Sword Emperor

Chapter 1556: The Ten Thousand Races Conference

The impact of this incident was undoubtedly astonishing. The amazing event a few years ago had just ended, but at this time, such a sword incident ushered in. Countless human monks came to court. Gathered here.

Not only the human monks, but also the foreign races are now extremely arrogant. The young pride can't help but leave its own chassis and gallop towards the Tianyin Holy Land.

Countless conflicts broke out along the way, and countless monks died along the way. As for the human race and the ancient races, because of this reason, the atmosphere between them became more and more solidified.

At this time, in the air, one can even smell the smoke of gunpowder that is about to break out. Every human race is holding back anger in their hearts at this time, wanting to completely explode in the end.

As time passed, and realizing that the Ten Thousand Races Conference was not far away, Sun Bing finally moved his body and galloped directly towards Tianyin Holy Land.

Because Sun Bing was originally in Xuanzhou, he was not even too far away from Tianyin Holy Land, but in just half a day, he saw the mottled ancient city again.

Looking from a distance, you can see that the ancient city has not changed at all in the past few years. In order to show its heritage, the venue where the last grand event was held was suspended high in the sky. There is also a majestic atmosphere in the beauty. The thousand-foot silver waterfall and the eight-thousand-foot giant mountain are grand and magnificent, just like a fairyland.

Standing here, you can see many monks passing by, and even the impact of this event is far greater than the last one.

Because it’s not just the human monks who come here. From time to time, you can also see thousands of ancient races passing by. Some are soaring, some are flying in the clouds, and some are hiding in ancient chariots. The air is full of confrontation. .

Standing here, Sun Bing could clearly see the majestic aliens flashing past. Although he did not see the figures of the previous enemies, he could also tell that the aliens who came here were not weak. .

On the mottled ancient road outside the ancient city, a pair of grandfather and grandson were walking slowly forward. Maybe they were delayed for something and did not escape the ancient tribes who came here in time.

Suddenly, Sun Bing saw the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clan flying in the sky, and his eyes glanced directly at the immature child. His eyes were full of greed: "Little babies of this age are the most delicious. Look. I'm having a great time today."

After the words fell, the alien even reached out his hand to grab the child below in a majestic manner, with a ferocious look on his face that made people feel frightened.

Although the pair of grandsons and grandsons are said to have cultivated abilities, they are at best just monks in the Qi training realm. How could they be the opponents of this ancient tribe? Just in the face of such momentum, there is no way to stop it. Looking at The big hand that was getting closer and closer had a look of panic on its face.

Regarding this scene, the strange things along the way

The tribe couldn't help but stop and watch, with a thick smile on their faces, as if they saw something that satisfied them.

As for the other human monks around, even though they wanted to help, they were too weak and could only stare angrily.

When Sun Bing saw this scene, he was even more furious and snorted: "How brave, how dare you bully my human race."

Then a bright sword light immediately shrouded in front of me. In an instant, the world became silent, and then a tragic voice came out: "Who on earth dares to attack me?"

Looking at it again, one can clearly see that the palm that was stretched out earlier was completely cut off, and now his face is full of panic. Unfortunately, his strength is too weak. Under the sword intent, the whole person's vitality is gone. They gradually disappeared and finally fell from the sky.

Even if he could see it, the faces of all the ancient tribes around him were full of surprise. Everyone saw the sharp sword light in Sun Bing's hand, and seemed to want to attack Sun Bing.

"Do you also want to die?" But at this time, Sun Bing's eyes were full of indifference, and he looked around.

Each of the ancient tribes could only snort angrily, and then turned around and left. After all, they weighed the strengths of themselves and Sun Bing. Even though they were outnumbered, they were no match for Sun Bing. If they continued to take action, , and eventually oneself will perish.

Seeing the retreating figures, Sun Bing did not continue to take action, because this was the most dangerous situation.

In tense moments, any slight movement may cause a fight between the two clans to break out, so you must be careful.

In order to prevent what happened just now, Sun Bing protected the old man and the child and walked towards the city.

Although it is said that the meeting of all races will not start in a few days, there are already many monks gathered in the city, with many races and strange appearances, and the city is also filled with a strange atmosphere.

This event is completely different from the last one. Whether you see human monks or ancient races along the way, their faces are full of vigilance and hostility. If you don't suppress them forcibly, a terrible battle may break out at any time.

After Sun Bing sent the old man and the child to a safe place, he left and hid in an inn in the ancient city, listening carefully to the information collected by the others.

"It is said that the goddess of the Shura clan came yesterday and is already in the Tianyin Holy Land, waiting for the start of the conference."

"The Son of God Qingming has also arrived. Just half a day ago, his whole body was full of ruthlessness, and even his eyes contained infinite murderous intent. He killed many monks of my human race."

Listening to those words, a sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Bing's mouth: "I didn't expect you people to come so early."

It can also be seen from this that all the ancient races attach great importance to this conference, and all the people sent out

They were all the most elite disciples. After receiving the news, Sun Bing couldn't help but start thinking.

Sun Bing can be sure that this meeting of all races is far from just a provocation. It can even be said to be a test of the ancient races. If he gets an answer he is satisfied with, he will become even more unscrupulous in the future.

Although many people have come before, Sun Bing concluded that when the Ten Thousand Races Conference really begins, countless geniuses will also come.

At that time, it was not only the time when the conference was at its peak, but also the most dangerous time. After all, Sun Bing would not believe that these aliens would be so kind and would not do anything secretly.

In the following time, Sun Bing did not hide himself deliberately. He sat quietly at the gate of the ancient city. Almost everyone who entered the city would be seen by him.

It's just that the vast majority of the human race and the ancient races will not be taken into consideration by Sun Bing at all, but there are also exceptions to this matter.

Sun Bing discovered that there are some names that have never been heard of outside the territory. Even their own races are very mediocre among the ancient races, but their strength is also extremely powerful, even no less than the top 100 of the ancient races. Son of God.

This discovery made Sun Bing take a breath of cold air, and his face became much more solemn, and he murmured secretly: "It seems that it is not only the human race who is crouching tigers, hidden dragons, but there are also many geniuses hidden among the ancient races. ah."

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