Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4735: Sneak attack

   Ji Tianxing is very clear about the current situation and situation.

  Before the Lord Qiankun didn't understand the situation, and didn't know how many people were in the battleship, he had already thought out the follow-up plan.

   Now that the goals and plans are clear, you can't waste time.

   Ji Tianxing decisively ordered Bailong to control the battleship to escape and evade, and he would control the battleship’s artillery and defense.

   Bailong naturally obeyed, manipulating the warship concentratingly, and always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

   Ji Tianxing locked the breath of Lord Qiankun and quickly turned on the magic cannon.

   Suddenly, more than three hundred and sixty divine artillery lights lit up, accumulating terrifying power.

   An invisible coercion locked the Lord of Universe at the rear of the battleship forty thousand miles, causing the pressure to increase greatly, and the whole body was cold.

   Lord Qiankun saw the rows of muzzles and immediately understood what was going on.

   It also changed its complexion, its pupils shrank, and a cold light flashed in its eyes.

   Taking advantage of the breath time when the magic cannon is accumulating, it also accumulates divine power and is ready to go.

   In the next instant, a loud and deafening noise came out.


   More than three hundred divine cannons spewed out colorful beams of divine power at the same time, carrying the power of destroying the sky and the earth, and slamming against the lord of the universe.

   At this moment, tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth are illuminated with dazzling light.

   Even if the Lord Qiankun has the strength of the middle realm of the **** emperor, if he is hit by more than three hundred divine power beams, he will be broken.

   But it has been prepared for it. The moment the beam of divine power appeared, it had already exploded with divine power, and moved nearly ten thousand miles to the left.

   "Wh! Wah!"

   The speed of the beam of divine power was too fast, it took only a quarter of an instant to engulf the area where Lord Qiankun was.

   Although, it fled that area in time, avoiding most of the beams of divine power.

   But there were still more than 30 divine power beams hitting it, and it collapsed with its divine power shield, exploding divine light fragments.

   Lord Qiankun was also stunned by the huge impact, deviated from the original route, and staggered into the sky not far away.

   It has personally experienced the power of the imperial-class battleship. Knowing that the battleship is not easy to mess with, it cheered up and went all out to deal with it.

   full of anger, it reunited the God Light Shield, flapped two pairs of wide wings, and rushed towards the God Slaughter battleship.

   It opened its big mouth and spewed out a crimson flame that covered the sky and covered the sun, like a monstrous flood, pouring down on the Battleship Tushen.

  The flames burned into the sky, and the sky was burned to create several spatial cracks, which caused layers of spatial ripples.

  If the Tushen battleship is swept by the red flames in the sky, it will also be in great danger.

   Ke Ji Tianxing is also well prepared and has already launched a second wave of offensive.

   He once again manipulated the sacred artillery of the Tushen battleship, blasting out more than 300 beams of sacred power.

   The beam of divine power in the sky was not concentrated on one point, but spread out to form a huge light curtain, covering the monstrous flames.


   Hundreds of light beams of divine power collided with the red fire in the sky, and there was a dull loud noise.

   The flame melted countless divine power beams, causing them to quickly dissipate.

   But the many divine power beams also smashed the sky full of divine flames, turning them into billions of sparks, spilling from the sky.

   Both are extremely powerful, but neither has achieved the expected results, and they cancel each other out in the sky.

  Lord Qiankun saw that its magical attack was so easily resolved by the opponent, and he was furious.

   "Damn bastard, is it great to have a battleship?

   I don’t believe it. If you use a warship to attack, you don’t consume resources?

   Your attacking speed, can you be as fast as this seat? "

   It is true that only the major temples of the desert clan have the emperor-class battleship.

   As for the Orcs, there is no way to refine the godship, even a king-class godship cannot be refined.

   In the previous tens of thousands of years, the orcs and the strong men of the two temples have also had many fights and fights.

   And the most troublesome orc powerhouse are the battleships of the two temples.

  As long as there are sufficient resources, the warship can continue to attack without being severely damaged or destroyed, causing great trouble to the strong orcs.

   However, although battleships are killing machines on the battlefield, they are not omnipotent.

   The most basic point is that it takes a certain amount of time for a warship to launch an attack. The longest period can be a few breaths, even ten breaths or twenty breaths. The shortest one requires one breath.

   This is the experience accumulated by the orc powerhouses when they fought against the deserted powerhouses for tens of thousands of years.

   For example, now, Lord Qiankun knows the weakness of the warship, and has mastered the skills to fight the warship.

   At the time when the divine fire of the sky and the beam of divine power collapsed and dissipated at the same time, the Lord Qiankun had already begun the next step.

   It circumvented the side of the Battleship Tushen at the fastest speed, raised its head like a deer, and released hundreds of thunder beams and dark red flame beams, and blasted the warship fiercely.

   The warship is huge, and it is fast to fly, but it is not flexible enough to move around from square to inch.

   Even if Ji Tianxing personally manipulated the Battleship Tushen, he couldn't overcome this inherent disadvantage.

   Count on the warship to turn around, or change the direction of the artillery, and then accumulate energy to attack the Lord of the Universe, it will definitely not catch up.

   At this critical moment, Ji Tianxing can only temporarily give up manipulating the battleship, release his little divine power, and condense a huge shield to block the attack of the Lord Qiankun.


   Hundreds of thunder beams and dark red flame beams slammed the huge shield fiercely, exploding with a loud and earth-shaking noise, reverberating in the world.

   Ji Tianxing's injury has not recovered, and his strength is very weak.

   After the divine power shield is formed, it is difficult to launch a counterattack against the Lord Qiankun within one breath.

In this way, all he can do is to block the attack of the Lord of Universe and protect the Battleship Tu from being severely damaged~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But he has already prepared a plan, and at the same time he forms a shield, transmits the voice to another **** The emperor said: "Prajna, it's your turn!"

   That's right!

   In the plan he prepared in advance, the hole card was the God Emperor Prajna.

   Although the God Emperor Prajna was injured before, she has recovered from her injuries for so long in the twisted time and space.

   Just now Ji Tianxing told her about her plan, she agreed without hesitation, and was ready to go.

   In fact, she and Ji Tianxing already have a certain understanding.

   There is no need for Ji Tianxing to tell her through a voice transmission. The moment Ji Tianxing releases his divine power and condenses the shield, she has already rushed out of the battleship and killed the Lord Universe from the side.


   She went all out, swung her sword to pierce more than 30 sword lights, and launched a surprise attack on Lord Qiankun with the sharpest and fierce attitude.

   Although Lord Qiankun acted very carefully and cautiously, he was wary of the Battleship Tushen.

   But it didn't expect that there were two **** emperor powerhouses hidden in this warship.

   One of the **** emperors cast a spell to condense the shield, and the other **** emperor launched a sneak attack on it!



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