Sword Emperor

Chapter 1178 Joint Conspiracy

After understanding the general situation, Sun Bing, Mu Hua and others left the city directly without any hesitation and headed for the battlefield between the two realms.

After truly breaking away from the protection of the city, the three of them could feel the raging blood that permeated the battlefield. It even gave people a faint urge to suffocate. Moreover, countless powerful people were buried in every inch of the ground here. Even if the imprint of spiritual will has fallen, it is still buried deep in the ground.

The impact of this scene is very astonishing. When you first come into contact with it, a scene like a sea of ​​blood will echo in your mind, as if the world is covered with the brightest red blood. A monk with weak willpower will simply There is no way to sustain it.

At this moment, Sun Bing finally understood why the previous generals wanted to let casual cultivators join the army for training. Although entering the battlefield on his own would be risky and rewarding, more importantly, it was because if the strength was not enough, he would even be lost. In such a bloody atmosphere.

In the end, his intelligence was gradually eroded, and he became a puppet who only knew how to kill.

"I didn't expect that this battle started in just a short period of time, but it was already so cruel. Those alien races are really a little hateful." Sun Bing exhaled a long breath, and there was a little bit in his words. Feeling.

Then, the three people jumped up and walked towards the battlefield between the two realms. In the battlefield at this moment, there were also experienced monks from the other side, and those were Sun Bing's prey.

But at the moment Sun Bing and others left, a message was passed from the city gate into the city, and finally

The people who got the news were Lu Ming and others who met Sun Bing yesterday.

At this moment, the faces of several people no longer looked as confident as they had seen before. Even after a whole night of repairs, it could still be seen on their faces that there was still a little bit of panic left, and their spirits were greatly affected. Influence.

After receiving this piece of news, no matter how inconspicuous it was, they could still feel a sense of relaxation, and then a gloomy aura gathered, with a ferocious smile on their faces:

"You are really asking for your own death. Before, you were in the city and we were not able to take action. However, you entered the battlefield of the two realms. The disputes spanned the two realms. Some monks died among them. That is quite insignificant. It is simply No one cares."

The words were full of cruelty, because Sun Bing had become their nightmare. If they did not kill Sun Bing, they would not be able to make any progress in their lives. Even if they were lucky enough to break through to the ninth level of the life and death realm, facing the thunder tribulation, At some point, it will also completely perish.

Having said that, Tang Bin frowned tightly at this moment, and after thinking for a long time, he slowly said: "Although they have entered the battlefield between the two realms, it is really difficult for us to kill them. Not easy.

You must know that a full-scale war has not broken out at this moment. If our guardians take action, it will even be regarded as a provocation. It is very likely that a larger dispute will break out, and they will be killed by the powerful guardians of both sides. , the gain outweighs the loss. "

"Yes, this statement makes sense. Ordinary monks in the realm of life and death, even those in the ninth level of the realm of life and death,

Even if the monks in the sky are lucky enough to defeat Sun Bing, it is impossible to kill him. Only our guardians can take action, but they cannot take action. "

Luo Tian couldn't help but look in agreement, and now he was very confused.

The protector they refer to is an extremely powerful monk. Although he has not reached the level of a saint, he is far beyond the ninth level of the realm of life and death, and is somewhere in between. Therefore, some people call him a semi-saint.

A single holy word is enough to prove the opponent's strength. These are all in the ninth level of life and death. After failing to attack the saints, they used unique secret methods to survive. However, they also have extraordinary abilities because they have undergone the transformation of some saints.

Saints are very important to every family. They are considered to be the most high-end combat power. These half-saints are the foundation of each sect and family, and they are also one of the most important combat forces in this dispute.

After hearing this, Lu Ming couldn't help but get entangled. He thought that there would be no disputes in the city and it would be okay to enter the battlefield. He didn't expect that there are still such big shackles, which is really a headache.

Suddenly, Lu Ming seemed to have thought of something, and there was a hint of joy in the corner of his mouth. All the previous anxiety disappeared without a trace. He looked around at Tang Bin, Luo Tian and others, and slowly said: "I have a way. It’s just a little Sun Bing, can it be possible that it can change the world?”

"Oh, I wonder what Brother Lu has to say? Is there any way to kill him?" Tang Bin and others on the other side were also extremely confused in their hearts and immediately asked


When the other people looked at Lu Ming, they heard him slowly say: "It should be noted that the people who have hatred against Sun Bing are not just a few of us. There were more than a dozen people who successfully escaped last time. Humans? There are many strong people here, and haven’t you noticed that even though a whole year has passed, Sun Bing’s cultivation level has not improved at all.”

The people who were able to gather here were all talented people. Even if they were suppressed by Sun Bing, they had to believe that their talents were extremely intelligent. There was no need to say anything more at this moment, everyone understood.

Luo Tian couldn't help but murmured: "Yes, since we were defeated that time and returned to our family sect, we have practiced hard. It is said that some of them are even more amazing. Xiang Yun successfully understood this The secrets condensed into realms and transformed into the Son of God, and Pang Mu also became the Son of God, extremely powerful."

"And this time on the battlefield of the two realms, they have also come here. You must know that their cultivation has reached the sixth level of life and death. Sun Bing is indeed a genius, but facing two people who are on the sixth level of life and death, Son of God, what will be the final result?”

Lu Ming couldn't help but speak with a smile at this moment, but everyone couldn't help but tremble all over their bodies. After all, such a person is really terrifying. The strategy of killing someone with a borrowed knife can be said to be used invisibly.

But soon, the other people became very excited. After all, as long as they could kill Sun Bing, they didn't care at all about other trivial matters.

So after confirming the plan in mind, a few

People immediately began to divide labor.

They are both talented people. Although Xiang Yun and others have a higher status than Lu Ming and others after their breakthrough, it is not difficult to invite others. What's more, in order to ensure the successful implementation of this plan, they are all Deliver the letter in person.

Not long after, in Lu Ming's mansion, one could see that the preparations were quite complete, with all kinds of delicacies and natural treasures emerging, and it was obvious that a luxurious banquet had been arranged.

Time passed slowly, and Xiang Yun and Pang Mu came together. Because their relationship with Lu Ming and others was not that good, there was not much enthusiasm in their words at the moment. They casually took a look at the environment in front of them. Then he slowly asked:

"I wonder what you are doing by inviting us here today? If nothing happens, I still need to go back to practice cultivation."

Lu Ming didn't mind the impatience on Xiang Yun's face. Just when the other party was a little impatient, he slowly said, "I got the news about Sun Bing."

In an instant, the two sons of God, who were originally separated, could not control their auras due to excitement. Their eyes bloomed with a strong light, they looked directly at the person in front of them, and their words were aggressive:

"Seriously, if you lied to me, I believe you should know the consequences."

Lu Ming didn't speak at this moment, but he was quite happy in his heart, because he already knew in his heart that his plan this time should be successfully implemented. Finally, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he muttered silently in his heart:

"Sun Bing, just wait for me, your death will soon come."

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