letting them all go to retreat to heal their wounds, the three temple doctrines were so angry that they sent a message to the main hall master asking what to do next.

You can't always run away like this, right?

However, after the main hall master received the call, he was very helpless.

He really has nothing to say about the current situation.

No matter how angry the three hall masters were, he could only appease a few words, and he really couldn't do much.

Everything, can only wait for them to escape from unknown places and return to the Kongming Temple before making long-term plans.

After the three hall masters received his summons, they were a little depressed.

They talked in private for a while, but they could only suppress the anger and helplessness, and thought of a more important question.

The orc triumphed, and the morale was like a rainbow. Their four divine ships were still driving in unknown places, desperately fleeing in the direction of Kongming Temple.

The orcs are very likely to send heavy troops to encircle and intercept them.

But the strength of the four of them was empty and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

The more than five hundred elite **** kings who escaped by fluke almost lost their combat effectiveness.

If they were surrounded, they would be very dangerous and it would be difficult to get out of their bodies.

After discussing, the three hall masters decided to raise this concern to the main hall master.

After the main hall master received the call, he was a little angry and helpless, and he could only reply with his anger: "Please use your brains and think about it!

Of course, we are badly injured and come back with a feathered feather. Isn't that the orc family's loss?

Except for the orcs gathered in Lidu, they can be called the elite of the orcs.

Only the young **** emperor and the two orc leaders can pose a threat to us.

In addition, what kind of strength are the reinforcements that the orcs can mobilize, and why should they intercept us?

What are you worried about?

Is it the failure of this battle that scared you all?

Calm down for this seat and think carefully.

Leave the unknown first, what's the matter, we will discuss it when we return to the temple! "

The words of the main hall master, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, to the three hall masters, were like a scream.

Just now they had no masters, their thoughts were flustered, and they didn't know what to do.

After being reprimanded by the main hall master, the three hall masters quickly calmed down.

After they thought about it, they realized that the main hall master's words were reasonable, and they no longer worried about the interception of the orcs.

They no longer think about it, concentrate on manipulating the divine ship, monitoring the surrounding movement, and fleeing to the west with the main hall master.


Things are as expected by the main hall master.

In the next ten days, the four divine ships passed through half an unknown land, never being intercepted, nor encountered any danger.

Perhaps Sky Split and Tiedi had tried to intercept and kill them, but considering the strength of the orc people everywhere, they could only dispel this idea.

Although, in the process of the four divine ships fleeing westward, they encountered many places where fierce beasts and divine beasts gathered.

But the four hall masters personally manipulated the divine ship, and their divine ship was an emperor-class divine weapon, and would never be discovered by those divine beasts.

Even with the strength of individual Divine Kings, the beasts and fierce beasts with extraordinary talents have noticed the traces of the fleet.

But the flying speed of the four divine ships was too fast, and those divine beasts and fierce beasts were thrown away by the four divine ships before they had time to hunt down.

In this way, the four divine ships left the unknown land without any danger and returned to the territory of the Kongming Temple.

When the four divine ships stepped into the territory of Kongming Temple and saw the first city, the three palace owners were relieved with a sigh of relief.

The main hall master was right. In the previous battle, they were suppressed by Ji Tianxing's ingenuity and methods throughout the entire process, which had long produced a psychological shadow.

Before returning to the territory of the temple, they dared not relax their vigilance, for fear that Ji Tianxing would resort to some conspiracy and tricks that would cause them heavy casualties.

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