Sword Emperor

Chapter 1793 Sudden Movement

In an instant, Sun Bing forgot about Tuoba Xiong's death, and continued to gallop upwards. After all, he had been delayed for a long time, and I believe that many people were already above him at this time. Sun Bing was ahead. When he thought of this, Sun Bing couldn't help but speed up even faster.

Although the pressure the ancient Bodhi tree faced became stronger as it reached the top, Sun Bing could still feel a trace of restraint in the past, but now he felt extremely relaxed.

After all, Sun Bing, who has integrated many magical powers in the sword world, is too powerful. Before working with Sun Bing, he almost reached the level of invincibility of a saint. Even he himself doesn't know how powerful he is now.

Therefore, this kind of small oppression was like a breeze blowing to Sun Bing, and he was not affected at all.

With every step, Sun Bing was able to climb tens of feet upwards, but this number must not be underestimated. You must know that except for Sun Bing, even the supreme descendants could not climb up after enduring such terrible pressure. Slow as a snail.

In almost a moment, Sun Bing had already crossed the distance that ordinary monks would have to work hard for several days to cross. However, it was a pity that during the whole process, he never had the chance to enter the Bodhi leaves again.

Although there was a trace of regret in his heart, Sun Bing did not feel sad about it. After all, having such an opportunity once was already considered a gift, let alone getting it a second time, which was almost a gift. This impossible thing has never happened since ancient times.

In the process of climbing up, Sun Bing also saw the other monks, but because they could be said to be strangers to Sun Bing, and because the enemy would not attack me, I would not attack anyone, so Sun Bing did not have any problems with them. conflict.

As he got closer and closer to the top of the ancient Bodhi tree, even Sun Bing could clearly feel a pressure shrouding his body, slowing down his speed.

A lot.

But at this moment, Sun Bing, who was trying his best to climb upwards, suddenly had a faint smile on his face. Through his keen eyes, he could clearly see that not far above, a witch appeared. The figures of Zhu and others.

In the end, deep hatred appeared in the deepest part of Sun Bing's eyes. You must know that it was ten people from the other side who joined forces to force Sun Bing to the point of near death. Even though Sun Bing successfully recovered from his physical injuries, But it is impossible to erase the hatred hidden in it.

The moment Sun Bing saw Wu Zhu and others, Wu Zhu also saw Sun Bing's figure, and his expression suddenly changed at this moment.

You must know that this place is not too far away from the top of the Bodhi tree. Even some weak monks cannot bear the terrible force to reach this point, let alone Sun Bing, who was seriously injured.

But now I see Sun Bing's figure. What does this mean? It can be clearly seen without thinking. Sun Bing's injury should have healed.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhu's face couldn't help but become more and more ugly. You must know that the battle that day had made them feel palpitated until now, and one of them even died. It is conceivable that Sun Bing How powerful it is.

Not only Wu Zhu, but Jin Yan on the side also saw Sun Bing's figure, and his aura became strange at this moment.

Together with Wu Zhu Jin Yan and others, the remaining nine supreme descendants of all ancient tribes all set their sights on Sun Bing. They stopped their original movements and stood on the branches of the ancient Bodhi tree. , a faint encirclement appeared, surrounding Sun Bing.

"I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself. Judging from your aura, I think you have recovered. You can even repair your injuries. I really underestimate you."

"If you stay dormant like this, we really can't do anything to you, but in any case

I never expected that you would deliver it to your door yourself. "


After such a long period of precipitation, the strength of the nine people has undoubtedly improved a lot. Although one person is missing, the combined aura and pressure are stronger than the ten people last time.

But in the face of such terrible pressure, Sun Bing's expression did not even change at all. If you observe carefully, you can even see the corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if he was mocking him.

Because although the strength of these supreme descendants has improved a lot, Sun Bing's transformation has been even greater. After the help from the sword world before, he has reached a level of fearlessness at this time. Otherwise, he would not be afraid. It will reveal the fact that his injuries have recovered.

After hearing these words, Sun Bing's face calmly swept over the faces of the supreme descendants in front of him, and the murderous intention in his heart exploded. In the end, he couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, okay, okay. It was beyond my expectation.

