
When Yun Yao learned that the wedding date had been set, there was a hint of shame in her eyes, and her heartbeat speeded up a bit.

"Why is the date so close? Can you be ready in two months?"

She lowered her head slightly, her cheeks were a little red, and her voice was full of shame.

Ji Tianxing embraced her slender waist and smiled and said, "Uncle said that Yunling Palace has already begun preparations, and two months is enough.

Moreover, I also want to marry you as my wife as soon as possible and fulfill my long-cherished wish. "

"Long wish?" Yun Yao raised her eyebrows, looking at him with some complicated eyes, and asked: "We have known each other for less than two years. How can it be called a long wish?"

Ji Tianxing showed a playful smile and whispered in her ear: "From the first time I saw you, I thought in my heart that one day, I will marry you!"

Gentle whispers sounded in her ears, and the warm air flow flicked on her crystal earlobes, which immediately made her earlobes red, very cute.

A thick shame came to her heart, causing her to lower her head in embarrassment, and her voice was trembling in a low voice: "Tian Xing, when you first saw me, did you have this idea?"

"Of course." Ji Tianxing said calmly: "Although I was a toad at that time, and you were a noble swan...

However, not wanting to eat swan's toad is not a good toad. "

After that, he stretched out his arms around Yun Yao's thin waist and hugged her tightly into his arms.

Yun Yao became more embarrassed, nestled in his arms, full of complicated thoughts poured out of her heart.

Looking back over the past year or so, the various experiences between the two made her sigh.

After a long time, the two people separated.

They left the hospitality lobby, rushed to Yun Yao's study, and then discussed about Yuejiancheng.


Two hours later, it was noon.

Ji Tianxing left the city lord's mansion alone and rushed to the Cao's mansion in the east city to check the situation in person.

The Cao family is one of the wealthy families in Yuejian City. It has been inherited for more than three hundred years, and its power cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, the Cao family has been flourishing in recent decades, with many talented people in the family, and the family business is booming.

It's a pity that this tragedy happened when the Cao family was at its most glorious, and more than 80 members of the family were killed. It was truly tragic.

This incident caused an uproar in the city, which changed the conversation of many people.

When Ji Tianxing arrived at Cao's Mansion, he saw the huge mansion surrounded by city guards.

No one dared to approach the mansion, and occasionally some people passed by here, and they all tried their best to stay away from Cao Mansion, walking away quickly with a look of fear.

In the magnificent mansion, there was deathly silence, filled with a trace of ghastly.

Even in broad daylight, it makes people feel uncomfortable and panicked.

Ji Tian walked to the gate of Cao Mansion and was stopped by four city guards.

"This place has been banned by the City Lord's Mansion. Without the order of the City Lord's Mansion, no one can enter."

"I am the emperor Ji Tianxing, here to search for clues." He took out his identity token and said with dignity.

The four city guards changed their complexions and immediately saluted respectfully, opening the door for him.

Ji Tianxing stepped across the gate and stepped into the Cao Mansion.

As soon as I entered the door, there was a wide front yard. Several plane trees were planted in the yard, which are as high as ten feet, at least a hundred years old.

The wide tree canopy almost covered the entire front yard, blocking the noon sun, making the courtyard a little shady.

Under a sycamore tree that was as thick as a water tank, there was a pile of bones, a waist knife and half armor on the ground.

Ji Tianxing glanced at it, and he could see that it was the bones of a middle-aged man, who should be the guard of Cao's Mansion.

There is an ancient well in the corner of the yard. The edge of the well is a circle of bluestone. The wheel at the head of the well is intact, and there is a well rope and a bucket hanging on it.

However, a pile of bones, an embroidered sachet and a pair of embroidered shoes were scattered along the edge of the well.

Ji Tianxing walked through the front yard blankly, looking around calmly, and saw one after another.

Since the tragedy in Cao's Mansion, the City Lord's Mansion has sent troops to blockade the place, and no people are allowed to enter.

The scene in the mansion still retains its original appearance.

When Ji Tianxing saw the corpses, some pictures faintly appeared in his mind, and he could roughly guess the scene of the incident.

There are the most people living in the courtyard, and the most bones.

Especially outside the main hall of Cao's Mansion, there are more than twenty piles of bones scattered on both sides of bluestone steps and avenues.

Those corpses were male and female, old and young, but they were almost the same in their deaths. They were all swallowed by the demon gu puppet, turned into a pile of white bones, and fell to the ground.

Ji Tianxing made a circle around Cao's Mansion and found a total of 84 bones.

Among them, several corpses fell in hidden places such as wood sheds and cellars.

If Yun Yao didn't tell him exactly how many people there are in the Cao family, he wouldn't be surprised.

From the apparent point of view, the Cao family suffered misfortune and was wiped out overnight.

But the bones of Cao Jingfeng, the eldest son of the Cao family, were not there, and his whereabouts remained unknown for a month.

After Ji Tianxing investigated the situation of Cao's, he was 80% sure that the person who slaughtered the Cao family was Cao Jingfeng.

"A young talent with a promising future, the Devil Gu turned into a demon puppet who only knows to kill, and killed everyone in his family, including his parents and brothers and sisters...

Vicious demon gu, **** demon! ! "

He secretly clenched his fist, accumulated a strong anger and murderous intent in his chest, wishing to crush the Demon Emperor and all the Demon Races into pieces!

At this moment, he suddenly frowned, revealing a doubtful look.

He vaguely felt that there was some warmth in his head, as if something was burning in his mind.

However, he didn't feel any discomfort, and the temperature of his forehead was quite normal.

He quickly used his spiritual consciousness to look inside, and he saw the Dzi Bead in his mind, which was shining with enveloping white light, exuding invisible mysterious power.

"Sure enough, the Bu Dzi Bead reacted... but is this an omen?"

This thought flashed through his mind, full of doubts, and he went around Cao's mansion twice.

As a result, the abnormal reaction of Bu Dzi Bead did not dissipate, and it continued to flash with white light.

But he did not find any clues, nor did he understand what was going on.

The Dzi Patch is too mysterious and powerful, and he has no knowledge of the effects and secrets of the Dzi Patch.

In desperation, he could only temporarily leave Cao Mansion and return to the City Lord Mansion.

When he returned to the City Lord's Mansion, the Mending Dzi Bead had calmed down and no longer flashed white light.

Seeing this scene, he was able to determine that the shining and hot vision of the Buddhism must be related to the Cao Mansion.

There is nothing special about Cao's Mansion other than being killed by Demon Gu puppets.

Thinking of this, he faintly felt that the abnormal reaction of Replenishing the Sky Bead must be related to the Demon Gu puppet.

This book comes from

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