Sword Emperor

Chapter 1111 Who touches my border city?

However, the people who can stand on the city wall are all determined people. Even in the face of the full momentum, they can forcefully support it, not to mention that it has been weakened a thousand times at this moment, but the brows are slightly frowned, simply There are no unnecessary adverse reactions.

Then the ancestor's movements were even more exaggerated and astonishing, and the sky-breaking wings behind him could not help but bloom with bright golden light at this moment. It was just a slight incitement, but the power it unleashed was even far greater than that of the Son of God.

The solid space was like tissue paper, completely collapsed. The stream of light born under the wings cut through the layers of void and spread towards the border city. Countless spider web-like space cracks appeared around it. ,shocking.

However, when he got very close to Bianhuang City, he was instantly blocked by a large defensive formation. Countless cracks bombarded the protective shield, which was all made of formations. Countless inscriptions flickered, and even more... Ripples appeared on it.

But in the end, the aftermath of this move did not invade Bianhuang City at all, and Sun Bing and others were not affected at all.

However, such an attack by the other party completely filled the hearts of many soldiers in Bianhuang City with anger. Then one of the leading generals could be seen. At this moment, his eyes were looking sharply at the ancestor outside the city, his eyes full of anger. Strong murderous intention.

A low cry came from his mouth: "Everyone is in position, the God-Destroying Crossbow is launched, and the Lei Zhenzi is also used."

After the order was issued, the reaction speed of many soldiers who had been at their posts was even faster. The real energy in their bodies was immediately transferred to the huge offensive weapon in their hands.

Under the infusion of many true essences, Bi's God-Destroying Crossbow completely revealed flashing inscriptions on its surface.

Then, a crossbow arrow made of precious ores appeared, and the inscriptions carved on it were even more mysterious. The crossbow contained his own power, and the faint aura emitted made Sun Bing feel dangerous.

When all the momentum had reached its peak, countless God-destroying crossbow arrows were completely attacking the ancestors outside. They were as dense as raindrops in the sky. On the sharp arrow tips, a black void seemed to be found, which was filled with Strong murderous intent.

"You actually want to fight back! It's really an ant's idea. However, these crossbow arrows are a bit interesting, but after all they are not my own strength." Looking at the countless crossbow arrows swarming in front of him, the ancestor's expression was filled with emotion. A hint of curiosity, followed by a long sigh.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ancestor immediately waved his hand, and the space in front of him became distorted. In an instant, it returned to calm, and it seemed as if nothing had changed at all.

But seeing this scene in front of him, Sun Bing's eyes were filled with solemnity. , because the opponent's seemingly random movements contained extremely high skills, and in an instant, a space barrier was laid out in front of him.

Although it is not very effective against monks of the same level and can be destroyed with a snap of a finger, it can now play an unimaginable role. This is why the saint is so unattainable, because he has absolutely superior strength.

Sure enough, countless God-destroying crossbow arrows arrived in front of the ancestor in an instant. Unfortunately, they seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier. The black void at the tip of the arrow

It exploded completely, leaving tiny space cracks.

Although such a large number of God-destroying crossbow bolts completely exploded, they still caused a lot of damage to this layer of space barrier, and even many cracks had appeared. However, with such small damage, the other party just waved his hand. Completely restored.

Not long after, there was no more God-Destroying Crossbow Arrow in the sky. However, this ancestor did not have any scars on his body. He even looked so light and calm, which made people feel despair.

However, the human race and the ancient races have a life-and-death blood feud that has lasted for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. Even though the scene at this moment seems to make people feel desperate, no one has stopped what they are doing. .

Countless war forces began to burst out their own energy, and streams of light flashed out, and instruments filled with inscriptions also appeared one after another, fully demonstrating the scene of brutal battles with the ancient races, but now there are only one person.

Even when Sun Bing saw such a scene, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Looking at the figure in the air, he became more and more fearful in his heart, because even if this was a terrifying power that could compete with all the ancient races, But still unable to do anything to the other party.

At this moment, the ancestor of the Dijiang clan still looked so charming. With his understanding of the avenue of space, he already had no idea how many defenses were deployed in front of him with a wave of his hand.

This is truly one person against one city. If there is no opponent of the same level, no matter how many monks gather together, they will be nothing more than an ant.

When he thought of this, Sun Bing had no idea about this huge force.

He became more and more eager, but he was also extremely worried, because since he and others could not cause harm to them, then when the city was broken, it would be the time for them to fall.

Obviously, any of the generals standing at the top of the city also knew this truth. At this moment, his brows were tightly knitted together, full of anger: "If the city lord was still there, it would be impossible for you to be so arrogant. Just rely on We really have no way to unleash the power of Bianhuang City.”

The rest of the people also knew the meaning of these words. After all, Bianhuang City, as a city guarding the edge, was forged from countless precious materials and treasures, and gathered countless skilled craftsmen. The inscribed energy symbols inside, They are all quite mysterious.

If the power is fully exerted, it is not an extravagant hope to suppress a saint. Unfortunately, the city lord is in retreat at the moment, and it is even more impossible for others to exert the power of the city, so they can only maintain such defense at the moment.

After such a long period of attack, there was still no way to cause any damage to it. Gradually, the countless attacks also stopped, and for a while, the scene was somewhat silent.

However, looking at Bianhuang City, who had no reaction in front of him, the ancestor of the Dijiang clan who had been standing at the gate of the city showed a cold smile: "Can you no longer support it so soon? You humans are really As always, you are dependent on these external things. Now that you are done, then it will be about me. "

After saying these words, the attack started instantly. With a wave of his hand, the countless voids in front of him were completely shattered, and space cracks came towards the entire Bianhuang City.

This clothing scene is like destroying the world.

Even when it hit the city defense formation, no one knew how many mysterious inscriptions erupted. The entire formation seemed to faintly collapse, and the aftermath caused a lot of casualties. .

Fortunately, he still resisted in the end. Everyone who saw this scene took a deep breath, but their backs felt cold unknowingly, because the previous scene was so terrifying.

However, even though they blocked this move, everyone's expressions were still quite ugly, because they clearly discovered that there were many cracks in the inscriptions on the city protection formation, and the mask was also dimmed a lot, and it seemed that it was worn out a lot. With little energy, if it looks like this, it won't even be able to withstand the second move.

If this city is broken, not only will they completely fall, but the city lord who is in seclusion may also suffer backlash, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that after a hundred thousand years, your formation would be so vulnerable. Then the day of your destruction will come." The ancestor who saw this scene felt a little happy in his heart. He immediately laughed out loud.

Then mysterious fluctuations appeared on the body, and huge space cracks appeared. The city defense formation shone with light at this moment, trying to resist with all its strength.

It's a pity that Bianhuang City's resources have always been extremely scarce, so there are not many that can supply the city defense formation. This has reached its limit, and it seems that the formation will completely collapse in the next moment.

However, at such a critical moment, a low voice suddenly came from the center of the city: "Who dares to touch the deserted city next to me?"

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