Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4577: Transformed Heaven Burial Sword

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Both Leaping Heaven and Tien Li got the guidance of Ji Tianxing, which can be described as satisfied.

If it were not for Ji Tian to walk, they would have been unable to contain the surging and excited mood, and now they would try to improve.

Everyone thought that the problem of splitting the sky and disgusting was solved, and Ji Tianxing would leave.

But what made Li Tian and Tien Li not expect was that he showed a slight smile and said to Ti Li, "Your matter has been resolved, is it the emperor's turn now?"


"Brother Longtian, what else do you have?"

Both Leaping Sky and Tiedi were taken aback for a while, not knowing what they meant.

Ji Tianxing pointed to the refining workshop built by Yili, and said: "You also know that this emperor asked you to help collect those emperor-level refining materials in order to build an emperor-level divine tool.

To be honest, if the emperor leaves the capital and refining the emperor-level artifact, it will take a lot of time and effort.

But you have a ready-made refining workshop and many artisans here, which can save the emperor a lot of time.

The most important thing is that with the help of you, the master craftsman of the Divine Emperor Realm, this emperor will be more worry-free. "

Splitting the sky and Li Li were stunned for a moment, but they reacted immediately and nodded without hesitation.

"Okay! Brother Longtian, as long as you need any help, it is our duty!"

"The magical skills I have learned are all passed on by you. Since you want to use the refining workshop, of course I have to cooperate with you fully.

In fact, I also have the idea of ​​refining imperial-level artifacts, but I am afraid of lack of experience and heat, and have been afraid to take action.

This is also an excellent exercise opportunity for me. "

The happiest person is disgusting.

Because Ji Tianxing used the refining workshop to refine the emperor-level artifact, and let it assist, this was the opportunity for it to hone itself.

If it can learn some experience and techniques while assisting Ji Tianxing's refining tools, it will be greatly improved.

After the matter was settled, everyone immediately began to act.

Splitting the sky quickly took the elite orcs under his command to improve the defensive formation it deployed.

Yili summoned many craftsmen to enter the craftsmanship workshop to make preparations and stand by at any time.

However, Ji Tianxing and Yili joined forces to improve the shortcomings of the refining workshop first.

When casting spells to transform the refinery workshop, he was extremely serious and proactive in his performance.

Just like a student who wants to show himself in front of a teacher, he really wants to get praise and encouragement from Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing understood its meaning and gave it some encouragement and guidance.

This inspired the dissatisfaction and was full of pride and expectation.


In fact, when inspecting the refining workshop, Ji Tianxing took the time to look at the nine refining materials collected by the orcs.

The nine materials are all of the emperor grade, namely, the red sun **** gold, the ten thousand years **** iron, the ancient chalcedony, the cold liquid of the Taiyin...

Cracking the sky is right, every imperial grade material is related to refining equipment.

Although, Split Sky and Tiedi didn't know what artifact Ji Tianxing wanted to refine.

But these materials are basically usable, even if they are not enough, they are almost the same.

After the inspection, Ji Tianxing thought carefully for a long time, and felt that these nine refining materials were basically enough.

After all, he was not refining an emperor-level artifact out of thin air.

Instead, he used these refining materials to upgrade the Heaven Burial Sword of the king class to the emperor class.

In contrast, he has to consume less refining materials and the process is a bit simpler.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing made a decisive decision at that time, not to leave the capital for the time being, first borrow the refining workshop in the capital to upgrade the Heaven Burial Sword to the emperor level.


Ji Tianxing and Yili are very efficient.

It took them only three days to improve the problem of the refining workshop, which more than tripled the efficiency of the refining workshop.

Through these three days of practice, coupled with Ji Tianxing's guidance, Yili has gained greater gains, and has a deeper understanding of the way of refining tools.

Ji Tianxing did not waste time and immediately issued an order to let the orc craftsmen turn on the furnace and prepare the refining equipment.

Yili personally passed the order, and led 1,200 elite craftsmen to join hands to cast spells to open a sacred furnace.

Under the joint urging of many orc powerhouses, the huge sacred furnace as high as one hundred meters lit up with dazzling divine light, and the large formation began to operate.

"Huh! Huh!"

As the divine light flickered, the power of the divine furnace continued to increase, and a blazing divine fire ignited inside.

One thousand and two hundred orc craftsmen are proud to participate in this refining.

After all, this is the Emperor Longtian refining emperor-level artifacts, and as participants, they are extremely lucky and honorable.

All orc craftsmen are very hardworking and meticulous in performing their tasks, and hope to gain some gains and insights during the refining period.

Three hours later, the large formations of the **** furnace were all turned on and entered a state of normal operation.

The flame and temperature inside the sacred furnace have also reached an appropriate level.

Only then did Ji Tianxing appeared, stepped up to the sky, sacrificed the Heaven Burying Sword, and placed it in the sacred furnace.

Still the same as before, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com wants to transform the Sky Burial Sword into an emperor-level artifact. The first step is to smelt the Sky Burial Sword to restore it to a sword embryo.

After three days and three nights of sacred fire refinement, the burial sword in the sacred furnace turned into a scarlet, almost transparent sword embryo, as soft as water flow.

In this state, the Heaven Burial Sword has no impurities, and its plasticity has reached the highest level.

Ji Tianxing then took out three imperial refining materials in turn, and put them into the furnace in a fixed order and time.

Those imperial refining materials such as divine gold and cold iron all have a history of tens of thousands of years and contain the most abundant heaven and earth divine power.

After being burned and refined in a sacred furnace for two days, the three materials melted one after another, turning into inextricably multicolored silk threads, or billions of drops of crystal water.

At this time, Ji Tianxing, who had been sitting cross-legged near the sacred furnace, began to cast spells to manipulate the sword embryo and refining materials, using the refining secret method to fuse them.

While assisting Ji Tianxing to cast the spell, Yili watched intently and kept an eye on the dynamics in the furnace.

It knows that now is the most critical moment.

Whether Ji Tianxing can successfully refining an emperor-level artifact depends on whether the refining materials and the sword embryo can be smoothly integrated.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing proved with actual actions that the worry of disgust is unnecessary.

Only two days later, Ji Tianxing successfully incorporated the first refining materials into the Heaven Burying Sword.

Since the beginning was smooth, the next refining work was naturally smooth sailing without twists and turns.

However, this matter is too sophisticated and complicated, and it can't be completed in ten and a half months.

Time passed quietly.

Ji Tianxing has been concentrating on refining tools, with no distractions.

Misery has also entered a very serious and obsessive state. Apart from following Ji Tianxing's command, there is only contemplation and contemplation.

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