Sword Emperor

Chapter 1823: Getting Drunk

Immediately, Ji Cheng nodded heavily, and then a thick smile appeared on his face: "In that case, I won't say much. It just so happens that I have the fine wine that the Chinese Dynasty has stored for thousands of years. Today I will I came here especially to congratulate Brother Sun."

"Hahaha, I also have wine here that is unique to Shuiyuedongtian, and it must not be inferior to the wine of the Chinese Dynasty." At this moment, Yu Sheng has finally come.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and then they couldn't help laughing.

Since the Enlightenment Tea Party that happened by chance after the merger of Kyushu, Sun Bing and many other former geniuses have hardly had such a relaxed and comfortable time to gather together. What they think about every day is the development of a holy land, or the ancient eternity. Some things about the clan.

Today happened to be the time when Sun Bing was about to get married, and I finally felt relaxed in my heart that I hadn't seen for a long time.

Finally, Sun Bing waved his hand and said loudly: "In that case, we will drink here today and we will not go back until we are drunk."

As soon as these words were uttered, they received the approval of countless people. However, Buddha said softly with a touch of embarrassment on his face: "The poor monk will not participate. As the saying goes, drinking, sex and wealth..."

"In such a great opportunity, Buddha, why should I refuse? You must know that if we say goodbye today, it is not certain whether we will see each other again in the future." Daozi was very free and easy, and he couldn't help but persuade him at this time.

After hearing these words, the Buddha was silent for a long time. After all, with their cultivation reaching this level, and the huge heritage behind them, they also had some understanding of the final disaster.

In the end, there was no trace of rejection on Buddha's face, and he nodded slowly: "In that case, let's drink happily today. As the saying goes, meat and wine pass through the intestines, the Buddha's heart remains, and the poor monk pours it. It’s time to be willful.”

"Hahahaha, it should have been like this."

Everyone in the group can be said to be among the best in Kyushu

Under the leadership of Sun Bing, they came directly to a towering mountain, but at the next step, Sun Bing waved his hand gently, and the entire upper half of the mountain was cut off.

A very flat mountain surface was left on the spot. The whole process was calm and there was no wave at all. It was only at this moment that many other monks could feel Sun Bing's terrifying strength.

"Good swordsmanship, then please take a look at mine." Daozi shouted immediately, and then waved his hand, and a little light spot appeared in his hand. When it landed on the mountain, there was a little green. grow out.

In the end, tables, chairs and chopping boards woven together were neatly arranged on the mountain surface, full of mysterious Taoist atmosphere, which made people marvel.

With the cultivation level of Sun Bing and others, we can naturally see that this is the supreme magical power of Taoism. The inscription is natural. I didn't expect that Daozi has cultivated it to this level. It is indeed a rare sight in Taoism for ten thousand years. of genius.

"Since we already have tables, chairs and chopping boards, how can we be without maids! Look at my magical power." Ji Cheng stood up directly at this time, his body filled with endless domineering, and little rays of light fell from the sky.

Each ray of light finally turned into a charming maid. In just a moment, people could be seen surging on the originally silent mountain.

Everyone was even more amazed at this. After all, this magical power was supposed to be a weapon of the Chinese Dynasty, but they didn't expect it to be manipulated by Ji Cheng to such an extent that it could even transform into a woman. It was really terrifying.

Next, Hong Kai couldn't help but wave his hand, and then he could see that on each chopping board, there were plates of spiritual fruit delicacies, the aroma was overflowing, making people intoxicated.

"Okay, I'll wait until I'm drunk before I stop." Sun Bing drank softly and landed on the mountain first, sitting in front of a chopping board.

Many others

The friends couldn't help but sit down one by one. They opened the Shuiyuedongtian wine that had been sealed for thousands of years, and the rich aroma of the wine spread directly in the air. Then Sun Bing slowly raised his glass and said:

"After many years of separation, today we finally have the opportunity to have a drink together."

After the words fell, everyone raised their glasses and drank together. After drinking the wine in one gulp, the fragrant breath poured into the body, and finally turned into a spiritual energy circulating in the body, which actually gave a feeling of relaxation and joy.

Generally speaking, after their cultivation has reached this level, ordinary wine has no effect on them, but today's wine is completely different. If it is not deliberately expelled, it will even make people feel drunk.

So after drinking for three rounds, the eyes of many strong men present could not help but blurred, and then you could hear Daozi sighing: "We can still gather together today, but we don't know what the future will be like."

