Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4595: Big than

() The elite **** kings of the Seventy-Four Punishment Hall assembled in the early morning of the third day after two days of preparation.

The gathering place is on the top of the fifth giant peak.

That was the residence of the Lord of the Five Halls. On the top of the mountain a hundred miles in radius, there was a square with a radius of ten thousand feet.

As early as a month ago, that square had been specially transformed, and a powerful emperor-level **** array was laid.

When the elite kings from various branches arrived in the square, they saw thousands of guards guarding the square.

There are also six elders of the pinnacle of the **** king realm, standing above the square, looking majestic and giving orders.

The dozens of teams in the divisions all stood in different positions according to the orders of the elders.

More than 7,000 people gathered in this square and were divided into 74 teams. If they are not arranged and managed, it is easy to cause confusion.

Within two quarters of an hour, all the people in the seventy-four branch halls were all there, and they were also neatly arranged around the square.

At this time, important people appeared in the square.

Those were two imperial powers with strong aura and majesty.

One of them was thin, with white hair and a cold and sharp breath.

This is the Five Hall Master of the Shangqing Temple, known as the White Wolf God Emperor.

The other person wore a gilt gown, a **** crown, a broad national character face, a beard and thick eyebrows, and looked very stable and majestic.

This middle-aged man from the Huang Clan is the Four Hall Master of the Shangqing Temple.

Today’s elite selection contest is hosted and supervised by two hall masters, and six elders preside over and execute it.

When the two hall masters arrived in the sky above the square, everyone bends over and salutes uniformly.

For most **** kings, this is the first time they have seen a strong person in the **** emperor realm.

Being able to feel the majesty and demeanor of the **** emperor up close, they were very excited, and their eyes were full of excitement and worship.

Ji Tianxing stayed in the team of Sanshantang, his expression was calm and his performance was very low-key.

After all, he had robbed Su Juechen's divine body and appeared as Su Juechen.

He was absolutely sure that all the gods, including the peak gods, would not be aware of the clues.

However, in front of the powerhouse in the Divine Emperor Realm, he still had to hide it in a low-key manner.

Otherwise, after the two hall masters noticed him, if they carefully observe and study, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not see the problem.

Next, the two hall masters first gave the opening remarks, explaining the importance and sacredness of this elite selection competition, and inspiring all the gods to go all out and play their best level.

Later, two elders announced the rules and regulations of the elite selection contest.

In fact, the mode of selection is similar to the big competitions held in various branches, and even the rules are not different.

To put it simply, there are still 7,400 elite kings who draw lots to determine their opponents and fight with all their strength in the square.

As long as no lives are lost, any disability is allowed.

If anyone is repelled to the edge of the square and touches the imperial defense formation, it will be lost.

Soon, the six elders began to draw lots for the 7,400 **** kings to decide their opponents.


The two elders waved their palms to show the divine light, flying and spinning rapidly in the high sky.

In every divine light, there is a jade slip in it, with the name and origin of a divine king written on it.

After the seven thousand four hundred divine lights were mixed together and the order was completely disrupted, the other four elders began to draw lots.

They took two jade slips at a time and read the names in the jade slips in public.

The two **** kings whose names are pronounced are the opponents who are about to take the stage and compete.

Of course, several elders will also record the results of the draw.

Although the speed of several elders is very fast, the efficiency is very high.

But there were too many people participating in the Grand Competition, and it took two hours just to draw lots.

After all the results of the draw came out, the big competition officially began.

The first two elite **** kings on stage, one is the strength of the seventh layer of the **** king realm, from Qingyuantang.

The other is the strength of the Eightfold Divine King Realm, which comes from Shunpingtang.

When the two kings were fighting in the square, everyone stood around the square, watching the battle quietly.

This competition is hard to say, because the result is destined.

No matter how hard the **** king of Qingyuantang worked hard, he was destined to be impossible to win against his opponent.

After all, the two sides are at the same level and they are both elite and strong. It is difficult for someone to leapfrog the challenge and succeed.

Two quarters of an hour later, the King of Qingyuan Hall was so scarred that he was repulsed to the edge of the square, slammed into the defensive formation, and could only declare defeat.

For this result, Qingyuantang could only admit that it was unlucky.

The defeated God King and Powerful also left the scene angrily with a sad expression.

The eightfold realm **** king who won the victory also had a calm expression, without any excitement or excitement.

The first match is over.

This also made everyone realize that in order to become the top three thousand elite **** kings, not only must there be powerful means of strength, but also a little bit of luck.


In the following whole day, pair after pair of **** king and powerhouse took the stage, fighting in the square.

All the participating **** kings are elite, the worst is the sixth level of the gods, and the strongest is the 9th level of the gods.

In most cases, the sixth layer of the Divine King Realm was eliminated.

Those who can win the victory and have the opportunity to enter the top three thousand are all upper gods.

Most of the time, the two **** kings competed in the square, and the thousands of people around watching the battle were calm and silent.

Only when the eight-fold and nine-fold powerhouses of the Divine King Realm show special talents and magical abilities in the battle, or when they fight exceptionally brilliantly, can they win the applause and applause of everyone.

The six temple elders and the two temple masters also watched the battle.

They stood in the sky above the square, overlooking the audience condescendingly, to ensure that the competition was fair and just, and there were no accidents.

When they see certain eight-fold and nine-fold realm **** kings showing extraordinary talents and methods, they will show their admiration or whisper a few words.

The first day is over.

Only more than 300 pairs of gods participated in the big match, and the losers were eliminated.

However, even after being eliminated, the more than three hundred **** kings did not leave.

They chose to stay outside the square to watch the battle.

This time, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can be said to be the highest level of competition under the Shangqing Temple. It is rare in thousands of years.

Take a look at the actual combat and competition of other gods, it will be of great help to enhance your strength and combat experience.

On the second day, more than three hundred pairs of **** kings participated in the competition.

On the third day... the situation remains the same.

It was not until the fifth day that it was Ji Tianxing's turn to debut.

His luck was good, and his opponent was a high-ranking king of the seventh realm.

After he took the stage, countless people saw the strength of his Eightfold Divine King Realm and stopped paying too much attention.

Because the result is no suspense, he will definitely win.

This is exactly what Ji Tianxing wanted.

He only needs to cast a spell in a satisfactory manner, compete with his opponent for dozens of moves, and then defeat the opponent.

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