Sword Emperor

Chapter 1861 Kaiomon

The opponent is dressed in ferocious scales, with a single eye on his head, six legs and three wings, and a series of ferocious bone spurs on his back. His body stretches for dozens of miles, and half of his body is in the outside world, and the other half is hidden in the endless world. In the space, it looks particularly weird.

But it was such a strange figure, with a terrifying aura lurking around it. The void in all directions was now distorted, and there were space cracks from time to time, which made people daunting.

"What, there's a Kaiomon here!"

Suddenly, Sun Bing could hear an exclamation coming from behind him. He turned his head just in time to see Boye's shocked face. Compared with the previous discovery of the heart of the world, it was even worse.

And immediately afterwards, Boxuan and Biyan in the distance also let out a burst of curses, and then they gave up the Heart of the World and ran back quickly. In this state, it was as if their parents had lost two legs. The embarrassment reached the extreme.

Sun Bing's eyes were extremely solemn when he saw this scene, because this also meant that the world beast that suddenly appeared was completely beyond Boxuan's expectation.

Seeing this, Sun Bing didn't hesitate at all, and immediately retreated towards the back. In the blink of an eye, he was back on Boye, and then he could hear the other party explain directly:

"This realm king beast is particularly weird. It grows in the endless sky.

In the space, he feeds on the void, and he is like the darling of the space. As long as he reaches adulthood, he will have supreme strength, which can be said to be extremely powerful. He did not expect that a Kaiomon would break into this place. "

"Kaiomon? The darling of space? I just don't know who is the real darling of space compared with the Dijiang clan?"

Suddenly, the shadow of the Dijiang clan appeared in Sun Bing's mind. Then he turned his head and looked into the distance. After sizing up the huge beast, he slowly said:

"No, it shouldn't be an intruder. This place and the outside world are completely two different spaces. Even Kaiomon can't cross it. Moreover, the heart of the world should be a rare delicacy for Kaiomon. Now the heart of the world is still exist.

So I suspected that it was very possible that this Kaiomon was the spiritual beast that guarded the heart of the world. I didn't expect that even after millions of years, Kaiomon was still alive here. "

The two people were running away while transmitting their spiritual consciousness. In an instant, they had no idea how far they had covered. Even the originally very distant portal was now in front of them. Just when they thought they could escape smoothly.

The space directly changed at this moment. Sun Bing watched helplessly as the portal that was so close instantly moved away.

It's like being several worlds apart.

For a moment, Sun Bing's face turned extremely ugly. Even without turning around, he knew that this was definitely Kaiomon's fault. It seemed that the other party wanted to kill Sun Bing and others in one go. Suddenly, Sun Bing's heart was broken. Gradually sank to the bottom.

Faced with such a desperate situation, Sun Bing could only let out a long sigh, and then slowly turned around. Then he could find that Boxuan, Biyan, and even the rest of the wanderers had already arrived. not far away.

And everyone was surrounded in a small void at this time. It was obvious that all this was done by the King Beast.

Immediately, Sun Bing could see the ugly-looking figures one after another, especially Boxuan and Bian, who were so gloomy at this time that they seemed to be dripping with water.

It was also at this time that everyone's vigilance was raised to the extreme. Unfortunately, the surrounding space was calm and there were no clues at all. This made everyone frown.

After all, they were not Sun Bing and knew nothing about him, but the more detailed they knew, the uglier their faces became.

Suddenly, the surrounding space changes directly, and countless space cracks emerge. The next moment, you can see streams of light flashing, and ferocious giant beasts are visible.

Appeared next to him, his sharp claws flashed with cold light, and the space was completely cut into two pieces.

The reaction speed of Sun Bing and others is not bad, but the movements of the King Beast are even faster. You must know that the other party has supreme strength. Sun Bing and others are like ants in front of it.

In just the next moment, there was a wanderer who was unable to dodge Kaiomon's attack. With a miserable wail, a holy king completely fell. A faint trace of blood could still be smelled in the void. breath.

Immediately, the phantom of the Kaiomon was once again hidden in the endless void. No matter how amazing the insight was, there was no trace of it at this time.

"The other party is just playing tricks on us. Otherwise, with his strength, it would be easy to kill us. Come out quickly. How about a head-on fight?"

Under such tremendous pressure, a wanderer's mind collapsed immediately, and he couldn't help but shout directly.

Everyone is watching this with cold eyes. After all, in such an environment, the more eye-catching it is, the faster they will die.

Sure enough, in the next moment, even Kaiomon's face was not revealed, there was a crack in the space, and then the wanderer fell into the void.

In the utter void.

The whole process ended in a flash, and everyone was extremely silent, because in the face of absolute strength, they were unable to resist at all.

Everyone could clearly feel the intention of the Kaiomon to play tricks on them. They were filled with strong resentment, but more of a sense of powerlessness. This was the fate of the weak.

"What trump cards do you have now? Use them quickly. Facing the Kaiomon, one person alone cannot defeat it."

After a stalemate, Bo Xuan couldn't stand such a cruel atmosphere after all, and shouted to Bi'an at this time.

Even though the two were sworn enemies before, they had to unite and cooperate before their lives were in danger.

But Bi'an's face was particularly ugly, and he said directly: "Humph, if I had a trump card that could subdue the Kaiomon, I would have used it long ago. Why should I worry like you? It's just that my foundation has been used up before."

As for Sun Bing, who was hiding on the side, after hearing these words, a trace of undetectable contempt appeared in his eyes. It was obvious that the other party was untrue.

Sun Bing even suspected that not only Bi'an, but even Boxuan still had a life-saving trump card, but they were not in such a dangerous environment yet and there was no need to use it at all.

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