Sword Emperor

Chapter 1082 Zhong Yue is here

"Hahahaha, after searching for so long, I finally found you here. Take advantage of my move, Great Yuan Magnetic Divine Palm."

Suddenly, a burst of wild laughter suddenly came out, and then the majestic momentum pressed heavily on Sun Bing. For a while, Sun Bing's breathing was even suppressed, and he couldn't help but start thinking in his heart. :

"Does it mean that the Holy Son of the Three-Eyed Tribe actually has any reinforcements? Moreover, this person is more powerful than the Holy Son of Cultivators of the Three-Eyed Tribe. If I face the attack of two people, I might even be able to do something. Danger."

Just when Sun Bing's mind was filled with thoughts, a majestic sky-covering palm had already shrouded Sun Bing from a distance, with a bright sword light in it, which could be heard in the air. There was a crackling sound.

Faced with such an unprepared attack, Sun Bing frowned tightly, and then he clenched the Tai'a sword with both hands. The powerful true energy surged through his meridians, and finally was poured into the Tai'a sword. The sharp sword power also appeared.

"Sword bite"

The secret of Devouring was then activated, and the air in front of him was even distorted to a certain extent. The black sword light surged in front of him, and everything that could be swallowed disappeared. And as more energy was swallowed, the black sword light surged. The power is also becoming more and more powerful.

Finally, it completely collided with the palm that covered the sky, and a loud noise broke out in the air. The space was completely shattered, cracks spread, and the ground was in a mess. It looked like thousands of Like a ruins riddled with holes.

After a long time, when the space in front of him was completely restored, Sun Bing

Only then could he find a young man standing not far away. He seemed to be a monk from the Lei Xiao clan. However, for some reason, Sun Bing always felt that he was a little familiar.

Immediately he frowned tightly, and then slowly asked: "Who are you? Could it be that you are this person's rescuer?"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that you don't recognize me, but I have never forgotten the revenge of that day. Today is finally the time for revenge."

In response to Sun Bing's words, the other party immediately smiled wildly, and looked at Sun Bing with eyes full of hatred.

After hearing this person's words, Sun Bing frowned tightly, because Sun Bing had only heard about this race occasionally. It was a powerful race among the top 100 races in the ancient times. Control thunder and lightning.

But what makes Sun Bing confused is that before today, Sun Bing had never even seen the other party. How could he have offended the other party? This is complete nonsense.

But the problem arises because of this, because with his keen insight, Sun Bing can clearly see that the resentment in the other person's eyes is the most real emotion, so this is true, so what happened between the two people? ?

Suddenly, Sun Bing immediately said: "I wonder who you are? We must have never met, right? How can we talk about hatred?"

"What talk about hatred? You are simply making a big joke. Since you may not recognize this look, what about now?" As the words fell, you could see that the figure of the person in front of you changed. At this moment, Sun Bing Xin already had some guesses.

Not long after, the other party's appearance completely changed

Change, originally the whole body was flashing with thunder, but all of this disappeared. At the same time, Sun Bing's guess also got Ying Zheng, and he understood why the other party hated him so much.

Because this person is not a monk from the Lei Xiao clan, he is clearly Zhong Yue from Lingxu Paradise.

After seeing the look of understanding on Sun Bing's face, Zhong Yue also knew that Sun Bing finally remembered him, and then a fierce smile appeared on his face:

"You don't really mean that after entering Bianhuang City, I will put down my hatred, do you? You are really naive. You know that I am watching you carefully all the time, and all your actions are watched by me. In my eyes, it’s just the Art of Disguise. If you can practice it, I can also practice it.”

Having said this, Zhong Yue paused, looked at Sun Bing not far away again, and then said arrogantly: "But to be honest, it is really a fluke that you can reach this point as a casual cultivator.

But I really want to thank you for bringing me such a huge opportunity. You are my lucky star. There are moon spirits here, and there are also some strange things like star stones and moon stones. I didn’t even know about it before. Well, but in return, you can die for me. "

Through such a short conversation, Sun Bing already fully understood how the other party came.

This incident was indeed beyond Sun Bing's expectations. He did not expect that in this Moonlight Land, apart from him, even Zhong Yue, the human race, would also successfully enter this place, which is why today's farce happened.

After a short period of thinking, Sun Bing's eyes opened slightly, and then he immediately said:

"In this case, then this farce will end immediately. I still need to have some reservations about those people I have faced. Now that you have pursued it here, then I will never have any future troubles."

"You are really talking nonsense, you actually want to kill me, but this should be your burial place. Do you really think my strength is only like this?" Zhong Yue's face became extremely gloomy, and then the aura on his body exploded even more of terror.

Only then did Sun Bing realize that the opponent's strength at this moment had actually reached the fifth level of the life and death realm, which was much stronger than the previous fight. Especially with such an aura, it was obvious that his strength was stronger than imagined. Be strong.

After finishing his words, Zhong Yue had already started to attack. At this moment, his figure was extremely huge, and the Yuanci Divine Sword appeared in his hand, with purple thunder jumping on it. Just the breath released from it looked terrifying. Extremely intimidating.

Then, Zhong Yue held the Yuanci Divine Sword in his hand and immediately slashed downwards from the air. Purple thunder then emerged, and the power of Yuanci completely exploded. The huge sword was extremely bright, as if it was going to destroy the world. All split into two ends.

"Such strength has really improved a lot. It seems that the reputation of this heir to the blessed land is not wasted." Sun Bing's eyes were also attracted by this, and he thought secretly in his heart.

But the body's speed was extremely fast, and it was immediately pushed back. At the same time, the sword formation also opened it directly, revealing the Holy Son of the Three-Eyed Clan inside.

In an instant, the speed of the sword light was so fast that only afterimages could be seen appearing in the air. When the sword formation

When it was opened, it hit the Holy Son of the Three-Eyed Tribe.

Facing the unthinkable disaster, the Holy Son of the Three-Eyed Clan was quite helpless. He originally thought he could escape successfully, but he never expected that this would be the case. However, for the sake of his life, he could only resist with all his strength.

But no matter how powerful he was, the Holy Son's preparation time was too hasty after all, so he quickly couldn't hold on, and was completely killed, without any resistance at all.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Sun Bing felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. At this moment, he truly regarded Zhong Yue as an opponent. With his mind moving, the flying swords appeared behind Sun Bing. , soaring like sword wings.

"I didn't expect that you don't have any other skills, but your dodge speed is really fast." Zhong Yue was not surprised that Sun Bing evaded his first attack, but there was a trace of trace in his words. There was a hint of coldness, and it was obvious that he was still quite angry in his heart.

Then a trace of light appeared in the sky again, and thunder completely emerged from the Yuanci Divine Sword. The fluctuations at this moment were more terrifying than before, and there was a completely inexplicable momentum in the air.

Even Sun Bing, under the pressure of this momentum, his breathing was suppressed, and his body became more solid. Compared with his sword, he was more powerful, and for a time, he lost 10% of his combat effectiveness.

Before Sun Bing could react, another bright sword slashed down from the sky, carrying an indomitable momentum and the belief that Sun Bing would be killed with one strike. The power in it was already astonishingly huge. degree.

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