Sword Emperor

Chapter 1819: Traveling thousands of miles to meet your beloved

In the next period of time, Sun Bing suppressed his curiosity about the final disaster deeply in his heart, because he knew that he was not strong enough at this time, and acting rashly would only lead to his own death.

Moreover, Sun Bing did not leave Yingtian Academy at this time. Instead, he used the treasure land to sort out what he had learned over the years, and even took this opportunity to explain his views on the great road. Unexpectedly, he would attract many monks to come. Come and listen.

Even many saint-level elders in Yingtian Academy felt enlightened after hearing Sun Bing's sermons, not to mention many of the young geniuses among them. Even if they were still a little unconvinced by Sun Bing, what is left now , all of them were deeply impressed.

Because although Sun Bing's words were very plain, every word was precise, and everyone could learn a lot from it, and many people even took this opportunity to directly achieve a breakthrough.

After all, Sun Bing is not a simple holy king. Compared with ordinary holy kings, his strength is too powerful. There are very few people in the world who can compete in the same realm. It can even be said that there are only a few such strong men. In the world where the Supreme Being does not leave, he is almost invincible.

In just one month, Sun Bing has completely sorted out what he has learned, and his strength has increased by as much as 10%. After calculating the time, it is time to leave.

It's just that this time Sun Bing left, not only was Dugu Bai and others reluctant to leave, even the many geniuses and elders in Yingtian Academy also didn't want Sun Bing to leave. After all, with the guidance of such a strong man, his own strength The speed of improvement is really too fast.

Looking at Sun Bing not far away

, Dugu Bai even couldn't help but smile and said: "Brother Sun, you are still a casual cultivator at this time, why not enter Yingtian Academy. As long as you come here, you are very likely to become a great elder directly."

You must know that the Nine Academy is the oldest force in the human race. It would be fine if it were an ordinary elder. However, the power of the great elder is almost only under that of the dean, and his status can be said to be quite noble.

Moreover, Sun Bing also knew that just by virtue of his status as Dugu Bai, he would not be qualified to say such words. Since he had already invited someone, it was very likely that he had been invited by Dean Li.

But this status is certainly noble, and even for Sun Bing, it is very rare for ordinary casual cultivators to be able to enter a holy land. If they can come to the Nine Colleges to become a disciple, they will be even more ecstatic, and Sun Bing unexpectedly Jumping to such a terrifying level will definitely frighten countless people.

But after hearing these words, Sun Bing slowly shook his head with a smile, and then said softly: "Thank you for the invitation, but over the years, I have become accustomed to this idle life, and I can't stand it. Too many constraints.”

"Brother Sun, in fact, as long as you come to our academy and become the Supreme Elder, there will be absolutely nothing..." Dugu Bai immediately wanted to continue talking.

But Sun Bing waved his hand directly before the other party finished speaking: "Brother Dugu, don't say any more. You should know my ambition."

After hearing Sun Bing's answer, Dugu Bai said that his heart was full of regrets, but in the end he could only sigh: "Hey, that's fine, but the door of Yingtian Academy will definitely be open for you at all times."


Well, thank you very much. I will take the first step today and see you later. "

Immediately, Sun Bing cupped his fists and spoke directly to Dugu Bei in front of him. Then he shrank to the ground and moved, his whole body crossed many spaces, and completely disappeared from the spot.

Dugu Bai was left standing there and still wanted to say something, staring at the empty ground in a daze.

As for Sun Bing on the other side, after successfully breaking through to the realm of the Holy King, he seemed to be completely relaxed. At least before the catastrophe of heaven and earth occurred, he was absolutely safe. As long as the Supreme did not come out, then there would be no A monk who could harm him.

This feeling has been absent for a long time. You must know that Sun Bing has been carrying that terrible pressure for so many years. At this time, he can finally relax a little bit.

For a moment, Sun Bing even wondered where he should go or what he should do now. Many thoughts came to his mind instantly, but Sun Bing was still a little hesitant.

Suddenly, two very clear figures appeared directly in Sun Bing's mind, and a strong sense of guilt suddenly burst out.

After all, for so many years, it can be said that Sun Yanran and Hua Qiyue have been silently helping Sun Bing from behind, without asking for any fame, and even saved Sun Bing from death several times. This kind of kindness is a bit difficult to understand. repay.

Especially when Sun Bing was injured and almost in despair, the two beauties also never left her, and they could be considered to be deeply affectionate towards Sun Bing.

When he thought of this, Sun Bing couldn't help but be a little silent. After a long time, he couldn't help but

He had to speak slowly: "It's been so many years, and it's time for some things to be affirmed."

Immediately, Sun Bing didn't hesitate at all. After taking a deep breath, he shrunk to an inch with all his strength. Almost in an instant, Sun Bing had crossed countless distances and came from Tianzhou to Shenzhou. .

Looking back at the Four Stories, even though such a long time has passed, the surrounding scenery is still vaguely familiar. It is the Hundred Thousand Mountains that Sun Bing once experienced, but now the Hundred Thousand Mountains are even bigger and more dangerous.

Although with Sun Bing's strength at this time, there is no need to have any fear, but he can still vaguely feel that there is still a faint sense of crisis coming from the deepest part of Shiwan Mountain.

Looking far away, you can still see a black city standing near Shiwanda Mountain. That is the black city. Regarding this, Sun Bing's seriousness flashed through a layer of haze, and he secretly said in his heart: "I'll let you go for now." , but the hatred between us will not be let go so easily."

After confirming the direction, Sun Bing's eyes looked directly into the distance. Through countless spaces, he seemed to see the location of the Hundred Flowers Holy Land, and then he crossed over in one step.

It has to be said that the realm of the Holy King is on a completely different level. It spans countless spaces in one step. The city in front of the Hundred Flowers Holy Land finally appeared in front of Sun Bing.

Seeing this familiar scene again, Sun Bing also had a flash of memories in his eyes. After all, he once had a conflict with the Changsheng Master here in Zhuling Cave. He didn't expect that time would change.

Qian, Young Master Changsheng has fallen.

Sun Bing, on the other hand, has become more and more powerful, and now he is the most talented person among all the younger generation, and no one can surpass him.

Of course, because of that incident, the relationship between Sun Bing and Baihua Dongtian became extremely bad for a while. Even now, Sun Bing still has a faint dislike for Baihua Dongtian, but it is not easy to show it directly. come out.

So at this time, I could only stand quietly in the void, and a plain voice came out directly: "Holy Lord Baihua, Sun Bing is here to visit."

Although this sound was very gentle, it was filled with Sun Bing's sword energy, which was extremely penetrating. Through this sound wave, it kept spreading forward.

Even though it is said that Baihua Cave is hidden in the void and has many spatial obstructions, we must not forget that at this moment, Sun Bing has understood the avenue of space to a perfect level, so such protection cannot stop Sun Bing at all. Every cent.

Therefore, the loud sound continued to fill the Baihua Cave sky. The disciples inside could only hear the continuous sound, and finally there was even an echo.

And in the deepest part of Baihua Cave, a peerless beauty who should have been in seclusion was also awakened by this very familiar voice. Her beautiful eyes were full of joy. This was Sun Bing's beauty. Bosom friend, Hua Qiyue.

Since Sun Bing left last time, and there has been no news, Hua Qiyue has also been very sad, and finally went into seclusion. She wanted to continue like this, but she didn't expect to hear that familiar voice again. sound.

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