Sword Emperor

Chapter 1182 Goodbye Shi Ling

Thinking of this situation, Sun Bing's eyes showed a hint of excitement. After all, the Holy Spirit is a kind of magical race that was born and raised. Even among the ancient races, it can be called a high-level one. It must be There will definitely be more military achievements.

Recalling the scene during the Jiuzhou martial arts competition, Sun Bing could still clearly remember that it was there that he met a genius from the Holy Spirit clan.

Even though he was successfully defeated by Sun Bing in the end, he still had to lament the opponent's strength. Even with the improvement of his cultivation level, the world gave him more, and he could control the secrets of the world without comprehending it at all.

The other party's short-term efforts require a lifetime of energy. This is the horror of the Holy Spirit. According to what Sun Bing learned from ancient books, the Holy Spirit in the realm of life and death can control 80% of the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Note that this is not a single secret of frost, secret of fire and other small categories, but all secrets of heaven and earth, which also include secrets of darkness, secret of space, etc.

Although the opponent is not able to specialize in one type because of his extensive coverage, in this case, the huge number is enough to overwhelm everything. No matter which secret you use, the opponent will be able to find one that can counter you. Mysteries.

Therefore, the Son of God of the Holy Spirit Clan can be said to be famous even among all the ancient tribes. He is an existence that no one wants to encounter. After all, it is too difficult to deal with.

Because he understood these things, Sun Bing was still a little hesitant at this moment. After finally discussing with Mu Hua, his eyes gradually became clear.

Revealing a trace of determination.

As the saying goes, the timid will be starved to death and the bold will be starved to death. Although the process may be a little dangerous, Sun Bing believes that the final harvest will be quite amazing. With such a huge harvest in front of him, it is impossible for Sun Bing to just watch. Watch the other person disappear.

Immediately, Sun Bing and Mu Hua had restrained all the energy and blood in their bodies, as if they had disappeared from the world in an instant. Except for the sight of them, no matter whether they were detected by their spiritual senses or scanned by their souls, they could not find anything.

After making all preparations, Sun Bing and Mu Hua slowly walked forward. In order to avoid disturbing the situation, the two of them did not even use their spatial magical powers such as shrinking into an inch.

After all, at such a close distance, there must be some slight fluctuations in the space, and the other party will be able to sense it quickly. After all, the other party is probably the Holy Spirit. Regarding the degree of compatibility between heaven and earth, there is no way to hide all the fluctuations in the surroundings from the other party. perception.

As the distance gets closer, the Taoist rhyme coming from the heaven and earth becomes more intense. It seems that there is a faint sound of Tao in my ears, and my whole body is accompanied by that sound. My understanding of Taoism gradually improves, as if this place is a piece of land. It's like a paradise in a cave.

However, Sun Bing was keenly aware of a touch of depression in the air, as if it were another savage beast, and the hairs on his body could not help but stand on end.

After three full days of such slow-moving actions, the surrounding Taoist charm reached its peak, and mysterious inscriptions seemed to be visible in the air, which was particularly strange.

Sun Bing

At this moment, Mu Hua and Mu Hua's vigilance has been raised to the highest level, because they know that if there is a Holy Spirit family, it is nearby and the distance is not too far away.

Just as the two people were searching carefully, they suddenly heard a painful groan. Immediately, Sun Bing and Mu Hua looked at each other. Even without saying any words, they could tell that this should be a line. Important clues.

Locking his throat, he immediately followed the sound and moved forward slowly, all movements being extremely careful. After passing through a dense jungle, he could see a huge canyon, and the ground of the canyon was already covered with bright red The blood filled the air, and corpses lay down one after another, no longer making any sound.

And standing at the front of the group of corpses, you can see a majestic figure, full of rich fairy light, and endless mysterious inscriptions wrapped around it. Even Sun Bing can see that the other person has been Heaven and earth lock love.

If it was not certain before, it has been clearly confirmed now that the other party is definitely the Son of God of the Holy Spirit Clan, but what is unforgivable is that the other party actually killed so many human monks. The valley was densely packed with at least hundreds of corpses. .

In particular, at this moment, the other party still had a corpse in his hand that had just died. It was obviously this person who had made such a noise before, attracting Sun Bing and Mu Hua.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the breathless corpse fell to the ground, and then a low sigh from the distance came from the ear: "The human race is really worthy of being killed."

It is called the spirit of all things. Although it does not have any unique talents, its creativity and spirituality are unparalleled. After absorption, it can make our holy spirit transform faster. It is called a treasure. It is a pity that the number is still a little scarce. "

After hearing such words, Sun Bing and Mu Hua, who were originally filled with raging anger, all their anger completely burst out at this moment. Their eyes were like sharp swords, stabbing towards each other's back. The breath also disappeared.

Such an obvious change could not even be concealed by some ordinary people, let alone the Son of God of the Holy Spirit Clan. Therefore, when the breath just started to fluctuate, the other party had already discovered the whereabouts of the two people, and immediately turned around and looked towards this place. come over.

There was a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth: "I was just saying that the number was small, but I didn't expect that two ants would come here so quickly. You are really overestimating your capabilities. You can give me a full meal. You... …”

At this point, the words suddenly stopped, because the son of the Holy Spirit clearly noticed the faces of Sun Bing and Mu Hua, and then burst out with crazy joy, and even began to laugh wildly. The rhyme of heaven and earth also fluctuated.

In an instant, the colorful rays of light emerged here, and countless spiritual energy gathered from heaven and earth. It can be said that the colors are so beautiful, and it seems that they are all celebrating the Son of God.

After a long time, the son of the Holy Spirit finally regained his composure, but Sun Bing could clearly detect that the other person's face was a little gloomy, and then he immediately said:

"It's been such a long time since I last saw you. I have been looking for you for so many years. I thought I would never have the chance to meet you in my life! I didn't expect you to appear in front of me. It's time to wash away the shame. "

While saying these words, the other party's eyes looked directly at Sun Bing, vaguely full of powerful aura, all added to Sun Bing's body. At that moment, Sun Bing seemed to be fighting the whole world.

But even in the face of such heavy oppression, the look on Sun Bing's face was still extremely cold, without any change, but many memories from the past emerged in his mind one by one, and he was determined at this moment.

The son of the Holy Spirit in front of him was the Shi Ling who was beaten away by him in the Kyushu Martial Arts Competition. He didn't expect that they could meet again after so many years of separation.

However, this matter is understandable. After all, including Kyushu and outside the territory, the number of the Holy Spirit clan is really too rare, only tens of thousands, and most of them are adults, so they can play the role of the Son of God. It's just the other person.

After thinking about the cause and effect, Sun Bing was very clear at this moment. Looking at the figure not far away, his smile was full of coldness: "Really? I just don't know how much you have grown in these years." , If you are not good at learning, then I will kill you and use your head to comfort the spirits of these monks. "

Although both parties had smiles on their faces, their hearts were extremely cold. The atmosphere solidified at this moment, and the relationship between the two parties was on the verge of breaking out.

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