Sword Emperor

Chapter 1391 Respective Division of Labor

As soon as Sun Bing finished speaking, the scene fell into an eerie silence. Whether it was Dao Zi or Hong Kai and the others, their eyes revealed a strong sense of weirdness, but they didn't say a word.

"Where is the Heritage Academy? What's going on here?" Sun Yanran, who had no idea about the whole thing, couldn't help but speak slowly at this moment.

In fact, at this moment, there is no need for famous quotes. Seeing the performance of Daozi and others, Sun Bing knew that there should be some changes in the Heritage Academy. Thinking that Wei Changhen was also a disciple of the Heritage Academy, and they defected, there was no such thing. Being expelled, there is no doubt that a lot of changes must have taken place.

Suddenly, the expression on Sun Bing's face became more urgent, and he immediately said: "What exactly happened here?"

After being pressed repeatedly by Sun Bing, Daozi frowned and replied slowly: "Brother Sun, actually we are not too clear about this matter. Since the end of the Kyushu Martial Arts Competition, when we returned After inheriting the academy, I have noticed that the atmosphere of the entire academy is somewhat different. "

"Not only this, but we haven't practiced for too long, and we were kicked out completely after a year. At this moment, the Heritage Academy seems to have closed its doors and no outsiders are allowed to enter. As for what happened inside, we Don’t know either.”

Hong Kai then replied, his face also full of doubts and uncertainties. As for Hua Qiyue, she was nodding her head at the moment. It was obvious that she didn't know much.

Sun Bing, who had received all the answers, frowned tightly, but still asked the last question urgently.

Clues: "The two brothers Wei Changdong and Wei Changhen were also in the Heritage Academy before, right? Why can they come and go freely?"

At this moment, Daozi and others did not choose to hide it, and immediately said: "I am also very confused about this matter. Later, there were rumors in China that it seemed that the inheritance academy had fallen and rebelled, so this matter, in the whole China has the highest level of secrets, which can be called a taboo.”

But Sun Bing, who knew the answer, shook his head without hesitation. Even if the other academies in Jiuzhou rebelled, Sun Bing also believed that the Heritage Academy would not rebel.

This is not only because the Heritage Academy is the oldest in the entire human race, but also the academy with the deepest foundation. It seems that the entire human race’s trump card is hidden in the Heritage Academy. Only this place can give people complete peace of mind.

As the saying goes, it is groundless. Since there is this rumor, and Wei Changdong and Wei Changhen have actually walked out of the Heritage Academy before, there must be something little-known about it.

As for Sun Bing, he directly concluded that there must be a misunderstanding. After all, he had once met the dean of the Heritage Academy. He was a powerful person who had reached the level of a saint. Judging from the attitude of the other party, he was also quite upright. May be sentenced to human race.

So after a short period of thinking, Sun Bing finally said slowly: "In that case, then I will go to the Heritage Academy. I want to see what happened there."

"This is absolutely impossible. I don't know the danger involved. If we go there rashly, unforeseen consequences may occur."

Danger. "

As expected, after Sun Bing just announced his decision, he was met with constant opposition from his friends, and everyone looked at Sun Bing with worry.

However, the inheritance academy is the foundation of the entire human race. No matter what changes occur in it, it must be clarified, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, even if the front is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, we must go there.

Daozi and others also knew Sun Bing's character. After seeing the determination in his eyes, they already knew that their persuasion had no way to shake Sun Bing's will, and in the end they could only let out a long sigh.

After making this decision, Sun Bing looked directly at Sun Yanran, and then said slowly: "I am going to the Heritage Academy this time. I have important matters to deal with. As for you, just follow Yue'er and wander around China."

After hearing this, Sun Yanran's cold face was now tainted with some human fireworks, and she immediately retorted: "No, I have to follow you this time."

Sun Bing did not refuse directly. Instead, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "No one of you can go except me this time. Even if you go, there is no way to enter the Heritage Academy."

Suddenly, Sun Yanran's face was filled with confusion, because she had no idea why.

Hua Qiyue on the side saw Sun Yanran's embarrassment perfectly, with a slight wry smile at the moment, and then said softly: "The Heritage Academy has been completely closed, cutting off all access, except for the ladder to the sky at the gate. , to be able to enter it.”

"Climbing the ladder to heaven, can't we walk in?

"Sun Yanran continued to speak.

But even Daozi had a wry smile on his face at this moment: "There are almost no monks in the world who can complete the ladder to heaven, except Sun Bing. He is the only one who has passed this ladder in a hundred thousand years. Test people."

At this moment, Sun Yanran stopped talking, because the words were explained clearly at this point.

Sun Bing can enter it, and she has no way forward at all. It can even be said that if she insists on following Sun Bing, she will become a burden to the other party in the end. After all, she has a real experience of Sun Bing's strength.

So now, there is only a pair of worried eyes. Even though he has not spoken, silence is better than sound at this time.

"Okay, since Brother Sun wants to go to the Heritage Academy to find out what's going on, I won't stop you anymore. I just hope you can pay attention to your safety. Once you notice anything wrong, you must leave quickly."

Seeing the stalemate in front of him, a smile suddenly appeared on Hong Kai's face, and then he slowly spoke.

As for Sun Bing, he looked at Hua Qiyue at this time and said softly: "Yue'er, Yanran has been troubling you for a while. I will repair it for a while and then leave."

"Don't worry, I will never let her get hurt. It's better to worry about yourself more."

At this moment, everyone's discussion is almost over, but the human race's counterattack against the ancient races has begun directly at this moment. Even a gentle gentleman like Daozi now has a trace of anger in his eyes.

After all, those ancient races have already existed in China

He has been arrogant for too long, causing countless casualties, and now it is finally time for revenge.

In order not to waste any time, Hong Kai has even said goodbye and left now. He still needs to return to the Hong family to deal with some things, so that he can have enough time to invite the other holy places.

As for Daozi, he was not so quick. After their discussion, they immediately reported the matter to the master's sect. After all, this matter also required the support of the rectified Dao sect.

Therefore, it can be seen that in almost a short period of time, the atmosphere in the entire Taoist sect has become a little different. From the original fairy energy, it is gradually filled with a murderous atmosphere.

As for Sun Bing and Sun Yanran, because of their long journey, they were finally able to rest for a while in the absolutely safe place of Daomen. After all, their minds were really tired from traveling long distances in the past few days.

Moreover, the challenges that Sun Bingsuo will face next are likely to be far beyond imagination. Before that, he must improve his state to the peak, otherwise slight changes may cause him to fail this time.

After two days of repairs, Sun Yanran and Hua Qiyue left directly to invite the other sects to the holy land. Under the guidance of the senior leaders of the sect, Daozi gradually perfected the entire plan, and at the same time began to move towards Buddhism sets off.

As for Sun Bing, after three full days of training, both his mental strength and his true energy had returned to their peak. It just so happened that at this time, he finally left the Dao Sect and rushed towards the inheritance academy.

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