Sword Emperor

Chapter 1040 Dragons Don’t Live with Snakes

Song Que did not accept this person's apology at all. Even a cold snort could be heard in the air at this moment. The surrounding atmosphere was extremely cold, as if a battle might break out at any time.

The boy who was originally checking the invitation letter at the door saw that a conflict was about to break out suddenly. Even though there was no momentum, the single page couldn't help but start to tremble.

Fortunately, the battle did not start in the end. Song Que just looked at them coldly, then took Sun Bing and walked straight into the house.

When passing the young man from before, you could see a smile on the corner of that young man's mouth, and he said softly: "Song Que, my invitation to you is still valid for the time being. I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible. "

After hearing these words, Song Que's face couldn't help but become more and more ugly. His whole body erupted with red light as he breathed, and a strong murderous aura enveloped the surroundings.

On the other hand, the person in front of him made no movement at all and was still standing there. After thinking for a long time, Song Que could only show a fierce look in his eyes, grit his teeth, and did not make any attack movements.

The next moment, Sun Bing and Song Que had surpassed the young master and walked directly into this building. Seeing that there were no other monks around, Sun Bing finally calmly explained the doubts in his heart. come out:

"Who was that person just now? Why did he have such an attitude? Did he have any conflict with you?"

Although he had entered the palace, Song Que's face was still extremely ugly. After thinking for a while, he slowly said:

"Brother Sun, you have

Unknown to everyone, these are the descendants who came out of the Cave Heaven Paradise. Although they are powerful, they are extremely arrogant by nature. They even think that the battle a hundred thousand years ago was all due to them.

Coming out at this moment is more like rescuing us. His attitude is full of charity, and his whole body exudes an aura of superiority. "

Listening to this, Sun Bing recalled the appearance of the person before and nodded involuntarily. After all, even the short conversation just now made Sun Bing feel that they were domineering, which was really unpleasant. .

But if it's just like this, it can only be regarded as a problem of personal character. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be such a violent conflict between them?

But soon, Song Que couldn't help but explain again: "As for the person who tried to stop me before, his name is Zhao Hua. He can also be regarded as a hero. At this moment, his cultivation has reached the first level of the life and death realm, and he is called the Young Master. This person is one of the seventy-two blessed lands, named Zhong Yue.

The conflict between us had already arisen half a year ago. At that time, I had not yet left seclusion, but these two people came directly to our Nihe Sect as soon as they left the blessed land.

Since there are visitors coming, Nihe Sect will also treat them with courtesy. After all, both parties are human monks. Even at this moment, they need to unite as one to fight against the ancient races. "

Sun Bing nodded. It was quite normal for the Nihe Sect to behave like this. After all, although the Nihe Sect was strong, it was still far behind Dongtian Paradise, so it was natural to focus on winning over them.

"Haha, but Zhong Yue has an extremely weird personality. He saw that I was rebellious.

After the He Sect, I even became greedy and directly proposed the idea of ​​​​acquisition of my Nihe Sect on the spot. "

Having said this, Song Que's face was filled with raging anger: "Such an unreasonable explanation, I, the elder of Nihe Sect and the Holy Master, directly rejected it on the spot, and did not take action, but invited him out. .

If it was just that, that would be it. Even if they later learned about my release from seclusion for some unknown reason, they wanted to come over and accept me as a servant. Now my Nihe Sect finally started to fight back, but some helplessness happened. Let him run away. "

At the end of the sentence, Song Que was not only filled with anger, but also with a deep sense of helplessness and regret. He wished that he could kill him completely on the spot, so that there wouldn't be so many troubles at this moment.

In an instant, Sun Bing nodded, finally understanding what happened. Even though he had never seen that scene, he couldn't help but be filled with anger.

After all, Nihe Sect treated others with courtesy from beginning to end, and did not do anything wrong at all. On the contrary, Zhong Yue insulted the other party again and again. As a dignified holy place, Naturally, he won't be humiliated.

After understanding the truth, Sun Bing couldn't help but shook his head, and secretly sighed in his heart: "I didn't expect that his personality and temper would be so weird? Is it really possible to pass on people like this?"

After all, although Zhong Yue's strength is considered to be extremely powerful among his peers, it is conceivable that he is able to cultivate to such an extent in such a short period of time, and his talent is amazing.

But he has a weird temper and even immature mentality. That's it for now, but once he takes charge of a party in the future,

, if this is still the case, it will definitely bring very serious consequences.

What's more, at this moment, the entire nine states of the human race are all facing the invasion of the ancient races. All the alien races need to unite together to completely eliminate such a huge threat.

If there is any gap in the cooperation between the two parties because of such a person, that would be a sin.

But unfortunately, even if Sun Bing could see this, he couldn't figure it out.

After all, there is a big gap in strength between the local sect holy land, Thirty-six Cave Heaven, and Seventy-two Blessed Lands. Even if they are from the same human race, there may still be internal fighting. This is the most helpless place.

Immediately, Sun Bing could only let out a long sigh, and immediately followed Song Que closely, while silently keeping this matter in his heart.

Although this place was originally a quite remote Donghai City, this palace was still extremely luxurious. After walking for such a long time, we finally came to a hall, where we could see several figures in the distance. Have a conversation.

Sun Bing immediately cast a doubtful look, because he noticed a mysterious aura on those people.

But when Sun Bing looked over there, several people on the opposite side seemed to feel something. They slowly turned their heads and looked at Sun Bing. Even though they were so far apart, Sun Bing could still clearly feel a faint feeling. threaten.

In an instant, Sun Bing understood that the opponent's strength was not inferior to him at all, and was even faintly stronger. The most important thing was that these people were not very old, and they could be called geniuses and monsters.

Those few people in the distance saw that Sun Bing was just a

After the monks at the first level of the Cave Heaven Realm, those few people quickly looked away, but one of the young men actually had a smile on his lips.

"Are you okay? Brother Sun." Suddenly, Song Que's words interrupted Sun Bing who was deep in thought, and then he met a pair of eyes full of concern.

Immediately, Sun Bing shook his head directly, and then immediately said: "I have nothing to do, I just don't know who the monks who are talking in the distance are? They are very powerful!"

"Those people are the monks in the Cave Heaven Paradise that I introduced to you before.

Because of our relatively high-spirited nature, there are very few of us who can be valued by them, so the two sides have no common language at all. Even though they have met a few times in the past, they cannot talk to each other. The two sides are clearly Wei and Jin. Song Que said immediately.

After knowing the reason, Sun Bing nodded slowly, and at the same time he understood why the two sides were so different. Even through the look just now, Sun Bing could feel the strength of the other party. .

After all, Tenglong doesn't know each other well with ants, so it's no wonder that they don't want to talk to Song Que and others. Even though these people are pretty good, they are still far behind them.

"Okay, Brother Sun, you don't need to think about anything. We are not the only ones coming this time. I just got the news that others have already arrived. We are even the two at the back. Hurry up and get there now. Bar."

While Sun Bing was deep in thought, Song Que in the distance immediately waved his hand, beckoning Sun Bing to follow him quickly.

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