Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4760: 3-party game

  The Tushen battleship was dormant for three months in the southeast of the Unknown Land.

   Today, three months later, the dark tide is surging in the Temple of Immortality, and the battle is approaching.

   And Ji Tianxing has been in retreat for more than 12 years in the twisted time and space of the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers.

   In the past twelve years, he first refined Lu Jiuyang's godhead fragments.

After    was refined, he not only obtained a huge amount of divine power, but also absorbed more than one hundred kinds of the laws of the gods, and also obtained the memory of Lu Jiuyang's soul.

   Ji Tianxing's strength has naturally been improved, and the number of Shendao laws he mastered is getting closer and closer to three thousand.

   He is increasingly looking forward to what will happen when he condenses the Three Thousand Avenue one day.

   After his training, he refinished and remodeled Dao Xingyun and Lu Jiuyang's divine ships.

   The power and quality of the two divine ships have been improved, and then he gave them to Yunyao and Ji Ke.

   Although Yun Yao and Ji Ke have been following him, either in the warped time and space, or in the battleship of Tushen, they basically can't use the godship.

   But prepared for them, two battleships were prepared for them, which can be used as weapons at critical moments.

   solved the problem of the two divine ships, Ji Tianxing took out the natal artifacts of Lu Jiuyang and Dao Xingyun, and transformed them.

   Based on those two artifacts, he added a lot of top materials to recreate the two artifacts.

  Finally, he made two divine weapons into a sharp spear and a divine sword, which were given to Yun Yao and Ji Ke respectively.

   The power of these two artifacts has increased by a few points compared to before, which can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

   Twelve years have passed since Ji Tianxing had done these things.

   Then he gave an order to Bai Long, letting Bai Long control the battleship of Tushen and rush to the Immortal Temple.

   Bailong has been cultivating in Twisted Time and Space for twelve years, and his strength has improved again, and his hope of breaking through the Divine Emperor Realm is growing.

   After he got the order, he hurriedly manipulated the Tushen battleship, left the depths of the earth, and went straight to the east.


  Even though Ji Tianxing and Bai Long are thinking about it, three months have passed, and now the wind is sure to be fine.

   The masters of the Temple of Taiyu either fought with the people of the Temple of Immortality, or they just returned without success and returned to the Temple of Taiyu.

   But this is only the guess of the master and the apprentice, and they are not sure, so you still have to be careful.

   When Bailong controlled the Battleship of God Tushen, he was still concealed and very cautious.

   half a month later.

  The Battleship of God Tug passed through the unknown land and successfully entered the territory of the Immortal Temple.

   Of course, ahead is the southern area of ​​the Temple of Immortality, not far from the southern border.

   As Ji Tianxing had expected, the powerhouses of the Immortal Temple and Taiyu Temple could not imagine that he would enter the Immortal Temple from here.

   No matter how many powerhouses there are in the two great temples, no matter how many lines of defense are arranged, no matter how many scouts and eye lines are arranged, it is impossible to monitor them here.

  The Tushen battleship shuttled in the southern part of the Immortal Temple, as if entering an uninhabited state, passing through one church after another without being noticed.

   Ji Tianxing's goal is the Nether God Emperor.

  Although, the Nether God Emperor and the Immortal Temple had been separated from each other, and there was no real alliance.

   But Ji Tianxing could predict that the Nether God Emperor knew that he was coming to avenge, so he had to form an alliance with the Immortal Temple to strengthen his power.

  Furthermore, the Netherworld God Emperor will use the means of rhetoric and inverting black and white to pull up the powerhouses of the Immortal Temple and jointly deal with him.

   Therefore, if you want to find the Nether God Emperor, you must first find the headquarters of the Immortal Temple.

  The Tushen battleship flew in the southern territory of the Immortal Temple, but headed north.

   On the way, every time he passed a branch hall, Ji Tianxing would also put away the God of Slaughter battleship to find out the news himself.

   The hall master and deputy hall master of each branch hall are the pinnacle **** king, and this is the strongest.

   With the strength and means of Ji Tianxing, he can easily sneak into the headquarters of each branch hall to check news, monitor the conversation between the hall master and the deputy hall master, without being noticed.

   Although this is a waste of time, the benefits are obvious.

The Battleship Tushen flew north for half a month, and after passing through the five sub-chambers, Ji Tianxing found out the news he needed.

   "A few months ago, those idiots in Taiyu Temple, after being dumped by us, went straight to the Immortal Temple in the east.

   They set up traps and ambushes at the border of an unknown land, and they want to stand still.

   Unexpectedly, the four masters of the Immortal Temple and the Nether God Emperor rushed to the edge of the unknown.

   The Nether God Emperor had already guessed that I would seek revenge from him, so he decided to act first.

   But they did not expect that the two sides would meet on the border of an unknown place, and without any precautions, they fought for a few hours..."

   In the cockpit of the Tushen battleship, Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth and told the news he had inquired during this period.

   Bailong listened with gusto, and asked expectantly: "What happened then? What was the result of the battle? Did the several masters of the Taiyu Temple retreat?"

   Ji Tianxing shook his head, and then said: "The six hall masters of the Taiyu Temple have gathered, and the Taiyu God Emperor has taken the shot himself. Where are the four hall masters of the Nether and the Immortal Temple?

   Youming and the four hall masters were repulsed, and they withdrew to the territory of the Immortal Temple, recuperating and adjusting in a branch hall in the west.

   The immortal **** emperor was very angry when he got the news. He not only brought thousands of elites personally, rushed to the western border to support.

   He also issued an order for dozens of punishment halls to appoint elite kings to gather a hundred thousand troops to fight against the Taiyu Temple.

   The result is conceivable... Waiting for the immortal emperor and those elite soldiers to arrive, the several hall masters of Taiyu Temple have long disappeared without a trace. "

Bailong immediately understood what he meant. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com asked: "That master meant... the six masters of the Taiyu Temple did not retreat? They sneaked into the territory of the Immortal Temple, and still Searching for us everywhere?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Yes! People from Taiyu Temple are looking for us, we are looking for God Emperor Nether, while Nether and Immortal Emperor and others are searching for people from Taiyu Temple, and they are also looking for us. ."

   Bailong frowned, his face became dignified, "So, people from the two temples are looking for us, we must not expose our traces, otherwise we will be besieged by them.

   Now, we can only find ways to let them kill both ends first, and then take advantage of the fisherman’s profit? "

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, "This is the most ideal situation, if it can be achieved, of course the best.

   But in fact, it is very difficult to complete this plan.

   We must have enough patience to find opportunities. "

   Bailong suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up and he reminded him: "Master, since the Immortal Emperor has rushed to the western border, isn't the headquarters of the Immortal Temple empty?

   If we rush to the headquarters of the Immortal Temple and create some chaos, the Immortal Emperor will definitely rush back in a hurry! "



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