Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4767: The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind

The Immortal Emperor would still listen to the suggestions of the Nether God Emperor.

At least, the immortal **** emperor attaches great importance to him.

The news about the Sword God and the movement of the Taiyu Temple were all analyzed by the Nether God Emperor.

After receiving the call, the Immortal God Emperor asked the Nether God Emperor. Since it was determined that the palace was destroyed by the Sword God, why did the Sword God do this?

The Nether God Emperor once again explained the Sword God's behavior thoroughly through some rhetoric, and convinced the Immortal Emperor.

Of course, it also stimulated the immortal **** emperor by the way, making him even more angry and hating the sword god.

Finally, the goal of the Nether God Emperor was achieved.

The Lords of the Third Hall and the Lords of the Five Halls remained in the western area, and were responsible for containing the masters of the Taiyu Temple.

The Indestructible God Emperor took the Second Hall Master, the Fourth Hall Master, and the Nether God Emperor, and rushed back to the Immortal Palace as quickly as possible to avenge the sword god.

It will take a long time to drive back to the Immortal Shrine from where they are.

If it is to travel on the divine ship, it will take at least two months.

Fortunately, there were several branches on the way back, all of which created a teleportation array.

The immortal **** emperor and the three hall masters can save more than half of their time through the teleportation array of those branch halls.

In the end, it took only ten days for the four powerhouses to rush back to Qiufengling.


A few days after the immortal **** emperor and the nether **** emperor left, something went wrong again in the western region.

The three hall masters and the five hall masters stayed behind to monitor the several hall masters of Taiyu Temple and contain them when needed.

This was not a difficult thing at first, after all, the two hall masters of Taiyu Temple were seriously injured and could not participate in the war in the short term.

The only people who are able to move and still maintain their combat effectiveness are the Emperor Taiyu, the Second Hall Master, the Third Hall Master, and the Six Hall Master.

If the four **** emperors were divided into two groups and continued to operate in the western region, the two masters of the Immortal Temple would not be afraid.

But what they didn't expect was that in order to avoid the Lord of the Palace being defeated one by one, God Emperor Taiyu no longer acted separately.

He personally took the three hall masters to search in various branch halls.

Unfortunately, the three hall masters and the five hall masters of the Immortal Temple met them during a search.

The ending can be imagined. The two hall masters eagerly greeted them, trying to find out the enemies who acted secretly, but found that the other party had four **** emperors.

What is even more frightening is that two of the four **** emperors have reached the upper stage of the **** emperor!

The three hall masters and the fifth hall masters were dumbfounded. Not only did they dare not arrest each other, they turned around and fled in fright.

God Emperor Taiyu was also calm and decisive. He determined that there were only two God Emperors on the other side, so he ordered the hunt down without hesitation.

The two hall masters under his command were severely injured by the Temple of Immortality, and he still remembered this account.

Now that he caught the opportunity, he certainly wanted revenge.

The two sides started chasing and fighting, causing an uproar in the territory of the branch.

The Emperor Taiyu only wanted to make a quick battle, and was unwilling to delay time, so as not to wait for the opponent's reinforcements.

But the Lord of the Three Halls and the Lord of the Five Halls were very cunning, using geographical advantages, and sacrificing a large number of elite **** kings and guards to delay the speed of Emperor Taiyu and others.

The two sides entangled for nearly two days, and finally the three hall masters and the fifth hall masters paid the price of serious injuries, and escaped smoothly through the teleportation formation of the branch hall.

No one was injured on the Taiyu Divine Emperor's side, but several hall masters consumed a lot of divine power and were a little tired.

They destroyed countless houses and buildings, and also killed tens of thousands of Li people, as well as thousands of guards and elites from the Divine King Realm.

Even the headquarters of the branch hall was destroyed by them.

After the two hall masters escaped, the teleportation formation was destroyed by the hall master.

Afterwards, the hall master took the guards and elites under his command and fled.

The Emperor Taiyu and others arrived too late. They could only slaughter the guards and servants who were too late to escape, and arrested a deputy hall master by the way.

Soon after, God Emperor Taiyu and others calmed down and left the branch hall with the prisoners.

When they returned to the battleship, they entered an invisible state and quietly searched other branches.

Of course, the second hall master tortured the captives to extract a confession, and even refine their soul memory, and got some news.

Through the memory of the deputy hall master, the second hall master learned a very important thing.

It is said that an appalling incident occurred in Qiufengling in the middle of the Temple of Immortality.

Several unidentified mysterious powerful men destroyed the Immortal Shrine, massacred thousands of guards and servants, and created a huge panic.

Nowadays, the hall masters of various branches of the temple are all panicked and worried.

After receiving the news, the second hall master was very keenly aware of the problem and hurriedly reported to the Emperor Taiyu.

In a secret room of the battleship, the second hall master met the Emperor Taiyu face-to-face, and reported: "Enlighten the hall master, the Immortal Palace was destroyed by three unidentified powerful...

Not only thousands of guards and servants were killed, but also three commanders of the pinnacle **** king realm were also killed by mysterious powerhouses. "

Suddenly receiving this news, God Emperor Taiyu was taken aback, and immediately showed a smug sneer.

"Ha ha ha... Who else besides that kid who is the strong **** emperor who emerged at this time?"

The second hall master was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable, and subconsciously asked: "Great hall master, what do you mean...the powerhouse who destroys the immortal palace is the one we are looking for?"

"Of course!" The Emperor Taiyu said with a confident expression, and said with a smile: "There is no one else except him! We don't have to look around, go straight to the Immortal Palace, the Immortal Emperor will help us find him of!"

The second hall master was still a little puzzled, and asked again: "But I still don't understand, why didn't that kid enter the territory of the Immortal Temple, why didn't he hide, and wait until the wind and waves are calm and then appear again?

Not only did he show up, he also made such a big noise, just like deliberately attracting us, isn't this looking for death?

With his ingenuity and methods, it is impossible not to think of this consequence, right? "

Taiyu God Emperor's smile is undiminished, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com went on to explain: "His strength is good, and his wisdom and methods are also top-notch, so he is very confident.

He thought that he could take the chestnut out of the fire, and in the chaotic situation, he could lock his target and complete the task.

What's more, he might have thought of the fisherman's profit, so that we and the Temple of the Immortal will suffer both...

But he couldn't think that we were fighting against the Immortal Temple, not the snipe and clam, and he would never want to be a profitable fisherman.

In this action, the mantis must catch the cicada and the oriole is behind. We are the oriole! "

Although the Second Hall Master still had some worries and worries, he saw that the Emperor Taiyu was so confident, with a posture of Zhizhu holding him, so he didn't say much.

He bid farewell to the Emperor Taiyu, and then conveyed the order to make the warship adjust its direction and head straight to the Immortal Shrine.

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