Sword Emperor of Chaos

Chapter 542 A good start!

"Five-page jade album?"

"Ha ha……"

Seeing the five-page jade album in Su Mu's hand, the seven branch owners were stunned, and then they all raised their heads and laughed. With such little capital, you still want to fight with them? Do you want to laugh their teeth off?

"You are so short of jade books? Master Xiang, if you are really so poor, tell us!"

"Haha... If you want to abstain, just abstain. Why waste so much energy?"

Xiang Haoran watched the seven branch owners laughing at him, his face unchanged, but his heart had sunk to the bottom. Su Mu didn't ask him for the jade album. Before, he only used five pages of the jade album to detect all the ores, so he didn't do it again. I had been concerned about it, but now it seemed that Su Mu was doomed to defeat from the beginning.

"No, I should believe in Su Mu, yes, I must believe in him!" Xiang Haoran gritted his teeth, constantly reminding himself that he had no choice but to believe in Su Mu!

"Tsk...Brother, is this your confidence to gamble your wealth?" The second prince and the third princess were both happy when they saw it. They looked at the eldest prince sarcastically and handed over their wealth easily. It seemed very worthless.

They didn't need to laugh at him, the eldest prince's face was so gloomy that he almost crushed the armrest!

The five-page jade book is making fun of his wealth and his life!

But like Xiang Haoran, he had no choice but to believe in Su Mu!

"Money back!"

"You bastard, how dare you cheat me!"

"Give me your money back!"

There was already a lot of abuse in the audience. The stone gamblers who had bet on Su Mu wanted to rush up and tear Su Mu into pieces on the spot!


"Those who cause trouble will be expelled from the Yuanshi Pavilion!"

The majestic voice of the headmaster sounded, and they were quieted down.

And the only person present who liked Su Mu was probably the head museum owner.

The weaker Su Mu's capital is, the happier he is, because this means that Su Mu brings 111 billion in revenue to their Yuanshi Pavilion, which is a net profit!

How could you not like this kind of God of Wealth?

On the field, Master Tian and the other seven glanced at Su Mu with disdain, and then started betting on stones. They only had half an hour, and they had no time to waste on laughing at Su Mu.

Su Mu was not influenced by those people. After the last stone gambling and the half-day watching and studying just now, his stone gambling experience increased rapidly. The five-page and ten-page jade books had no impact on him. If it were not for saving time, he would not even Don’t even use the jade book!

"This piece, open!"

Master Li is worthy of being the person who helped the current head of the museum to win. He quickly selected a piece of ore, waved his hands and shouted loudly. Immediately, a staff member rushed up, moved the ore he selected, and started to open the stone!

"Master Li took the lead in selecting the ore, can he get the essence?"

When everyone saw it, they immediately became nervous, and those who had bet on Master Li were even more excited!


As the stone cutting machine vibrated, a piece of essence fell out of the pipe!

"Yuan Marrow, Yuan Marrow has been opened!"

"Haha... As expected of Master Li, he revealed the essence of the essence in the first piece!"

"The first piece of Yuan Essence is two taels, so we're off to a good start!"

Under the eight stone-cutting machines, the boxes used to receive the essence are all specially made and can directly display the weight, making the stone gambling look more interesting and intense!

Master Zhang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the weight of the essence, and a smile appeared on his face. Master Li's start is really beautiful!

"This piece, open!"

On the other side, Master Tian also made some achievements and waved his hand to let people open the stone!


"Yuan Marrow, Yuan Marrow has been opened again!"

"One or two enough!"


The owner of the stable jumped up excitedly when he saw that Master Tian also gave him a good start. He did not have the support of the eldest prince and the others behind him. This good start gave him strong confidence!

On the other side, Guanzhu Zhang’s strong competitor, Guanzhu Chen’s people, also offered two liang of essence!

The competition between the two sides instantly became more intense!

Only half a quarter of an hour has passed, and the seven stone gambling masters have all made great achievements. Even the worst one has half a tael of essence, giving those branch owners strong confidence!

In the end, only Su Mu was left who had not yet opened the essence. This made Xiang Haoran and the eldest prince anxious, but they were the only two people present who paid attention to Su Mu. Even those who bet on Su Mu went to see other stone gambling masters. After all, they bet on Su Mu by the way. If they lose money on Su Mu, they can still make it back on other stone betting masters!

"These three pieces, open!"

Su Mu finally selected the ore and chose three pieces at once! .??.

"Why choose so many?"

"Are you sure?"

Xiang Haoran is still anxious. It takes time to open stones. There is only one stone cutting machine. Trying your luck by opening more stones will only be a waste of time!

And there was only one person to help with the stone cutting, so a lot of time was wasted!

"Buzz buzz..."

The person who helped open the stone rushed forward and moved the three pieces of ore that Su Mu selected, and then opened them one by one.


Even in the noisy environment, Xiang Haoran clearly heard the sound of the essence falling to the ground. He immediately took a closer look and his breath froze!

"Essential Essence, Essence Essence!"

Xiang Haoran's heart suddenly surged with excitement. There were only one or two Yuan Essences opened, which was average, but it was still a good start and promising!


The second piece of essence fell to the ground, and the eldest prince's expression changed!

"Another one or two!"


It’s two taels since I got up! "

Xiang Haoran and the eldest prince held their breath and watched the stone cutter open the third piece of ore. If there was one or two pieces left in the third piece, then they would start one or two more than the others!

Directly sweep all stone gambling masters!


"One liang, another liang!"

"Hahaha... mighty, Su Mu mighty!"

Xiang Haoran jumped up excitedly, and even danced and knelt down towards Su Mu. He started with three liang of essence, which was simply unbelievable!

If Su Mu helps him take the position of the head of the museum, let alone kneel down, he will be his father, the living father who will provide for him!

The eldest prince didn't make such a big move, but his face was filled with uncontrollable excitement at this moment!

No matter in any aspect, Su Mu did not let him down and would not let him down!

But it is a pity that they are the only two people who pay attention to Su Mu. Other than that, no one cares whether Su Mu has opened the essence!

"This piece, open!"

"Master Li picked out another piece!"

"This piece must be another two-liang essence!"

Seeing Master Li pick out the second piece of ore, everyone was excited again. If they continue at this speed and accuracy, they will soon be able to accumulate a pound of essence!

"Eh? Three liang?"

When they were paying attention to Master Li's stone-cutting machine, they finally noticed Su Mu's stone-cutting machine. When they saw the number three or two, they were obviously stunned for a moment, and then blinked. Who started it so quickly? Three Liang Yuan Marrow came out?

"Master Tian? Or Master Qian?"

Master Qian is the stone gambling master under Guanzhu Chen. Like Master Li, he got two ounces out of the first piece of ore.

"It seems to be Su Mu's stone-opening machine?"

"Su Mu's? He, he prescribed three liang of essence?"

"No, it can't be, so fast?"

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