Sword Emperor

Chapter 1512 Guidance

No matter what you say, Mr. Pointed.

Although it is said that the other party is the ancestor of the Xuangui clan and is not proficient in swordsmanship, as the saying goes, one method can master all methods. Although he has not dabbled in swordsmanship much, he can also have a far-sighted vision, which makes Sun Bingshao unable to leave. Less detours.

Often a casual tip can benefit people a lot. You can imagine how helpful it is to people.

Especially at this moment, Sun Bing is at a very critical time. He is only one step away from attaining enlightenment and becoming a saint. After receiving the guidance from the other party, it is very likely that the success rate of overcoming the tribulation will be greatly improved. How could this not make people feel that To joy.

Sun Bing couldn't contain his restless mood that day, and returned to his house in a daze. He was shocked when he closed his eyes. After a long time, Sun Bing finally cleared away the unnecessary thoughts.

Afterwards, many thoughts circulated rapidly in his mind, thinking about some doubts he had about his cultivation. After all, Sun Bing had never had any guidance from a famous teacher. Now that he had such an opportunity, he naturally could not let it go easily.

Time flowed away slowly like this, and in the blink of an eye it was already the next morning. Sun Bing's eyes suddenly opened. Although the sky had just dawned, Sun Bing immediately galloped away from the city.

In just a short moment, the dense forest appeared in Sun Bing's eyes again, and he could vaguely see Mr. Xuan's body flickering in and out of the jungle. Seeing this, Sun Bing's heart

He became even more excited, and in a blink of an eye he was in front of Mr. Xuan.

Then he said respectfully: "Mr. Xuan, I'm here."

"Okay, okay, okay, you are really diligent. Much better than that lazy guy Xuande." At this time, Mr. Xuan looked at Sun Bing, his eyes filled with satisfaction, and a smile on his face: "Okay. , I don’t know much about swordsmanship, please show me what you have learned first and let me think about it.”

After hearing these words, Sun Bing didn't hesitate at all. He came directly to the open space in front of him. The sword box opened instantly. Xuanyuan Sword had appeared in Sun Bing's hand, and he immediately started practicing sword practice on the spot.

Although there is no real energy input into the long sword, Sun Bing's swordsmanship has been thoroughly mastered. There is a trace of the rhythm of heaven and earth in his swing, and the sudden appearance of the sword energy leaves sharp sword marks all around.

Especially when those sword moves are used, it is even more awesome. The wind is howling all around, and the light is shining everywhere. Even a mortal who has never practiced can see the transcendence in it, and in Xuan Lao's eyes There was even a hint of exclamation, and the whole person nodded repeatedly.

When Sun Bing stopped what he was doing, he could hear Mr. Xuan shouting softly: "Yes, although many of your mysteries have just entered the Tao, the sword moves you released perfectly integrated them. This Some sword moves have great potential, and they also have your own brand, which is really good."

Even in the face of these compliments, Sun Bing's face was still very calm, because he believed that as a Supreme, it is absolutely impossible to only see these superficial things.

s things.

As expected, after some compliments, Mr. It should have the momentum to sweep through all the wastelands and bring peace to the world.

And the frost-cold Kyushu move must contain the idea of ​​destroying Kyushu. Only in this way can the power of it be fully unleashed, and..."

As the words came out, Sun Bing behaved very respectfully and carefully remembered Mr. There is a feeling of enlightenment.

After all, different heights naturally lead to a completely different perspective on things. What's more, the pressure Sun Bing has been under is not just from ordinary enemies, but also from being in the Celestial God Clan and the Fallen Heaven Clan. A supremely powerful man.

Only when everything is prepared perfectly without any flaws can Sun Bing be initially qualified to challenge them.

It was precisely because he sensed this sense of crisis that Sun Bing worked harder and harder, and his understanding was superb. With the guidance of Mr. Xuan, he made corrections over and over again, tirelessly, until all his moves were polished and perfect. Then let it go.

And during the whole process, under the guidance of Mr. crisis.

It may sound simple, but these

All the valuable information has been accumulated by them from generation to generation, and every experience is extremely precious. After knowing this information, the success rate of overcoming the tribulation can be increased by as much as 20%.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for casual cultivators to attain enlightenment and become a saint. After all, these are all secrets that are not taught.

Seeing Sun Bing working so hard, Mr. Xuan was naturally very pleased. At the same time, he was also quite shocked by Sun Bing's changes. After all, this was almost a change every day. Even if he knew clearly, the human race's understanding was the most terrifying among all races. , but there is still an indelible shock.

Unconsciously, two full months have passed. Sun Bing has evolved almost all the sword moves he has mastered to the extreme that his current cultivation level can achieve. Even though there are still some flaws, with the help of Sun Bing's cultivation at this time was not qualified to modify it at all.

Feeling the changes in himself, according to Sun Bing's understanding, his current strength has increased by 30% compared with the original. It may sound inconspicuous, but once a fight breaks out, it will be far more rigid than imagined.

Even if Sun Bing fought against that saint again, not only would he be able to successfully kill him, but he would also definitely not be in such a state of embarrassment that he would be on the verge of death.

Another day, Sun Bing once again came to that very familiar dense forest. Today, Mr. Xuan was not as usual. After seeing Sun Bing's figure, he couldn't help but slowly said: "As for the sword moves, Everything I can teach you has already been told to you.

After all, I'm not a swordsman, so being able to do this is special.

It's not easy. During this period of time, I have discovered that you seem to be comprehending the mysteries of time, so I will help you. Whether you can comprehend the mysteries of time depends on your own understanding and opportunity. "

Originally, Sun Bing was still a little disappointed, but after hearing the following news, his heart was filled with shock, and then crazy joy filled his heart.

You must know that even if Sun Bing has half-understood the Mystery of Time, but has not yet started, even if he got the Enlightenment Tea, Sun Bing would not dare to try it easily. After all, this is his only hope, but the Mystery of Time is too mysterious. .

After reaching the supreme level of cultivation, no matter what, the avenue of time has been designed. What's more, it is a race like the Starry Sky Black Turtle. It must have a very deep understanding of time. If there is help from the other party, then Sun Bing will succeed. The hope is very high.

Immediately, Sun Bing forcibly endured the excitement in his heart, and immediately poured the enlightenment tea into the teapot. The fragrant tea leaves filled the surroundings. As for Sun Bing, he drank it all in one gulp.

And immediately afterwards, Sun Bing sat cross-legged in the ice-clear jade lotus, the Enlightenment Stone also appeared above Sun Bing's head, and an inexplicable aura enveloped Sun Bing.

As for Mr. Xuan, he stared at everything that happened in front of him in stunned silence. He felt astonished by Sun Bing's wealth. Even though he felt a little jealous in his heart, he saw Sun Bing who was ready. , his face was full of seriousness.

But there was still a faint voice in the air: "With the help of these magical objects, although it is a bit reluctant, we should be able to succeed there!"

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