Sword Emperor

Chapter 1236 Despair

While Sun Bing was fighting King Xia, on the other side of the Hong family, an earth-shattering battle finally broke out. Even though he had already expected this day, facing such a huge enemy , they still have a feeling of dizziness.

You must know that because of the actions of the Hong family this time, the ancient tribes have considerable confidence that they are bound to win. They dispatched many monks and included countless forces.

In addition to the King of Xia and the 100,000 troops who were blocked by Sun Bing, there were two other waves of criminals on the other side, namely the King of Zhou and the King of Shang. Their power was no less than that of the King of Xia, although the number of troops was not as large as that of the King of Xia. so many.

But you need to know that the strength of King Shang and King Zhou has reached semi-saint level. This terrifying strength can even dominate the entire battlefield.

At this moment, the Hong family has concentrated all its power to the extreme. The million-mile sphere of influence that originally belonged to them is filled with densely packed enemies. On the battlefield at this moment, looking at the forces in front of them, Hong Kai's Both eyes were filled with deep anger:

"Wei Batian, you Wei family, in order to be loyal to your master, you even brought out the secrets of your own family. It is really a shame among our human race."

But standing directly opposite Hong Kai, the head of the Wei family did not feel ashamed at all. Instead, he burst into laughter at this moment: "As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to roost, and virtuous ministers choose their masters to work. How can we be rebellious? , it is obviously to comply with destiny.

It should be noted that in ancient times, the entire China was the foundation of thousands of ancient races, and we, the human race, were given a piece of the chassis to survive thanks to the curtain of all races. However, we never expected that these human races would turn out to be rebellious and make deliberate plans.

It was treason to drive all the ancient tribes out of China, but what I did was just to return China to them. How could it be called rebellion? "

After hearing these words, the eyes of many monks beside Hong Kai could not help but be filled with deep anger.

You want to know what the status of the human race was in ancient times? They are almost no different from livestock. Life and death cannot be controlled in their own hands. Even if they are killed by thousands of ancient tribes, no one will care at all because their status is too humble.

It was the careful planning that allowed the human race to stand at the top of all races. However, I did not expect that there would be such worms within the human race.

Hua Qiyue couldn't help it at this moment. Even though she was a woman, she stood up and angrily said: "You, the Wei family, are human beings, and you are disloyal to a foreign race.

Your Wei family also contributed a lot in ancient times and civilized the nine states with your military exploits. Your move is clearly to overthrow the glory of your ancestors and is unfilial;

Even if you betray the human race, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, people go to higher places and water flows to lower places. All these are your own choices. However, it is unkind for you to openly surround and kill fellow human beings;

Since ancient times, we and the Holy Land have supported each other, and your Wei family has also benefited a lot, and has even become an alliance with each other. It is unjust for you to turn against each other now.

We are ashamed to be associated with such an unfaithful, unfilial, unkind, and unjust person. Even if all ancient races believe in you at this moment, one day you will be nothing more than their abandoned son. "

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone on Hong Kai's side felt as if the rain had returned after a long drought, and there was a deep sense of relief in their hearts. On the contrary, Wei Batian, whose face was extremely livid at the moment, was quite ugly.

After a long time,

Then he reluctantly suppressed the anger in his heart: "Okay, okay, okay, such a sharp-tongued girl, I originally thought that if you are from the same human race, if you surrender, I can say a few nice words to you and save you from death. But now it seems that this is no longer necessary.”

"Amitabha, although the young monk is just a monk, he also knows the righteousness of the race. Everyone is destined to die. It may be lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai. If you surrender, even if you die, you will not have the face to see my Buddha." At this moment, the Buddha couldn't help but hit him. Did he chant the Buddha's name? He spoke slowly.

Daozi on the other side also had a solemn look on his face. The two families were both the Holy Land with the longest heritage. How could they succumb to the power of thousands of ancient clans?

"In that case, don't blame me for being cruel and ruthless for so long. Go to me and leave the chickens and dogs alone." Wei Batian smiled coldly at this moment, his words were extremely low, but the meaning in his words was frightening.