After the words fell, everyone here couldn't help but fell silent for a while, because what was in front of them now was not only the ancient races, but also the mastermind behind the scenes who couldn't see clearly at all. The pressure this brought to them was really too much. Too big.

In the past, all the pressure was on my shoulders and I couldn't talk about it. Now I finally found such a good opportunity.

Hong Kai was the most free and easy. At this moment, he couldn't help but chuckle. He took another swig and said: "As the saying goes, if you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and you will be worried tomorrow. We might as well enjoy ourselves now."

Hearing the hint of decadence in these words, Sun Bing frowned, and his words became sharper: "Hong Kai, this is wrong. You must know that if we give in, hundreds of millions of people will be killed." How can you have such a mentality when all the human race is destroyed?”

"Then what can we do? I believe you should know the reason. Even the Sword Master and the Half-Emperor can't do anything, let alone us?" Hong Kai couldn't help but continue to say.

But Sun Bing's words became more solemn:

"The Sword Master and the Half-Emperor are unable to do anything. It is ultimately because they are not strong enough. If we can transcend, we will be able to fear nothing. Even if there are thousands of disasters, I will sweep them away with one sword."

Suddenly, a sharp edge swept in front of them, and this energy and energy deeply shocked Hong Kai and others.

"Well said." Daozi couldn't help shouting at this time.

It should be noted that it is not just Hong Kai. Because they have been under such huge pressure for a long time, there is also a hint of haze in their hearts, but they have never shown it, but now all the depression in their hearts has been suppressed by Sun Bing. Sweep it clean.

Hearing these words, a smile appeared on the corner of Sun Bing's mouth. He naturally knew that the previous words were just Hong Kai's vent, but if left unchecked, it might eventually trigger inner demons and even to more serious consequences.

Fortunately, with Sun Bing's help, the confusion in everyone's hearts was completely cleared. Then, Sun Bing couldn't help but continue:

"It should be noted that monks like us are going against nature. Even if we practice, we still need to go through three, six, nine, or even ninety-nine tribulations. If we take a step back, we will turn into ashes. So no matter what difficulties we face, we must move forward bravely. ”

After finishing his words, Sun Bing raised the wine glass in front of him and drank the wine in one gulp.

This time it was a ten-thousand-year-old wine from the Chinese Dynasty. It was a little less gentle than the one from Shuiyuedongtian, but a little more passionate. When the strong wine entered your throat, you could feel your own blood boiling with it.

After some lectures from Sun Bing, the spirits of Hong Kai and others have obviously changed. The trace of decadence that existed before disappeared without a trace. Even though they were drunk at this time, it was still difficult to change the heavy weight on their bodies. pressure.

Sun Bing couldn't help but nodded slowly after seeing this scene. This scene meant that the other party had walked out of the demonic barrier, and was even not far from a successful breakthrough.

"Thank you, Brother Sun, for explaining

Confused, I was still hesitant at first, but today Brother Sun’s words made me suddenly enlightened. It seems that it is time to face it bravely. "

After drinking the strong wine, Daozi and Buddha couldn't help but raise their glasses to Sun Bing together, spoke almost in unison, and then drank.

Afterwards, everyone deliberately avoided this question, and their words were filled with memories of the past, telling the past events, and there was a burst of sadness in their hearts. They did not expect that time has changed, and a hundred years have passed so quickly.

Time flowed slowly, and many monks did not deliberately expel the haziness in their bodies. Soon, each monk was a little drunk, and the whole person couldn't help but feel dizzy.

I completely let go of the serious face of the past. After all, here today, only among many friends, there is no pressure or any restraint. This long-lost feeling of relaxation is what everyone cherishes the most.

Even Sun Bing is like this. You must know that even though he is a casual cultivator, the pressure on him is not much less than that of Daozi Fozi and others.

After all, Daozi Fuzi and others still have a huge heritage behind them, but Sun Bing is the only one who is a casual cultivator. Even before that, his life was still in danger.

Only after successfully breaking through to the realm of the Holy King, did I finally feel confident in my heart. In the past, my mind still needed to be tense, but now I have completely relaxed.

This drinking party, which belonged to Sun Bing and others, lasted for who knows how long. In the end, all the fine wines in the hands of Yu Sheng and Ji Cheng were wiped out, but Daozi took out Taoist sake.

Sun Bing also contributed many spiritual fruits. Although they were of no use to monks at this level, the taste was quite good. In the end, it can be said that everyone was drunk and dizzy on the towering mountains, as if they had returned to the past time, which is memorable.

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