Sword Emperor

Chapter 1826 Guests

However, just as Sun Bing was preparing to go to the church to get married, he could suddenly see streamers of light flashing in the distance, appearing in front of Xingluo City almost instantly.

Such a strange scene made Sun Bing stop his movements, and then he could see an old man in Taoist robes emerging in the air. Then he could be seen stroking his beard and saying with a smile:

"My Taoist sect knows that fellow Taoist Sun Bing is getting married, so I have sent you a small gift. I hope you will accept it."

"Hahaha, my Buddhist sect also has some gift lists. It's not respectful."

The next moment, a monk appeared, side by side with the Taoist.

"Thank you two seniors for coming in person. Why don't you take this opportunity to enter the door and rest for a while, just in time to have a glass of wedding wine."

You must know that the Gate and the Buddha Gate are the two holy places with the longest heritage. Moreover, Sun Bing is also close friends with Daozi and Buddha, so Sun Bing respects these two envoys quite a bit.

The Taoist priest and monk did not refuse, and walked slowly towards Xingluo City with their faces full of benefits. In the next moment, the other figures also appeared, and a loud voice echoed over Xingluo City:

"Mingyue Cave Heaven sends three holy medicines to wish Sun Bing a happy union forever."

"The Chinese Dynasty sent a golden tripod to wish Sun Bing a son."

"Nihe Sect presented three drops of Xuanming True Water..."

Along with the shouts, big figures appeared one after another. Not only were they holy places, but the Thirty-six Cave Heavens and the Seventy-two Blessed Lands also sent people to come.

If we say once

Sun Bing was just an evil genius with infinite potential, but now he has turned his potential into his own strength, which is enough for anyone to take him seriously.

Even if there were disputes over some things in the past, such as the Lingxu Blessed Land, this time a heavy gift was given, and the meaning was quite clear, which was to resolve the past hatred.

After all, Sun Bing and Lingxu Paradise had no hatred other than Zhong Yue, so after thinking about it, Sun Bing did not refuse.

The only exception among them is Zhuling Dongtian. After all, the hatred between Sun Bing and them is so great that they can be regarded as irreconcilable. Not to mention wanting them to give gifts, being able to celebrate this great occasion During this time, I would be extremely lucky if I didn’t cause trouble.

Of course, Sun Bing didn't take Zhuling Cave Heaven seriously. If the other party really came to give a gift, Sun Bing might refuse it directly.

Seeing the large numbers of big shots that were almost invisible in the past, and the many casual cultivators who had been watching around, I couldn't help but secretly sigh in my heart: "You are indeed Sun Bing, just a casual cultivator can alarm so many big shots. "

Only at this time did the world finally know that Sun Bing had unknowingly reached the pinnacle, reaching a level that was unimaginable to ordinary people.

However, everyone only saw Sun Bing's glorious scene, but they did not see the hardships Sun Bing put in, and even his life was in danger countless times.

Suddenly, a very familiar figure flashed across Sun Bing's eyes, and in the next moment he could

Seeing that the Eastern Holy King had quietly entered the hall, Sun Bing felt a sense of surprise in his heart, and then he immediately stepped forward.

"Greetings to the Holy King of the East, I didn't expect you to come today."

Sun Bing didn't hesitate at all. He cupped his hands and saluted the Eastern Holy King. After all, if it hadn't been for the Eastern Holy King at that time, Sun Bing would have died long ago.

"You don't need to be like this, little friend. I also came all the way here after learning about your big day. You really are better than others. You didn't disappoint me. The future of the human race is in your hands."

Looking at Sun Bing in front of him, Dongfang Saint King was extremely satisfied in his heart. Although after countless years, many geniuses emerged one after another like crucian carp crossing the river, but in the eyes of Dongfang Saint King, Sun Bing's terrifying talent , can even be compared with the most brilliant person a hundred thousand years ago.

Suddenly, there was a panic in the outside world, and one could even vaguely hear: "The Supreme Being is here."

Sun Bing's brows instantly wrinkled. When he raised his head and looked in front of him, he could see that the Holy King of the East had a kind face: "Okay, if you have anything to do, leave as soon as possible. Today I'm just an old man who wants to have a wedding drink." That’s all.”

Sun Bing nodded, bowed, and immediately walked outside. When he actually saw the figure, his heart was filled with shock.

Because what appeared in front of Sun Bing was the Linglong Supreme who was of great help to him. However, the power of the Linglong Supreme was not obvious now and he looked like an ordinary old man.

Really seeing that familiar figure, Sun Bing felt in his heart

The excitement in him can be imagined. You must know that the help Linglong Supreme has given him over the years is really too great, especially the jade talisman that can dodge the Supreme's blow and save Sun Bing's life.

This kind of kindness is like reincarnation, and Sun Bing even feels the long-lost warmth in him.

It wasn't that Sun Bing didn't want to invite Linglong Supreme to come, but his status was too high and he was too busy. He worried about things that concerned the entire human race every day.

Therefore, Sun Bing was worried that even if he sent the invitation, the other party would not have time to come, so it would be better not to send it to avoid the other party's confusion.

However, he never expected that Linglong Supreme would come in person. You must know that this is the most powerful person in the world. It is an honor for Sun Bing that he can come.

"Little friend Sun, I really didn't expect that you would already reach this level after not seeing me for just a few years."

Looking at Sun Bing not far away in front of him, Linglong Supreme's eyes were full of complexity, and finally contained a touch of wonder.

After all, as a supreme being, he could be regarded as the most arrogant person in the world, and for countless years, he had seen countless monsters.

But there has never been anyone like Sun Bing, who even made Linglong Supreme feel ashamed of himself. He had even been judged to be dead soon.

But even in such a desperate situation, Sun Bing was still able to successfully come out, and not only that, in just a few years, he surpassed countless saint kings, so Linglong Supreme was shocked in his heart.

The sigh can be imagined.

As for Sun Bing, after hearing this compliment, he looked neither arrogant nor impetuous, and slowly said: "Linglong Supreme, you are very complimentary. Your being able to come today really makes me, the star of Xingluo City, shine." ”

"Hahaha, I'm honored to be able to come this time. Please note that there are many old guys who also want to come, but unfortunately they can't leave. However, they all asked me to send some gifts. I wish you a happy marriage forever. ”

Linglong Supreme couldn't help but laugh, and then waved his hand, and he could see one after another very precious treasures floating in the air.

Even with Sun Bing's net worth, his eyes were full of wonder when he saw this. One can imagine how precious the things inside are.

Even though Linglong Supreme has not spoken yet, Sun Bing also knows that it must have been sent by Lu Ya and other Supremes to get rid of him in order to apologize for his own heirs.

Sun Bing could only sigh with emotion for a while, but he did not refuse. After all, if he refused at this time, he would really die.

After accepting all the gifts, Sun Bing slowly said: "These are some seniors. I hope seniors can rest assured that I am not an unscrupulous person. As long as they don't provoke me, then I will definitely not do it." "Keep taking action."

Hearing this, Linglong Supreme couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, and laughed suddenly: "I guess you don't have a witness to your marriage, right? I wonder if I can be a witness for you today?"

"I wish you all!" Sun Bing spoke immediately without any hesitation.

Then he took Linglong Supreme and walked slowly towards Xingluo City.

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