Sword Emperor of Chaos

Chapter 39 New Student Welfare!

"Sister Si Qing."

Seeing the dejected Gu Siqing, Tian Yuyue and Tian Yuyue's expressions changed and they both came up to comfort him.

"Sister Siqing, you have worked hard this time, please rest first."

"Sister Siqing, you must be tired after coming all the way back. Drink some water first."

Seeing that they were all comforting her, Tian Yuyue handed over a kettle, and Gu Siqing took it with a wry smile.

"Sisters, how many new students have you recruited?"

Tian Yuyue and the two girls looked at each other without saying a word. Gu Siqing was recruiting students in Linwu City, the most prosperous among the three major cities, but only eight new students were recruited. They couldn't bear to attack Gu Siqing. ??

"Sister Guan, you have recruited so many new students? You are so awesome!" Gu Siqing glanced around and saw Su Mu and the others, forty people, and couldn't help but exclaimed. Needless to say, most of these new students must have been recruited by Guan Yifei. of.

Guan Yifei opened her mouth with embarrassment on her face and looked at Gu Siqing with resentment. I came here to comfort you out of kindness, why did you hit me again?

"Help them go through the admission procedures first." Tian Yuyue saw Guan Yifei's depressed look and said with a smile.

Watching the two people turn around, Gu Siqing looked confused and confused.

The freshmen looked at Gu Siqing and twitched the corners of their mouths. He was so pure and...simple.

Tian Yuyue has been busy. Including the new students recruited by Gu Siqing, there are a total of forty-eight new students. It takes a lot of time to go through the admission procedures one by one. In the end, Gu Siqing came to help reduce her burden.

Guan Yifei, on the other hand, turned a blind eye, wandering around like an idler, and finally stared at the admissions office of the first four colleges feeling angry and helpless.

“I don’t know when the Fifth Academy will rise.”

Among the first four houses, the number of freshmen in any one of them is twice as many as theirs. This is even after Tian Yuyue has brought back so many freshmen. If this continues, it will be impossible for the fifth house to rise to prominence.

Guan Yifei couldn't help but look back at Su Mu, and then shook her head, comprehending the meaning of the sword. It was indeed a monster, but she turned into disappointment after learning that Su Mu's life palace was below the third level.

"Wei Zhuo, I can only rely on you now." Finally, his eyes fell on Wei Zhuo, the one who could lead the rise of the Five Academy.

There is only Wei Zhuo.


After an hour of busy work, the admission procedures for all the new students were finally completed. Tian Yuyue took out palm-sized bronze tokens and distributed them to Su Mu and the others.

"This is your school badge. Wufu is very open-minded and does not stick to clothing, but you must carry the school badge with you. Once lost, you must replace it immediately!" After issuing it, Tian Yuyue said very seriously.

Everyone in Su Mu nodded and put away the school cards.

"Welcome to join the Fifth Academy of Wufu!"

The three Tian Yuyue girls stood in a row, spoke loudly, and performed a simple welcome ceremony to Su Mu and the others.

The loud voice woke up Hua Lingfeng from his nap. He opened his eyes lazily, muttered a few words and fell asleep again.

"Well, welcome, well..."

Tian Yuyue and the other three girls turned around and glared at him. You might as well not say anything about your welcome, it would ruin the atmosphere!

"When you join the Wu Mansion, everyone will have a new freshman benefit. This benefit is only available once, so don't miss it!" Tian Yuyue then spoke, and the freshmen's eyes lit up when they heard it.

"Just picking purple orchids, right?" Someone asked, and Tian Yuyue nodded in confirmation.

"What purple orchid?" But most freshmen don't know what this freshman benefit is and what a purple orchid is.

"Do you know why Wufu recruits students every two years? It's because of this purple orchid!" Someone immediately explained.

"Purple orchids grow on a mountain behind Wufu and mature every two years. Purple orchids can be taken directly to wash away impurities in the meridians, increase the speed of cultivation, and greatly increase the chance of breaking through to the rebirth realm. Taking three or more flowers can directly break through to a state of rebirth. realm!"

"So awesome!" The unknowing freshman couldn't help but exclaimed, his eyes brightening.