I really didn’t expect that you would be so neatly organized. In this way, I don’t need to spend more time looking for you. Today, this place is exactly the place where you will die. Being able to die on top of the ancient Bodhi tree is indeed a blessing. It can also be regarded as a blessing. "

After Sun Bing finished speaking, the nine descendants of the alien race who surrounded Sun Bing looked at each other in confusion, with indelible doubts in their eyes. They did not expect that Sun Bing would actually say these words.

"Hahahaha, it's really the most ridiculous thing in the world. I see that although the injuries on your body have healed, your head has also been severely injured. Have you forgotten that you looked like a bereaved dog last time?" Suddenly, a burst of contempt came out directly.

When you raise your head, you can see that this is what the supreme descendant of the Celestial Clan said. Those three pairs of eyes are staring at Sun Bing with deep resentment, and they have the desire to kill Sun Bing quickly. .

After all, the hatred between the Celestial Clan and Sun Bing has lasted for a hundred thousand years. I thought I could kill Sun Bing completely last time, but I didn't expect that he would still escape.

But naturally that kind of thing won't happen now. After all, this time, the nine of them wanted to eradicate the problem. No matter how high the price was, they would kill Sun Bing.

Immediately, the aura of everyone gradually rose, and the surrounding atmosphere became more and more solidified. The pressure in it was almost suffocating, and it was terrifying to the extreme.

As for Sun Bing, after seeing this scene, he was very satisfied in his heart. After all, Wu Zhu and others wanted to kill Sun Bing completely, but he didn't want to avenge the hatred of the past. It's a pity that he has never found him. Any chance.

But now it can finally be realized, so before he was silent, the sword box behind Sun Bing could not help but slowly open it. With the Zhuxian Sword in his hand, Sun Bing's heart burst out with great pride.

The once unstoppable enemy was no longer the real peak in front of Sun Bing at this time, and he did not need to be afraid at all.

But just when the atmosphere was condensed to the extreme and both sides were about to take action, everyone could clearly feel that the ancient Bodhi tree exuded a terrifying power.

After lowering his head, he could see the mysterious inscriptions appearing one after another on the ancient Bodhi tree. The air was filled with a fresh and natural breath, and the whole person was able to comprehend the great road as fast as he breathed. Speeded up a lot.

At this moment, the expressions of Sun Bing, Wu Zhu and others changed slightly. Countless thoughts flashed through their minds, but in the end they all converged on one point. Could it be that Bodhisattva is about to appear at this time?

Even though they were not sure about this, Sun Bing and others did not dare to bet. After all, the Bodhi seeds were too precious and the number was too small. If they continued to fight, they would soon be in trouble.

It is possible that the opportunity was lost.

In the end, the supreme descendant of the God Clan could only look at Sun Bing fiercely that day, and said directly with a hint of contempt: "I will let you go this time and let you live for a while. The next time we meet, you will die. "

After the words fell, Wu Zhu and the others did not waste any time at all, and sprinted towards the top of the ancient Bodhi tree with all their strength. No matter how great the pressure was, they had to get there as soon as possible.

However, Wu Zhu and others did not notice that after hearing the previous words, a faint smile appeared on Sun Bing's lips, and then he slowly said: "Exactly, this is also what I want to say. of."

Just as Sun Bing was about to leave, a very familiar call suddenly came from behind: "Brother Sun, Brother Sun, I never thought we could meet here. It's really fate."

After turning his head, he could see Li Tianxing galloping from below, his eyes full of surprise.

When he came to Sun Bing's side, Li Tianxing had a look of doubt on his face, and then he became even more uncontrollably excited. He stared at Sun Bing with his eyes and asked directly: "Brother Sun, does it mean that your injury has been healed? "

In response to Li Tianxing's concern, a gentle smile appeared on Sun Bing's face. Although he did not answer directly, he nodded slowly, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Then Sun Bing waved his hand to stop the other party's desire to continue asking, and then said: "Let's talk next time. Time is running out now. This kind of movement is likely to be the appearance of Bodhisattva, and we can't waste it. We have to get to the top as quickly as possible.”

Li Tianxing was not a person who didn't know the importance of things. Even though he still had countless doubts in his heart, he nodded slowly, and the two of them galloped upward together. With the help of Sun Bing, they quickly It quickly disappeared in place.

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