Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4597: Ranked match?

() The deputy master and the four elders of Sanshantang are full of confidence and look forward to it.

However, when Ji Tianxing and his opponent went to war on the square, the scene disappointed them a bit.

It's not that the two of them didn't play hard, nor that they didn't play well.

However, both of them are the strength of the eighth layer of the Divine King Realm, and both have displayed the strength and level that this realm should have.

When the two sides played against each other, the magic skills and methods they used were also very gorgeous and wonderful.

However, it cannot give people any surprises.

Ji Tianxing's opponent, no matter how hard he tried his best, could only reach the pinnacle level of the Eightfold Realm.

And Ji Tianxing's combat effectiveness, in the expectation of the deputy hall master and the four elders, is more than the nine-layer realm **** king, comparable to the existence of the pinnacle **** king.

It stands to reason that he should be in front of everyone and kill his opponent with one move.

Only in this way can there be a shocking effect, so that everyone can remember the Sanshan Hall, and let the two hall masters and a few elders of the temple see that there is a monster in the Sanshan Hall.

But this is not the case.

Ji Tianxing fought fiercely with his opponent for more than forty moves before he was able to repel his opponent without any danger, causing him to crash into the defensive formation on the edge of the square, and was defeated on the spot.

On the whole, the competition process was unremarkable, and the result was nothing commendable.

Even when several temple elders announced the result of the fight, their expressions were indifferent and Gujing's tone was unwavering.

This is exactly what Ji Tianxing wanted.

After winning, he left the square calmly and returned to the team to meditate and adjust his breath.

Several **** kings around came to get close to him and congratulated him for winning.

He turned a blind eye and didn't respond, let alone respond.

Those **** kings who also came from Sanshan City were a little embarrassed, but not ashamed.

Because everyone knows that Su Juechen originally had this temperament, otherwise he would not offend the five great families and be excluded and suppressed.

Today, Su Juechen is the one with the strongest strength and the highest talent among the 100 **** kings in Sanshan City.

He is more indifferent and arrogant than before, which is reasonable.


Ji Tianxing ignored the crowd, the deputy hall master and the four elders discussed in secret, and still took the initiative to send a voice to inquire.

"Su Juechen, your performance today is completely different from the past."

The deputy hall master speaks more directly, without obliviousness, and goes directly to the topic.

Fortunately, he still pays attention to the way he speaks. If he changes to the four elders, he will definitely question Su Juechen directly, why he didn't just kill his opponent with one move.

Ji Tianxing opened his eyes, glanced at the deputy hall master, and replied calmly: "If you can defeat the opponent, you can win the victory. Is the process important?"

The deputy hall master frowned and retorted: "That's what I said, but wouldn't it be more shocking to defeat your opponent as fast as you did before?

This is an excellent opportunity that will never be met in a million years, to be able to show his strength and means in front of thousands of elite kings.

If you behave brightly enough, and you can still win the favor of the two temple masters and the four temple elders, wouldn't you be unmoved? "

Of course, Ji Tianxing understood what he meant, but he was indifferent. Transmission replied: "Before in Sanshan City, my opponents were all rubbish. Of course, I have to fight quickly.

But those who are here today are the most elite kings of the temple, how can they carelessly underestimate the enemy?

Moreover, we won the victory, and after entering the top three thousand, there is likely to be a ranking battle.

There will be a lot of competitions in the future. It is wise to preserve and save power, isn't it? "

The deputy hall master and the four elders all froze for a moment, staring at each other.

According to Ji Tianxing, he is now saving energy and wants to play a stronger combat effectiveness in the next ranked battle.

In other words, his goal is not to enter the top three thousand, but the top one thousand, the top 100, or even the top ten! !

If he can really enter the top ten, that will win everyone's attention and respect and win glory for Sanshan City!

Thinking of this, the deputy hall master and the four elders were relieved, and the doubts in their hearts disappeared.

The deputy hall master showed a kind smile and encouraged Ji Tianxing: "Okay! Su Juechen, now that you have such a goal and plan, I am very pleased.

If there is a qualifying battle later, I hope you can go all out and strive to enter the top ten, or even the top three!

If you can win honor for Sanshan City, this seat will definitely reward you! "

Ji Tianxing did not answer, but just nodded to show that he understood, and continued to meditate.

The deputy hall master was in a good mood and didn't bother him anymore.


Six days passed.

The second round of the fight finally ended.

One thousand eight hundred and fifty pairs of the strong **** kings, after competing and fighting, the winner was divided.

The 1,850 victorious **** kings have entered the top 3,000 and have a chance to rest temporarily.

Next, the 1,850 defeated **** kings continued to draw lots to compete for the 1,150 vacant spots.

Several temple elders began to draw lots for these **** kings again.

Among them, more than 20 **** kings voluntarily abstained and stopped participating in the competition because of their injuries.

The remaining **** kings were quickly drawn to determine their opponents.

The third round of the fight soon began.

One pair after another, the **** king and the strong, entered the square in turn to fight.

This battle is the key battle to determine whether they can grab the remaining spots.

Everyone went all out, and many **** kings no longer hide their clumsiness, and one after another used the tricks of the bottom of the box.

As a result, in the third round of the fight, there were many wonderful duels.

There were even more than a dozen **** kings and strong men who staged a splendid drama where the weak defeated the strong and the Jedi made a comeback.

The suspenseful and thrilling competition finally attracted everyone's attention.

Even the two hall masters and the six temple elders watched with gusto, and commented on them from time to time.

Three days passed in a flash.

The third round of competition is over.

More than 1,800 god-king powerhouses, after fierce competition and fighting, the winners were decided.

Among them, 910 **** kings won and successfully won the quota~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and ranked among the top three thousand.

And there are two hundred and forty remaining three thousand places.

The nine hundred and ten defeated **** kings will have to draw lots to compete for the few places.

At this point, Bidou is already a bit cruel and the competition is fierce.

Even if the powerful kings of the gods who participated in the battle were all slightly or severely injured, and their strength was more or less declining, they would still go all out.

In this way, time passed day by day.

The competition on the square is not as exciting and intense as before, but it is even more worrying.

After another three rounds of fighting, it took eight days before the final result appeared.

Nine hundred and ten strong **** kings finally won two hundred and forty, and won the final spot.

The top three thousand elite kings, the quota is finally confirmed!

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