Sword Emperor

Chapter 1215: Getting a glimpse of the way

After understanding this, Sun Bing could immediately feel the huge pressure coming from his body, but this further stimulated the motivation in his heart. After his induction, the still incomplete "Zong He Tian Xia" has been So powerful, what if everything becomes perfect?

What's more, there was a brand new swordsmanship in front of him waiting for him to learn. Immediately, Sun Bing did not hesitate, and his eyes once again shifted to the "Swordsmanship of Life and Death" in front of him.

Time passed slowly, and unknowingly, a month had passed quietly. Sun Bing was still immersed in the understanding of the mysteries of life and death, and he did not even move his body. If he were not a monk, he would have been there long ago. Just starved to death.

But even so, it can still be found at this moment that Sun Bing's face is quite ugly, because this month has passed, and he has not even touched the surface of the secret of life and death, let alone mastered it.

This reality undoubtedly makes Sun Bing feel a huge sense of frustration. You must know that even if Sun Bing once understood the secrets of space, it was not so obscure and difficult to understand, and he didn't even have the slightest clue at this moment.

However, the pressure of reality forced Sun Bing to find a breakthrough as soon as possible. Regardless of the previous battle, he was able to win all because of Sun Bing's contribution, but at this moment, Sun Bing was also struggling. .

Not to mention anything else, Sun Bing has quite a few foreign enemies at the moment, such as the three major aristocratic families of Nandou. Now that Sun Bing has appeared, the other party will definitely not let go of revenge.

Opportunity, and the family of Lu Ming and others who had just been killed by Sun Bing, would not give up either.

Scattered here and there, there are at least fifteen holy places, which have completely reached the level of hatred towards Sun Bing. The reason why they have not taken action now is because he is in the city.

Once they act rashly, there will undoubtedly be a powerful terrorist attack. Not to mention them, even the family holy land behind them cannot withstand such a blow, so it has not been revealed now. More I'm still waiting for the opportunity.

Unless Sun Bing never leaves this city for the rest of his life, he can still ensure that he is safe, otherwise he will definitely be in danger.

But Sun Bing's character is determined. He will definitely not make such a decision. It should be noted that the situation in China is already a bit pessimistic. He must go to China. In order to return home, he must improve his strength at this moment.

Now Sun Bing has given up on meditating on the two mysteries together, frowning, staring blankly ahead, and murmured: "The mysteries of life are in life, and every person and every living being has them." There are rich mysteries of life in them, but how can we understand them?

The best way is to start resurrection from death. This is the transformation from death to life. Watching this process will definitely increase my chances of understanding the secret of life. "

Suddenly, Sun Bing seemed to have thought of something, and a burst of light burst out from his eyes. He suddenly woke up and said to himself: "From death to death."

Rebirth, isn't this exactly nirvana? Phoenix nirvana, from death to life, so in the holy fire of nirvana, this process seems to be repeated endlessly. "

At the end of the words, Sun Bing himself was full of annoyance. When he once understood the secret method of "Nirvana", Sun Bing's mind was all about the transformation of the Nirvana Holy Fire. He didn't expect that he had forgotten it now. This is definitely the best help. .

Being in his own cave, Sun Bing is the master who controls everything. As he waved his hand, the Nirvana Holy Fire, like a red sun in the sky, came directly in front of Sun Bing, still red. Like a phoenix-like flame.

But at this moment, Sun Bing's eyes were full of light when he looked at the other party. Looking carefully at the scene, he could clearly see that he had gradually transformed from the weakest to the strongest. From beginning to end, it was like a reincarnation.

Gradually, Sun Bing's mind was completely immersed in it. At this moment, a rebellious real phoenix seemed to appear in his mind again. He screamed to the sky, his wings flew into the sky, and his whole body was filled with endless flames. For some reason, he was seriously injured and fell into the starry sky.

Then the aura completely disappeared, and it was obvious that it had fallen. However, when the death aura was at its strongest, it gradually transformed into an egg, and the rich vitality rose and spread towards the surroundings.

I don't know how long it took, but cracks slowly appeared in the egg, and then a brand new phoenix was born from it, spreading its wings and soaring in the boundless starry sky.

This process happens over and over again

Echoing in Sun Bing's mind, especially when he died and turned into an egg, every trace appeared in Sun Bing's mind. He seemed to have a vague understanding, but he seemed to have encountered some difficult problem.

Suddenly, Sun Bing's eyes regained clarity, and the sword box behind him opened, and the Red Sky Sword Specialized appeared in his hand, but he did not take it to face the enemy, but instead pointed it at his arm. After cutting it off, a wound as long as the little finger appeared.

But it was at the moment when the wound appeared that the energy and blood in the body poured in, and it was completely healed in an instant, as if it had not appeared at all.

"Yes, the "Nirvana" I have understood can also be regarded as an understanding of the secret of life. I didn't expect that I had already started, but now it has trapped me for so long."

Seeing this scene in front of him, Sun Bing couldn't help but sigh, because the secret method of "Nirvana" also transforms Qi and blood into rich vitality. Even if Sun Bing does not understand the secret of life, understanding this secret method is equivalent to The door to the secret of life has been opened for him.

Immediately, Sun Bing directly changed his attitude in his heart. Instead, he directly explored the mystery in his body. The Chixiao Sword made a series of wounds on his arm, which disappeared in an instant. Such vitality appeared. The speed is dozens of times faster than the speed of the Nirvana Holy Fire.

Suddenly, Sun Bing seemed to have opened a new door. There was a clarity in his mind, and countless mysterious confidences echoed in his heart, and even

The atmosphere around me is completely different.

After a long time, the pair of eyes slowly opened, filled with understanding, and a faint warmth was released around the body, making people feel quite comfortable, and then they could hear Sun Bing speak slowly: " It turns out that the secret of life is like this, it is really profound, profound and mysterious.”

Obviously, in such a unique environment, Sun Bing finally understood the mystery, but he did not have any pride in his heart. After all, this is just one of the mysteries of death. The secrets are also obscure and difficult to understand.

But at this moment, Sun Bing suddenly recalled that when he left the munitions department, many people had redeemed the "Sword of Life and Death". Even he needed such a long time to be able to achieve initial results, but he didn't know those What are people really like?

But soon, Sun Bing threw away all the extra thoughts in his mind. After all, simply understanding the secret of life is not as useful as imagined. This kind of secret vitality can be of great help to his injuries, but it is not as useful as he thought. The enemy is quite difficult to use.

Even if life can be extracted, most people can lock it, so if you want to exert the power of the secret of birth, it is not enough just now. The best way is to understand the secret of death. When the two parties combine, they can definitely explode. The power that scares people.

Immediately, Sun Bing's expression was extremely solemn, and all his mental energy was transferred to understanding the meaning of death, and the entire cave became silent once again.

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