"That's right, purple orchids are a benefit specially given to freshmen by Wu Mansion. Only we can pick them. Although the effect after three flowers will be much smaller, we can pick them

If you sell the purple orchids you get to others, you can make a lot of money! "

The freshmen were already excited after hearing this. They must seize such a good opportunity!

"Purple orchid..." Su Mu murmured, with a flash of light in his eyes. It was becoming increasingly difficult to condense Yuan Liquid. This purple orchid is a very good choice!

If you pick more, you can make a fortune!

"And this freshman welfare is also related to the competition among the five houses!" The freshman continued to speak, and the other freshmen were full of curiosity.

"When picking purple orchids, the five colleges will conduct a ranking. The ranking directly proves the strength of this freshmen. This is our first honor battle after joining the Wu Mansion!"

"Finally, the Wu Mansion will make a quantitative count of the purple orchids picked by each person. If they rank first, the Wu Mansion will reward them with an opportunity to enter the Chaotic Wind Tunnel to practice!"

"Chaos Wind Tunnel? Where is that place?" The freshmen's expressions changed from solemn to curious. Their hope of defeating the first four houses was slim, but they were all very curious about this Chaos Wind Tunnel.

"The Chaos Wind Tunnel is a wonderful place for training. Only old students with outstanding performance can often enter. The longer you practice in the Chaos Wind Tunnel, the stronger your strength will be!" The freshman scratched his head after saying this. He knew That's all.

But this is enough to make all the freshmen look forward to it, even Su Mu is no exception.

"The Supreme Life Palace requires too many resources. The Chaos Wind Tunnel can greatly speed up my cultivation. This first place belongs to me!" Su Mu's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he looked at the people in the first four courtyards. With a hint of sneer, he will smash the so-called arrogance of the first four courtyards to pieces!

"What the student said is very good, but purple orchids grow on cliffs and picking them is very risky. Don't be greedy for more." Tian Yuyue stood up and continued. Their fifth hospital has always been at the end of the crane, so she didn't No big expectations, she was already satisfied if everyone could pick a purple orchid without any danger.

She thought so, but Su Mu and Wei Zhuo didn't think so, and their eyes became sharp and firm.

"The first place this time is definitely me!" Wei Zhuo swore secretly in his heart and turned to look at Su Mu.

The gathering of garbage palaces is good news and bad news for him. The good news is that he can surpass Su Mu soon, but the bad news is that Su Mu is no longer qualified to be his opponent.

"Su Mu, this may be our last contest, don't let me down." But now, he still regards Su Mu as his strongest competitor!

"Destroy the Fifth Courtyard!"

"We must let the Fifth Academy see how powerful we are!"

"They will not be able to pick a single purple orchid today!"

“I want them not to even see purple orchids!”

Suddenly there was a loud roar from the first four houses. The freshmen in the fifth house changed their faces when they heard it. They turned around and saw the freshmen in the first four houses looking at them provocatively.

"What do they want?"

"Are they going to join forces to deal with us?" The faces of the freshmen in the fifth house turned pale. There were nearly 400 people in the first four houses in total. They could not be opponents.

The expressions of Tian Yuyue and the three others also changed. They looked at the four deans and saw that they were expressionless, but the tutors from the first four deans had a sneer on their lips.

"They're taking revenge!"


"How despicable!"

The three of them were so angry that they couldn't fight their dean, so they actually encouraged a bunch of freshmen to take revenge on them. How despicable!

"What should we do?" The three of them looked at each other. As long as they went up the back mountain, they could only watch helplessly. Then the new students in the fifth hospital would be in trouble!

"Su Mu, Wei Zhuo, what do you think?" At this time, Hua Lingfeng slowly opened his eyes and looked at Su Mu and Wei Zhuo slowly. Among the freshmen in the fifth hospital, Su Mu and Wei Zhuo were the strongest.

Wei Zhuo didn't speak, his brows were furrowed. The first four courtyards joined forces, which was a fatal blow to them.

"Dean, what do you think?" Su Mu asked with an evil smile on his lips. It seems that this dean wants to cause trouble.

"You can do whatever you want, and I, an old guy, will help you with it all!" Hua Lingfeng sat up straight and smiled, with a cold light in his eyes!

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