Immediately, the ancient tribes that were originally surrounded began to attack. At the same time, King Shang and King Zhou couldn't help but smile at each other, and the army behind them immediately pressed forward.

However, Hong Kai had been preparing for such a long time, and with the help of Hundred Flowers Holy Land, Buddhism, and Taoism, how could he fail so easily? At this moment, he also waved his hands without hesitation, and everyone had prepared the details. Appear directly.

A radius of a million miles has turned into a terrifying battlefield at this moment. It is a matter of life and death. The Hong family has tried their best. Hidden details have emerged one by one, and each one is extremely powerful.

Almost every moment, countless aliens will be killed, as well as rebellious disciples of the Wei family, many criminals, etc. Although such a battlefield is not as huge as the battlefield of the two realms, it is still waiting.

If a monk from the realm of leisurely life and death enters it, he will soon fall completely.

Time slowly passed, and the faces of Wei Batian and others were quite ugly, because at this moment they suddenly found that even though they had spent such a huge force to come to encircle and suppress the Hong family, they were now clearly obstructed and suffered heavy losses.

Immediately, his face was extremely gloomy. After thinking for a while, he immediately said: "We must not continue to delay. This battle needs to be fought quickly and decisively. We must use this to kill the chicken to scare the monkey. The semi-saints should not wait and see, and take action."

On the other side, even if the battle at this moment barely has the upper hand, the faces of Hong Kai and others are still quite solemn, because they know that the real battle has not yet begun, that is the most dangerous fight.

However, at this moment, Hong Kai and others can clearly see that a figure suddenly appeared from the opposite side, and their faces can't help but become more serious. After taking a deep breath, they can't help but say again: "Ancestor, I trouble you this time."

"It's okay, Holy Son, this is my job." As Hong Kai's voice fell, an old monk appeared directly.

This is the foundation left in the Hong family during normal times. As a half-saint, it is enough to deal with any normal situation.

After appearing on the battlefield, you can see the old man of the Hong family. Looking at the figure not far away, he sighed: "Brother, I really didn't expect it to be you. Your Wei family has made a wrong move after all."

"Hahaha, I was slightly inferior to you back then. I didn't expect that I could fight again today. As for the right and wrong of this, you are not qualified to comment, but I still advise you to give up resistance!" The old man who appeared from the Wei family laughed loudly, with a sense of confrontation.

In a flash, the two stopped talking. After all, the two people now are not old friends, but enemies on the battlefield. They have already started fighting while swinging.

Even at this moment, the battle is far from over. Even if you can see the King of Shang and the King of Zhou, they stand up directly, and the terrifying aura on their bodies bursts out, overwhelming countless people.

Hong Kai immediately bowed deeply to Daozi and Fozi: "I'll leave these two to you two brothers."

"It's okay. We are all members of Shenzhou. We will never surrender to foreign races." Daozi and Fozi nodded, and then they showed their background one by one with a serious look.

Daozi took out an ancient talisman called the Heavenly Soldier Armor Talisman, which can summon a phantom of a heavenly soldier. According to the quality of this talisman, it can completely resist a semi-saint.

And Fozi took out a relic, which contained the phantom of an ancient Buddha, and it can also resist a semi-saint-level strongman. This shows the terrifying background of these two holy places with the longest inheritance.

Many strong men appeared one by one at this moment. When they faced each other, Hong Kai found that the opponent's semi-saint-level strongmen far exceeded his imagination. There were already four people who appeared in the open.

The mutual exchange of pieces can be said to have consumed Hong Kai's background, so that at this moment, their eyes were filled with a trace of despair.

Wei Batian on the other side saw this scene, his face full of sneers: "If you are only like this, then this time you will definitely be destroyed. In order to wipe you out, we have paid a lot." After finishing speaking, he immediately shouted: "Old Ancestor Jiuyou, please come out to kill these stubborn people who would rather die than surrender. And King Xia, please bring out your 100,000 soldiers quickly."

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