Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 901: He actually came back!

The dark night demon commander looked at the demon emperor and the dream demon, bowing respectfully.

"Subordinate Mingye, see His Majesty the Demon Emperor! I have seen Master Dream Demon!"

His voice was deep and strong, like the sound of metal crashing, with a vague echo.

Such a peculiar voice makes people unable to hear his age, nor his sorrows, joys and emotions.

This demon commander who has been wrapped in the battle armor of the Nine Nethers all his life seems to be a machine designed for killing... or a demon is more appropriate.

The Demon Sovereign looked at him with scorching eyes, nodded slightly and said: "Great Demon Commander, be flat.

Earlier, you reported to the emperor for the information, saying that you have found clues about the Goddess Yaoguang, and report it quickly. "

"Yes!" The Dark Night Demon Commander hurriedly bowed his hands without any unnecessary nonsense, and immediately reported: "For more than six hundred years, his subordinates have been following the instructions of His Majesty the Demon Emperor and have been investigating the clues of the Goddess Yaoguang and seeking solutions. The method of blood curse.

Although, in ancient legends, the goddess Yaoguang sacrificed her life, burned the godhead, and has fallen.

But she is a legendary god, she will never be so easily annihilated, most likely will reincarnate, or leave some inheritance. "

The Demon Sovereign nodded again and again, and said solemnly: "Yes! How can the **** of the nine heavens be easily annihilated?

Even if the Goddess Yaoguang really falls, she will leave behind the inheritance of the divine way, or the seven-star divine power.

As long as we find her inheritance, or obtain the seven-star divine power, it is possible to break the blood curse. "

The Demon Commander Ming Ye listened silently, and after the Demon Sovereign finished speaking, he continued: "The subordinates spent hundreds of years walking all over the Profound Sky Continent, searching every forbidden area and ancient relics.

Fortunately, his subordinates finally found a clue!

It is said that thousands of years ago, the sword **** in the top secret forbidden area of ​​the East China Sea Guixu, occasionally found a Canghai God Orb, which seemed to contain a ray of the goddess Yaoguang.

The sword **** heard the legend of the goddess Yaoguang, and was grateful for her sacrifice of herself and saving the common people. He used his great magical powers to place the Canghai God Pearl on the nine-day platform in the depths of the East China Sea.

The Sword God wants the Canghai Divine Bead to draw on the power of the stars from outside the territory with the help of the Nine Heavens Terrace, to withstand the temper of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and eventually be reborn from the ashes and reincarnated as a human. "

Hearing this, the Demon Sovereign frowned fiercely, and shouted with gloomy eyes: "Is that **** Sword God again?!

Canghai Shenzhu, Jiutiantai... Thousands of years ago, the Emperor also explored Jiutiantai during his heyday.

But the emperor hadn’t been able to ascend the stage, he was severely injured by the Nine Heavens God Thunder. At that time, the emperor did not find the Azure Sea God Orb on the stage..."

The Dark Night Demon Commander quickly explained: "Your Majesty, the Sword God placed the Azure Sea God Orb after you were suppressed."

The Demon Sovereign twisted his brows fiercely, and Sen Leng's murderous intent and hatred flashed across his eyes.

However, he suppressed his anger and asked in a deep voice, "What happened later? Is the Azure Sea God Orb still on the Nine Heavens Platform?"

"Naturally is gone." The handsome Ming Ye Mo shook his head slightly.

He said in a low voice: "Ten years ago, his subordinates went to explore Jiutiantai, but didn't dare to approach it. After observing in secret for a long time, they were sure that the Azure Sea God Orb had disappeared.

The subordinate spent another nine years inquiring about the news, and a few months ago, he found out the reason and finally got the result.

As early as twenty years ago, there was a mysterious strong man who boarded the Nine Heavens Terrace alone and took away the Canghai God Pearl.

Later, the mysterious strong man returned to Zhongzhou and disappeared with the Canghai Shenzhu. "

Hearing this, the Demon Sovereign frowned, revealing a puzzled look.

The dream demon couldn't help but was full of doubts, and asked: "Great demon commander, this is the result you said? We can't find the Azure Sea God Orb, we still can't break the blood curse!"

The Dark Night Demon Commander is still as cold as ice, his body is as solid as a rock, and his voice is low and he said, "After all kinds of investigations and analyses, his subordinates have finally determined one thing.

After the mysterious powerhouse returned to Zhongzhou, he was very likely to put the Azure Sea God Orb into the body of a woman of heaven!

We only need to find that woman, and then we can get the Azure Sea God Orb for our use! "

The Demon Sovereign squinted his eyes immediately, his eyes flashed with violent purple fire, and he sneered in a harsh tone: "Huh, that mysterious strong man, do you want Goddess Yaoguang to be born again?

Within the scope of Zhongzhou, twenty years ago...The Pride of Heaven... The search range is much smaller, so it is not difficult to find that woman!

The big demon, have you investigated, who is that mysterious powerhouse? "

The Dark Night Demon Commander shook his head lightly, and said indifferently: "The subordinate once suspected a person, but he is not sure, after all, that person has not appeared for more than two hundred years."

The Demon Sovereign raised his brows and asked in a deep voice, "You mean... the palace lord of the imperial palace?"

"Exactly." The handsome Ming Ye Mo nodded slightly.

The Demon Sovereign stretched out his hand and held the Demon God's scepter in his palm, and said with a sneer: "The Emperor Palace Master has disappeared for more than two hundred years, and it is very likely that he has left the Profound Sky Continent.

Therefore, this emperor came to Zhongzhou this time and brought the ancestor's Demon Scepter.

Taking this opportunity, the emperor will bloodbath Zhongzhou, create a terrifying disaster in Zhongzhou, and teach them a lesson they will never forget!

Ji Tianxing's bloodline of the sword god, this emperor must get it!

There is also the Azure Sea God Orb, which is also in the bag of the emperor! No one can stop the rejuvenation and rise of our race! "

While talking, the Demon Emperor exudes an invisible majesty and domineering all over his body.

Mengmo was excited, and he wanted to praise.

But the Demon Master Ming Ye said in a cold voice, without emotional fluctuations: "Your Majesty the Demon King, I am afraid this matter is not right, please think twice!

The subordinates came to see your Majesty today, besides reporting the news about the Goddess Yaoguang, they also had to report the second news. "

"What's the matter?" The Demon Sovereign frowned suddenly, and his domineering expression was reduced.

The Dark Night Demon Commander quickly reported: "Five days ago, the hundreds of millions of Netherbees under his control had sent strange messages one after another.

The subordinates realized that it was not good, so they sacrificed the banners of ten thousand souls, and used secret methods to deduct Zhou Tian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to explore the movement of the top of the mainland.

The subordinates discovered the breath of that strong man!

He seems to have returned to the Profound Sky Continent! "

The Dark Night Demon Commander is not only the head of the Six Great Demon Commanders, but also the most respected powerhouse of the Ancient Demon Emperor.

He is responsible for investigating news, investigating clues in ancient legends, and controlling the ears, eyes, and intelligence news of the entire demons.

He has raised hundreds of millions of mysterious Netherbees, scattered in all corners of the Profound Sky Continent, and can monitor the movement of the entire continent and collect news about various races and forces.

Moreover, he also possesses the ancient relics of the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, which can deduce the week and predict the future, and can even trace the strong and the gods in the air.

Both the Demon Emperor and the Dream Demon were convinced of his words, and their expressions changed on the spot.

"He actually came back?"

"Damn! He has disappeared for more than two hundred years, how can he come back at this time?!"

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