Sword Emperor of Chaos

Chapter 2313: Not even qualified to tie a sword!

If you don't grab the sword, it will fall, but if you keep grabbing it, how can you concentrate on taking the sword?

You can grab one or two swords with your hands, but how can you grab four or five swords with your hands?

Su Mu turned his head to look at the others to see how they stabilized the swords.

Those who took the swords all tied their swords with the sword field silk to prevent them from falling.

This made him and Chai Bin understand another truth, why they used the sword field silk to take the sword at the beginning. Taking the sword consumes the power of the sword field, and even keeping the sword consumes the power of the sword field. It's really not a luxury. If you don't save it, not to mention that you can't take many swords, just the sword that you took up falls again is enough to collapse.

"Brother Su, what are you still thinking about? Hurry up and tie the sword with the sword field silk."

Seeing that Su Mu was holding the sword and hesitating, Chai Bin couldn't help reminding him, you don't want to hold the sword all the time, right?

Su Mu was hesitating, whether to tie the sword with the sword field silk or the sword force silk.

Stretch out a finger, and a thread of sword force will emerge. Let's try whether the thread of sword force can bind the sword.

Seeing Su Mu use the thread of sword force, Chai Bin was stunned, and suddenly remembered the puzzled thing just now, how did the sword field come from, why did it refuse to achieve the sword field?


The thread of sword force was entangled on the sword, and it was quickly dissolved, and the sword fell directly down!

Seeing this, Su Mu hurriedly descended and grabbed it. Chai Bin was shocked to see that the sword almost fell into the lake, and couldn't help saying: "Brother Su, what are you doing?"

"Don't you know that the sword force is completely useless here? The sword below is not even qualified to be touched by the sword force!"

He really doesn't understand. Is it so difficult to achieve the sword field? It has to be so tossing!

You will feel uncomfortable if you don't toss a few times, right?

Su Mu's face sank, and the sword force was directly dissolved. This is definitely not good news for him. This means that he must use the sword field to bind the sword.

The most fatal thing is that it cannot be simply tied up. In order to prevent the sword from falling, those who took out the sword are constantly outputting power to maintain the sword field thread, which is a considerable consumption of the sword field power!

This also means that he has to do this, otherwise it will be useless to take out more swords, and it will be a waste of effort in the end!

"The difficulty has just begun."

The next step is that the more swords are taken out, the harder it will be to take the sword. Just hanging the swords taken can kill people!

After all the hardships to form the sword formation, I am afraid that there will be a fight in the end. By then, it may be a battle between high blood pressure and low blood sugar. Just maintaining the sword formation can make people uncomfortable to death.

"Everyone is normal in the experience of the sword tomb."

With a sigh, Su Mu had to think of a way to keep the swords taken up.

The sword field that was imitated can only be hung for a while. The sword will continue to dissolve the power of the sword field, and it will definitely fall after a long time!

"Why don't you complete the sword field?" Seeing Su Mu not saying a word, Chai Bin waved his hands in anger: "Forget it, I don't care about you!"

"It's so hard to come into the sword tomb, you don't cherish it, you don't want the real god's heavenly soldier?"

After scolding, seeing that Su Mu still had no intention of completing the sword field, Chai Bin glared at him with a look of disappointment, and simply ignored him completely and continued to take the sword.

Su Mu glanced at Chai Bin and sighed. He knew that Chai Bin had good intentions for him, but he had to bear not to complete the sword field, otherwise all his hard work before would be in vain!

First, tie the sword with the simulated sword field silk, and you can only take one step at a time.

"Hmph." Chai Bin just put down the sword field silk, and he couldn't help but groan, feeling that the difficulty has increased further!

"No wonder those people are getting slower and slower to take the sword."

When taking the sword, you must also take care that the sword you take up cannot fall down. Not only is the difficulty increased, but it is also very uncomfortable.

This is just the effect of taking one sword. If you take more swords, I'm afraid it will be very uncomfortable!

"Can the sword tomb stop studying this kind of perverted experience!"

Can't you have a normal experience!

When his spiritual sense saw Su Mu's sword field thread falling down, Chai Bin chose to ignore it directly. He was really angry now.


But he couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Su Mu's sword field thread pulling out the sword.

"So fast!"

This efficiency and speed are more than a little faster than him!

But then he snorted coldly. What does it matter if you take the sword faster? If you don't break through the sword field, you can't keep the sword. Everything is in vain!

"Hua La!"

Su Mu took great efforts and finally took the second sword up.

Even if it is a replica of the sword field, it is a 32-story sword field. The success rate of taking the sword is definitely not comparable to others!

He grabbed the sword and looked down. He saw that the sword field silk on the sword hanging on his waist was almost dissolved. He was so scared that he quickly tied it up with the remaining sword field silk.

"Fortunately, I took the sword quickly."

He breathed a sigh of relief. After tying the second sword, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"As long as I take the sword fast enough, it will be fine!"

The imitation sword field silk can't be replenished at any time and will be dissolved quickly, but as long as he takes the sword fast enough, he can reinforce it before the sword field silk dissolves!

Then the risk of falling at any time will not exist.

"Let's do it!"

After reinforcing the sword field silk of the two swords, Su Mu planned to take the sword for the third time.

Now he not only has to achieve the success rate of taking the sword, but also the speed of taking the sword. The speed of taking the sword must be fast!

After brewing, he imitated a large amount of sword field power, reinforced the sword force of the two swords, and then quickly let the wire go down.


Just as he let the sword field wire go down, he saw Chai Bin's sword field wire break. He was stunned for a moment and continued to control the sword field wire down.

Now is not the time to care about Chai Bin. He must keep speed and cannot delay a little time!


Chai Bin watched the sword that was about to be in his hand fall down, and he was so angry that he raised his head and roared.

But he is not the same as before. Before, he would be tortured to collapse, but now he has begun to numb and his state of mind has calmed down a lot.

Tempering the mind may be one of the purposes of the sword control formation experience.


Turning his head to see that there were already two swords beside Su Mu, Chai Bin was stunned, and then he couldn't control his anger.

Why is his efficiency in taking swords not as good as that of a person who has not even achieved the sword field!

This is not like trying to get chestnuts out of the fire. In the experience of trying to get chestnuts out of the fire, the sword can still play a lot of roles. Here, he can't even tie the sword. If he can still accept it calmly, then he is really crazy!

"Can the sword field that is imitated have this strength?"

"Huh? Not good!"

In distress, Chai Bin saw that the sword tied to Su Mu's waist was about to fall, and his face suddenly changed.

"Brother Su, your sword is going to fall!"

The silk of the sword field that tied the two swords has been dissolved to only one-tenth of the hair. If it is not reinforced, the two swords will definitely fall!

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