Sword Emperor

Chapter 1783 Terrible Promotion

It's just that even though Sun Bing has all kinds of thoughts in his mind, it can't change the fact that he is in the battlefield at this time. If he fails at this time, then Sun Bing will really fall completely.

In an instant, Sun Bing had regained his composure, and once again looked at the two sword masters not far away, he could keenly detect a hint of shock and even fear in the deepest parts of their eyes.

After all, over the years, as sword masters, they have naturally seen countless geniuses, but no one can be like Sun Bing at this time. The transformation of strength is too fast.

The most important point is that the two of them were keenly aware that Sun Bing's aura was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, but even in this state, he could barely compete with the two of them. In addition, he was still so young, so it was very difficult for him to do so. Obviously he is the heir carefully cultivated by a huge force.

Now that they have taken action, it has been necessary to eradicate the situation for so long. Otherwise, it is impossible to imagine what kind of terrible crisis the two of them will face once this matter is exposed.

Just thinking of this, the murderous intention in the two people's hearts has also been raised to the extreme. The sword moves between the hands are extremely exquisite, but they also contain infinite murderous intent, and the moves are deadly. With the close cooperation of the two people, He kept attacking Sun Bing.

But facing the almost crazy attacks of the two people, Sun Bing didn't have any panic on his face, and even had a hint of surprise on his face.

It is true that there is a big gap between the two people's attainments in swordsmanship, even Sun Bing at this time, but the path leads to the same goal, one method can lead to all methods, and Sun Bing is best at mastering swordsmanship, so the whole

The individual is like a sponge, absorbing the knowledge crazily.

If one could enter Sun Bing's body, one would be able to see that the kendo, which had collapsed and had numerous cracks, was being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. Moreover, the mysterious aura erupted from the kendo became more and more intense, and it became even more intense. It's getting stronger.

All of this was realized by Sun Bing due to the siege of the two sword masters in front of him. After all, the swordsmanship obtained from Wanbao Pavilion was only the best swordsmanship at best, and there was still a qualitative difference from the true spirit swordsmanship.

However, through such a battle, Sun Bing was able to take this opportunity to understand what the opponent had learned, and to hone himself during the battle, gradually and completely digesting what he had learned during this period, and his swordsmanship naturally became more concise.

Sun Bing may have been in the most dangerous situation at first, and he would have completely fallen if he was not careful, but now the situation has changed. As Sun Bing deepens his understanding of the twenty-two basic sword techniques, he also possesses It must be self-protection.

And there is one more thing that needs to be known, that is, even if he is injured in the battle, as long as he is not wiped out by the sword spirit at once, Sun Bing can rely on the secret method of "Nirvana" to recover. Even if he cannot beat him, he can still Escape by relying on "Shrink the Earth".

These are all treasures contained in Sun Bing himself, so in Sun Bing's eyes, the two sword masters in front of him are no longer powerful enemies, but have become Sun Bing's familiar swordsman sparring partners.

Time passed slowly. Although the battle at this time was extremely fierce, something bad had already arisen in the hearts of the two sword masters, because they keenly discovered that

No matter how hard the two tried their best, they even managed to beat Sun Bing back to death.

But the most important point is that no matter what, Sun Bing did not die. Even though he was on the verge of death several times, he was able to recover in the end and continued to fight against them.

During this process, the two people could also clearly realize that the pressure they faced was even greater. In the past, they could break Sun Bing's sword moves easily, but now it was not necessarily the case. Even with a little negligence, they themselves There will always be certain dangers.

During another confrontation, the two sword masters stared at Sun Bing, and then they were shocked to find that the scar on Sun Bing was healing at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye, and it recovered in an instant. .

Suddenly, a cold sweat broke out on my back. Although there were countless secrets in the sword world, they were all about swords, such as sword-hiding techniques, sword-raising techniques, etc. There had never been such a weird situation.

For such a situation, the reaction speed of the two people was naturally extremely fast. They immediately put away their swords and looked at Sun Bing fiercely, and said sternly: "I will let you go for the time being. Our green mountains will not change and our green water will always flow. See you later." No time limit.”

As soon as the words were spoken, the two sword masters did not hesitate at all. They turned around and flew with their swords. Their whole bodies were like a stream of light, galloping away into the distance.

However, when Sun Bing saw this scene, a sneer appeared on his lips: "We have already reached this point and still want to run. It just so happens that I have thoroughly summarized what I have learned before, and it is time to end the battle."

Immediately, Sun Bing took a deep breath, shrunk to an inch and used it in an instant. In one step, he

It has traveled through countless spaces.

The two sword masters who were originally galloping suddenly felt a little bad in their hearts. They frowned and looked toward the back. They saw that no one was chasing them, and then they breathed a sigh of relief. However, when When his eyes shifted to the front, his heart was filled with shock.

Even at this moment, I couldn't help but exclaim: "Why are you in front of us?"

"You two don't need to know about this matter. Now it's time for you to hit the road."

But at this time, Sun Bing could be said to be extremely cold. Facing the two enemies, he did not hesitate at all and slashed downwards with his sword.

"The Sword Sweeps the Eight Wastes"

At this moment, the bright sword light illuminates the world. Under the sword light, you can see the phantoms of one world after another. The mountains, rivers and rivers are presented one by one, and eventually they are integrated into the sword light and the breath in the air. It's getting heavier and heavier.

Originally this was a sword move that Sun Bing understood when he studied the Mountain and River Avenue. Now with the addition of the twenty-two basic sword skills, the power of it increased several times. At this time, there seemed to be no barrier between heaven and earth. The existence of this power.

Even the two sword masters in front of them couldn't help but breathe rapidly at this time, and their eyes were full of horror and fear. You must know that this kind of power completely surpassed their upper limit.

As swordsmen, even though they were in a desperate situation, the two of them did not give up. The true energy in their bodies stirred up, and an extremely sharp edge was brewing. Even such terrible pressure could not stop the birth of that edge.

"Today I will let you see the sword energy that I have hidden for three hundred years. Even if I die, I will die with you."


The roar came out directly, which made Sun Bing's heart full of vigilance, because this was obviously the Hidden Sword Technique, which could be considered terrifying even after ten years of brewing, let alone three hundred years of brewing.

The next moment, the most terrifying edge erupted in front of him, and what was revealed in it was completely a move from the peak of the Sword King, which was almost irresistible.

The two sword energies clashed in an instant, with an earth-shattering sound erupting, and an extremely sharp aura surrounding them. Under such momentum, countless cracks appeared on the ground.

But what Sun Bing's sword moves contain is the essence of the two worlds. When they are merged together, the power that can be unleashed is too great. Even if this hidden sword technique can kill enemies across borders, after all, It's just one move away.

Finally, the sword energy that had been brewing for three hundred years gradually dissipated. On the contrary, Sun Bing's sword energy remained unabated and shrouded downwards, passing under the frightened faces of the two sword masters. The original vitality Disappeared instantly.

The final winner of this battle is Sun Bing.

Seeing the terrible destructive power he had caused in front of him, Sun Bing's eyes were shocked, but more importantly, he was surprised. After all, this meant that his strength had improved.

The only pity is that just integrating the twenty-two basic sword techniques into Jian Dang Ba Huang has consumed all of Sun Bing's previous accumulation, including the insights he gained from these two sword masters.

If he wants to continue to forge his own swordsmanship and improve his strength, he still needs more accumulation. So now, for Sun Bing, the more swordsmanship and supernatural powers in the sword world, the better. It is best to have more, the better.

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