Sword Emperor

Chapter 1521: Shock

At this time, visions of heaven and earth continued one after another in the starry sky, and even blood-colored light erupted with it. The saints fell, and the world and the earth were sad. As for the remaining saints, their eyes were full of shock at this time.

If they thought that everything was under their control before, then what happened this time was undoubtedly far beyond their expectations, so much so that the remaining saints still had expressions on their faces. Indelible shock and horror.

Especially the two saints who had fallen from the holy throne, their expressions changed drastically at this time, and they couldn't help but uttered horrified words: "You, you, you actually made me fall from the holy throne, I want you to die."

As for the rest of the people, they had the same thoughts as those two people at this time. After all, this situation is really too terrifying. Just in the realm of life and death, they can rival or even kill the saint. This is an anecdote that will shock countless people if it spreads through the ages. people.

In an instant, the remaining five people immediately surrounded and killed Sun Bing. This time, they had no mercy at all when facing Sun Bing. They just wanted to kill him with one move.

But looking at the enemy who was getting closer and closer, Sun Bing's eyes no longer had any panic. Instead, they were filled with a cold light: "I was afraid of you before, but now I can Not necessarily.

Two ants in the realm of life and death, and two old men in their twilight years. Only one of them can maintain his prime, which is not enough evidence at all. "

"What? You actually humiliated us like this. I will definitely capture you and cut you into thousands of pieces with thousands of knives." A burst of angry shouts came out immediately. When I looked again, I saw that it was a saint from the Celestial Clan.


It's a pity that after enduring Sun Bing's sword light, the opponent's cultivation level is now only in the life and death realm, but those eyes are full of Ling Ran's murderous intent.

"I think you don't seem to understand your status at this time."

Sun Bing took one step across and arrived in front of the saint. He didn't deliberately take action at all. There was a sword light with his hand. The opponent could only watch the sword light falling on him, unable to resist at all. .

After all, not every monk in the realm of life and death has such terrifying strength as Sun Bing. These saints who have not yet broken through have only entered the Taoist secrets. To Sun Bing, they are completely ants.

In the blink of an eye, the divine saint had completely fallen that day. When he died, his eyes were full of shock and disbelief, but in the end, no more aura emerged.

Sun Bing's fierce methods were shocking, and at the same time, it made the remaining saints of the Black Demon Clan feel chilled. After all, his cultivation level was only in the realm of life and death. At this time, the thirty-six tactics were the best, so he wanted to leave. .

But Sun Bing quickly turned his attention to the saint of the black demon clan. A cold light appeared, and quietly, the soul of the saint of the black demon clan completely perished without knowing it.

After finishing these things, Sun Bing looked sharply at the three remaining saints. It was time for the real battle to break out, but now there was not much panic in Sun Bing's heart. .

"Do you really think you can make a comeback with just a moment of luck? Now I'm going to show you the true strength of the Saint."

Suddenly, he was still at his peak

The Saint of the Golden Crow Tribe couldn't help but snorted coldly. His whole body was filled with majestic Holy Power, and he came towards Sun Bing. From the beginning to the end, he was full of confidence in himself.

The other two saints, who were old and almost perished, saw the scene in front of them, and felt a little intention to retreat in their hearts, and quietly walked towards the rear.

Of course, Sun Bing did not cast his gaze on the two saints. He stared at the Golden Crow Saint not far away, with a sneer on his lips: "The true strength of the saints? It's not like they haven't killed them before! Just... You alone are nothing to worry about.”

However, taking this opportunity, Sun Bing still glanced at the backs of the two retreating figures. The sword box behind him opened directly, and the Eternal Sword suddenly emerged.

"Go and entangle them both."

When the Eternal Life Sword turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the distance, the real battle broke out. It had been suppressed for such a long time, and even Sun Bing's heart was filled with raging anger.

At this moment, holding the Xuanyuan Sword, he had already launched an attack on the Golden Crow Sage. The sword was so powerful and sharp that the world seemed to be cut in half.

"The Sword Sweeps the Eight Wastes"

In anger, the power of this move was beyond imagination. The starry sky was filled with shocking visions. The sword light swept across the sky and shrouded the body of the Golden Crow Saint.

But after all, the opponent's cultivation level has not been weakened in any way. Even when facing Sun Bing's sword light, there is still no fear on his face, and a soft voice comes out:

"Great Sun Golden Crow Fist"

Really facing this magical power, Sun Bing seemed to see a three-legged golden crow appearing in the fist seal, full of burning heat,

The charm within it explodes, and its power is unimaginable.

The earth-shattering sound immediately erupted. Without winning a single move, Sun Bing's expression remained unchanged, and he grabbed the opponent directly with his sword. A series of terrifying sounds followed and spread in all directions.

For a moment, only two streaks of light could be seen galloping and colliding in the entire starry sky. One side was a bright golden light, filled with fiery heat, while the other side had endless sword shadows behind it, and its sharp aura swept away all directions.

If Sun Bing was able to fight against the saint in the past, the damage he suffered was also huge. Only now was he truly qualified to fight against the saint head-on.

During the battle, Sun Bing even felt his blood boiling, and the anger in his heart was gradually fading. His state of mind was faintly improved, and the moves he could perform were more rounded and powerful.

At this time, the Golden Crow Saint who was fighting against Sun Bing suddenly found that the offensive of the enemy in front of him seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and he was completely able to compete with him head-on.

Even if the self-confidence of the saint had always been affected, he didn't dare to believe that what was happening in front of him was the fact. His expression became crazy, staring at Sun Bing, and fierce offensives broke out one after another.

However, Sun Bing, who really noticed his change, showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth: "Okay, this battle will end here, and I can't delay it any longer."

After the words fell, Sun Bing used all his strength to activate the Shenzhou Ding and Xuanzhou Ding. He was able to freeze for a moment when facing six people before, not to mention that the target at this time was only the Golden Crow Saint


In an instant, the Golden Crow Saint could feel that he felt a powerful force sweeping around him, and he couldn't move his body at all. Then he saw the sneer on Sun Bing's mouth.

"King of the World"

Under the huge sword energy, Sun Bing could see the towering body behind him. The sword was full of hugeness, and it fell on the Golden Crow Saint. In an instant, the strong body completely collapsed, and the Golden Crow Saint naturally disappeared between heaven and earth.

On the other side, the Shura Saint and the Demon Saint, even after so much time, still had no way to escape because of the Longevity Sword.

Now that they saw that Sun Bing had actually killed the Golden Crow Saint, they were all terrified. In the end, they could only grit their teeth and plan to die with Sun Bing. Anyway, their own life span was almost gone.

But how could Sun Bing let them get their wish? Almost at the moment when the two men just made a move, the Shenzhou Ding and Xuanzhou Ding immediately swarmed forward and directly fixed their bodies.

With their strength weakened, they were no match for Sun Bing. When the sharp sword light cut through the starry sky, the two saints also fell completely.

In this short period of time, six saints fell here. When the Dao rhyme in the world returned to calm, blood-colored light could be seen flashing, and the world felt sad.

However, Sun Bing was quite happy, because there were six saints, even the ancient myriad races would be very painful, and taking this opportunity, it was finally time for Sun Bing to leave.

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