Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4784: unexpected

Ji Tianxing didn't know much about this unknown land in the north of the Immortal Temple.

He just looked at the map not long ago and knew the approximate area of ​​this area.

But he didn't know what mystery was in this unknown land, and which **** emperors were entrenched.

However, based on his past experience of traveling through unknown places, this area is at most two or three orc lords in the Divine Emperor Realm.

When entering the unknown land, Ji Tianxing had nothing to worry about.

The only ones who made him jealous and guarded were the powerhouses of the Taiyu Temple and the Immortal Temple.

He needs to calculate how long the powerhouses of the two temples can catch up with him.

At the same time, he also has to ensure that there will be no accidents and too much time after entering the unknown.

The two great temples and him, the three forces are not mediocre, and they have enough wisdom and means.

But in the end, who can profit from the fisherman still needs some time and luck.

But obviously, God cannot always take care of Ji Tianxing, and he cannot always be lucky.

As soon as he entered the unknown land, the Battleship Tushen flew for a long time, and something he hadn't expected happened.

In the sound of the way the Tushen battleship was advancing, some strong orcs set an ambush.

When the Tushen battleship passed a lofty mountain range and flew over the lush primitive jungle, an accident happened.


The dazzling brilliance was lit up in the primitive jungle, and the divine light suddenly appeared to block the sky and the sun, forming several huge masks, forming a powerful and terrifying formation.

The three-layer divine light shield covering a radius of thousands of miles enveloped the Tushen battleship, releasing a terrifying force of suppression, and severely suppressing the Tushen battleship.

As a result, the flight speed of the Tushen battleship slowed by 30%, and the flight altitude dropped several hundred feet.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of orc powerhouses flew out of the jungle in all directions, forming an encirclement in the blink of an eye, encircling the God Slaughter Battleship.

A giant beast as big as a mountain flew out of the dense jungle, dominating high in the sky, condescendingly looking down at the battleship of God Slaughter.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao, invaded this emperor's territory, and couldn't find death?"

The Divine Emperor Realm divine beast, which was covered with golden hair and looked like a lion, opened its mouth wide and roared like Hong Zhong.

Inside the Battleship Tushen, Ji Tianxing frowned and looked at the beast lord in the sky, muttering to himself: "How could this be? Isn't this a coincidence?

Not long after entering the unknown land, how did you meet the Orc Lord? "

In his thoughts, this unknown land is so big that even if there are three or five orc lords, they should all occupy a large territory.

The Tushen battleship must travel for at least two days before passing near the lair of a certain orc lord.

This orc lord appeared prematurely, and also laid traps and ambushes, which is really abnormal.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing decided to explore the truth.

He got up and flew out of the Battleship of God Slaughter, came into the sky, confronted the lion-like orc lord, and said in a deep voice, "How do you call your Excellency? This emperor just passed by here without any malice, but I don't know why you are. Set up an ambush here and take action on the emperor's ship?"

If you can avoid conflict with the other party, then of course it would be great, at least not wasting time.

As for asking the other party's identity, I just want to understand the other party's intentions.

The divine beast in the Divine Emperor Realm was obviously not a man with deep thoughts. He grinned after hearing Ji Tianxing's words.

"Hahaha... Alien boy, are you pretending to be stupid with this emperor?

Do you think that if you treat the emperor like this, the emperor will let you go?

too naive! The Immortal Temple came out, making such a big noise in the territory. When the emperor was blind, wouldn't it exist?

If the emperor is not wrong, the Temple of Immortality has spent so much time and effort and so much manpower and material resources, just to arrest you!

If you settle this matter within the territory of the Temple of Immortality, that would be fine.

But you shouldn't, you shouldn't, shouldn't break into the territory of the emperor!

Do you want to draw the flames of war here and kill the people under the emperor?

Don't think about it! This emperor killed you today to avoid future troubles! "

The words of the orc lord revealed its true thoughts and what it had done before.

When Ji Tianxing heard it, he understood that the noise of the Immortal Temple was too loud, and the orc lord had been paying attention to it, and he was prepared.

Perhaps, the orc lord did not know what happened and what caused it.

However, the orc lord set up traps and ambushes in advance, and he didn't want to stay out of the way, and wanted to step in.

Ji Tianxing said that he was just passing by here, and didn't mean to disturb the other party, but the other party still refused to give up.

If that is the case, there is nothing to talk about, only a showdown, and the outcome is determined by life and death.

Ji Tianxing frowned and stared at the orc lord, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure you want to smash it horizontally to increase casualties?

There is no enmity between you and me, and these orc soldiers are also innocent.

If you really want to do something with this emperor, within a few rounds, these strong men will die. Have you considered?

Moreover, even if the battle is to the end, you may not be able to beat the emperor.

Hope you think twice and don't let yourself be fooled! "

While talking, Ji Tianxing released the supernatural power that suppressed everything, the aura belonging to the power of the **** emperor, and immediately spread.

Under the cover of the invisible divine might, many elite orc **** kings are full of fear, revealing a deep worry.

Even the lord of the orc race was jealous of Ji Tianxing's breath and hesitated.

It is true that although Ji Tianxing's words are threats, they are also truthful.

If it insists on besieging the opponent, not only will it not be beneficial, but it will also damage its troops.

Originally, the orc lord had thought of retreating and forcing Ji Tianxing to take an oath, as long as he did not harass his people, he could be allowed to pass by.

But the orc lord changed his mind. It had learned the news a long time ago. It has been arranged for so long, and so much effort has been spent.

Now that he finally stopped the other party, but was dismissed by the other party in a few words, what's the matter?

Where does it look like a lord?

The strength and dignity of the Divine Emperor Realm no longer exist.

Therefore, after the orc lord was silent for a moment, he shouted in a deep voice: "Boy, this emperor has long known that you aliens have always been good at rhetoric and bluffing.

No matter what you say today, this emperor cannot let you go.

We won’t know until we fight it. "

After speaking, the orc lord gave orders to many elite **** kings, and shouted in a majestic tone: "Go! Give this emperor a hard hit, let these alien **** know how powerful!

If you dare to break into this emperor's territory, you can't even think about retreating! "

As its voice fell, more than two thousand orc powerhouses in the Divine King realm roared one after another, releasing magical powers that would destroy the heavens and the earth, and launched a siege on the God Slaughter Battleship.

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