Sword Emperor

Chapter 1804 Refining Bodhi Seeds

When he returned, because Sun Bing didn't hide at all, his speed was ten times faster than when he came before. In just half a day, he could see the tall wall of Yingtian Academy from a distance.

Immediately, Sun Bing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. The last worry in his heart was finally put down. You must know that when he got this Bodhi seed, Sun Bing wanted to take it, but it was too much at the time. It's dangerous. Accidents may occur if you are not careful.

Therefore, Sun Bing relied on his firm willpower to contain the thoughts in his heart and has been enduring it until now. Fortunately, Yingtian Academy is close at hand, which can almost be regarded as the safest in the entire Tianzhou. place.

You must know that the current Yingtian Academy is not as weak as it once was. All the foundation has been successfully returned. Sun Bing even suspects that there are powerful people in the supreme realm hiding among them, but they have not shown it.

After returning to Yingtian Academy, Sun Bing directly rejected Dugu Bai's suggestion to let him rest. He looked at the figure in front of him and said directly: "Brother Dugu, please help me arrange an absolutely safe secret room at this time."

Seeing Sun Bing's firm eyes, Dugu Bai knew that he had no way to persuade him, so he nodded directly: "It doesn't matter, since Brother Sun has needs, I, Yingtian Academy, will naturally not refuse."

After finishing his words, he took Sun Bing to the deepest part of Yingtian Academy. Along the way, Sun Bing could detect mysterious and profound auras one after another. Saints could be seen everywhere, and there were also many holy kings.

And almost every step you take, there is something

I don't know how many spiritual thoughts swept over. This number made Sun Bing a little shocked. At this time, he couldn't help but speak directly: "Brother Dugu, where is this place? There are so many senior experts?"

"Brother Sun, please rest assured that this is the absolute secret place of my Yingtian Academy. Everything here is the foundation of the academy. Even I can only come here after breaking through the saint. However, It’s absolutely safe here and there will never be any accidents.”

Dugu Bai couldn't help but speak directly at this time. When he said these words, there was a touch of pride on his face.

Although Sun Bing was a little frightened every step he took, there was no danger. After all, not just anyone could enter such a secret place. If Sun Bing was not allowed to come, he would have blocked it from the beginning. .

Of course, Sun Bing is also self-aware. If he had not rescued the entire Yingtian Academy, otherwise, if an outsider wanted to come here, he would definitely be killed immediately.

Under the leadership of Dugu Bei, Sun Bing arrived at the deepest point without any danger. Every inch of the ground was engraved with extremely mysterious inscriptions. The power in them made even Sun Bing feel frightened. If you accidentally trigger a chain reaction, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die.

Moreover, the population here is quite sparse, but everyone is the essence. Through the auras, you can find that the people here are very powerful, all of them are the most powerful holy kings, especially there are a few obscure ones. Even Sun Bing couldn't feel the breath clearly.

"Okay, Brother Sun, we have arrived. This is the retreat place prepared by the dean for you."

Just when Sun Bing's mind was filled with thoughts, Dugu Bai couldn't help but speak directly. At this time, Sun Bing could see that there was a deep cave in front of him, but it exuded countless mysterious auras, and the surroundings were even more mysterious. Engraved with countless inscriptions.

"If you're interested, we'll see you someday."

Sun Bing nodded slowly. At this time, he couldn't even suppress the urge in his heart to refine the Bodhi Seed, and quickly walked towards the deepest part of the cave.

Along the way, you can see that it is far less dark than imagined, and you can even see some light. On the mountain walls on both sides, you can see mysterious inscriptions on the avenue, which seem to record the sages' knowledge of the avenue. perception.

Not long after, Sun Bing came to an open ground. Not only the surrounding mountain walls, but also the Taoist rhymes recorded in the inscriptions on the ground. At the center was a Bagua, which seemed to have gradually been tempered by countless sages. A transformation has occurred.

"It is really an excellent retreat place. Being in such an environment, my speed of understanding the avenue can be increased by 30%."

Seeing this, Sun Bing couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion in his heart, and then quickly came to the front of the Bagua. With a thought, Bingqing Jade Lotus appeared instantly and sat on the Bagua.

Sun Bing quietly sat cross-legged in the ice-clear jade lotus. The Enlightenment Stone had been suspended above Sun Bing's head. The formations around the cave opened in an instant, and Sun Bing could detect it under the induction.

, it is almost impossible to open it from the outside world.

Only if Yingtian Academy completely collapses can this place be opened. Of course, if it is detected that the monks in the cave are completely lifeless, the formation will also be opened automatically.

After confirming that everything was safe, Sun Bing carefully took out the bodhi seed he had obtained earlier. The emerald green fluorescence shone directly around him. Being in such light, his whole body felt warm. Yes, very comfortable.

Only at this moment did Sun Bing have enough time to examine the Bodhi Seed in his hand without any worries. Speaking of it, this was the first time that he looked at the Bodhi Seed so carefully at this moment.

Sun Bing had already heard about Bodhi Son, and even realized the treasure. However, the one in Sun Bing's hand was quite different from the one in the ancient books. The most obvious point was that it contained rich vitality, just like the sea. Generally, endlessly.

You must know that it is filled with all the vitality of an entire ancient Bodhi tree. It can be said that even a supreme being whose life span is on the verge of being exhausted can extend his life by tens of thousands of years after refining this Bodhi seed.

When he thought of this, Sun Bing couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. Fortunately, his actions were too fast and he sent the Bodhisattva into his cave at the first time. Otherwise, Linglong Supreme and others would have After people discover this, they will most likely ask him to hand over the Bodhi Seed.

Although corresponding compensation should be given in the end, for Sun Bing, there is nothing now

Nothing could be more suitable for him than Bodhisattva.

Even though the bodhi seed in his hand is very precious, what Sun Bing needs most urgently at this time is strength, so in the end Sun Bing still did not hesitate.

Taking a deep breath, he reluctantly calmed down his restless heart. The sword energy in his body was slowly poured into the Bodhi Seed. At this time, he could see the Bodhi Seed slowly rising into the air. He stood up and floated on Sun Bing's chest, with traces of energy pouring into his body.

Later, Sun Bing could suddenly feel that his understanding of the avenues of heaven and earth seemed to have reached its peak at this moment, and the shadow of the three thousand avenues seemed to appear in front of him.

Little did they know that at this time, there was also an uproar in the outside world. Just as Sun Bing was refining the Bodhi Seed, avenues suddenly emerged, and the air was filled with the sound of Taoism. Countless monks who had been in retreat here were all enlightened at this moment. Not a small benefit.

As for Sun Bing, the initiator of all this, his whole body was enveloped by the green light, and vitality was poured into Sun Bing's body, and the sword essence surged in Sun Bing's body.

Moreover, the Xuanwu True Body Technique slowly circulated, absorbing the almost endless vitality and strengthening everything in Sun Bing's physical body. You could faintly see the Xuanwu shadow and couldn't help but howl at the sky.

But at this time, Sun Bing, with the help of Bingqing Jade Lotus, Bodhi Seed and Enlightenment Stone, was completely immersed in the infinite avenue, especially his understanding of space and time, which was visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​increases.

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