Sword Emperor

Chapter 1863: Besieging Kaiomon

Because as long as you understand this kind of magical power, the place where you stand will belong to your own domain, which is equivalent to the ability of a monk with the supreme realm to speak and follow the rules, and it will nakedly crush the other monks.

And the most terrifying thing is the three-faced tribe. This race has no back of the head and has three faces. They stand on the same spot and don't even need to make any movements. No matter which enemy they fight, they will always face the front.

There is no trace of weakness at all. It can be said that once you enter the Tianyuan realm of the Three-faced Clan, you will never survive unless you have absolute strength.

This is the prestige that the Three-faced Clan has gained in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms for countless years. Otherwise, even if it has a world of its own, the weak and powerful cannot defend it at all. You must know that there are countless wanderers in the outside world who are watching eagerly. Staring.

Sun Bing, who was really aware of the mystery behind it, felt a cold sweat on his back. If the other party hadn't been exposed at this time, Sun Bing might really have taken action directly from behind.

If he was really that reckless, then Sun Bing could be sure that he would die without knowing how. He could only say that this terrifying magical power was too terrifying and could be called invincible in the same realm.

Of course, stimulating the consumption of Tianyuan Domain is obviously not the same.

Xiao, when the domain opened, Boxuan's complexion turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, but Kaiomon's body finally appeared in everyone's sight.

Realizing that he had escaped from the void, Kaiomon was undoubtedly very panicked and frantically activated his talents, trying to merge into the void.

Faced with such a terrible impact, Boxuan's face became even more pale, and even a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

After discovering that Bifan actually seemed to be sitting on a mountain and watching the tiger fight, he was extremely angry in his heart, and said with gritted teeth: "Okay, don't say more, I have restrained it at this time, and the rest I’ll leave it to you. If you want to continue to wait and see, then don’t blame me for dying with you.”

Hearing this, Bi Wan had a sneer on his face, but when he saw Bo Xuan's gnashing teeth face, he couldn't help but feel guilty. In an instant, his expression suddenly changed, and then his own aura changed dramatically.

The energy and blood all over the body appeared like a torrent. In this vast void, a dense cloud of extremely hot energy and blood formed. The billowing heat waves surged, and finally gathered into a huge phantom. At this moment, the endless energy and blood The power gathered into a majestic pressure.

Immediately, the beast roared loudly, and the terrifying shadow completely interacted with it.

Fusion together, at the same time the other party's aura is even more huge, especially the powerful energy and blood that is filled at this time, as if it is transcending the Holy King.

The trump cards played by both of them can be said to be very powerful. This is something Sun Bing has never encountered before. He thought that after he broke through to the realm of the Holy King, he could go to all the world, but now it seems that there are still some. Sit in the well and look at the sky.

But even so, Sun Bing still has absolute confidence in his heart. If there is a head-on confrontation, he will definitely be able to fight one of them.

In the blink of an eye, Bi'an and Boxuan had already started fighting with the Kaiomon in front of them. Being in the Tianyuan Domain, Kaiomon's control over space was completely abolished without a doubt, and its strength was greatly reduced. Almost half.

And after merging with that phantom, Bi An's strength is even more terrifying. The power erupted from his movements exceeds the realm of the Holy King, but there is still a certain distance between him and the Supreme.

But we must not forget Boxuan. Standing in the middle of the Tianyuan Domain, he felt like he had the Three Thousand Avenues at his disposal. The power he could exert at this time was also tyrannical to a terrifying degree.

The two of them were like close comrades-in-arms, with an incomparable tacit understanding of each other.

The Kaiomon successfully suppressed it, even causing wounds on the opponent's body from time to time.

Although Kaiomon has been here for millions of years and its own strength has weakened, coupled with the inability to control space and its power has declined, it can also be seen that the strength of those two people is really terrifying.

The few remaining wanderers who were still standing aside could not help but take action at this time. It could even be said that if they did not take action, the contract might forcibly annihilate their souls.

Although there is a big gap in the strength of the Wanderer compared to Boxuan and Biyan, it should not be underestimated. After countless years of fighting in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, the power he can exert and his ability to use fighters Grasp and be precise to the extreme.

The most important point is that every wanderer is extremely vicious. If you cause me an injury, then I will also respond with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, almost risking my life.

After all, facing a supreme being, they had to fight for their lives. Even though they could barely suppress Kaiomon at this moment, it only took an instant for the opponent to make a comeback.

As for Sun Bing at this time, due to the contract, he could only attack the Kaiomon. After dancing with the long sword, he could see that one scar after another appeared on the Kaiomon's body. .

at this time

Kaiomon's heart was filled with endless anger, and he couldn't help but roar. The terrifying divine power filled his body. Boxuan's face turned extremely pale at this moment, and he could only grit his teeth and insist:

"Hurry up, I can't hold on for much longer."

After realizing that he still couldn't blend into the starry sky, the Kaiomon's hateful gaze instantly shifted, looking directly at Sun Bing and the others. The sharp claws flashing with cold light danced, and even the space was cracked at this time.

In just one move, Sun Bing and the others all vomited blood at the same time, and the whole person flew backwards, and the body was even more injured.

It can be said that this kind of confrontation made Sun Bing fully realize the horror of the supreme realm. Even the Kaiomon, who couldn't activate the power of space and was equivalent to a half-crippled Kaiomon, was so powerful, so what level did the real supreme realm reach?

It's a pity that Sun Bing didn't have much time to think at this time. In the next moment, the Kaiomon had already broken free from the previous siege and came to kill Sun Bing and the others fiercely.

Fortunately, his main target is still Bi'an. After all, among the crowd, only Bi'an has the most domineering and sharp aura, and his strength is even more powerful. Otherwise, Sun Bing might really be exposed directly.

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