Sword Emperor

Chapter 1869 Burning Blood Essence

Almost immediately after swallowing the pill, Sun Bing could see that the sword marks on Bo Li's body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even if there was still sword intent blocking it, it was of no avail. But One can imagine that this pill must be extremely precious.

But Sun Bing didn't care at all about this. Instead, the sword light in his hand became more and more fierce. In one step, he was in front of Bo Li, holding the sword with both hands and slashing out boldly.

"Across the world"

Two rays of sword light burst out from the Immortal Killing Sword, criss-crossing and stretching for tens of thousands of miles. The entire void was filled with that sharp edge. This aura was extremely powerful, even if Bo was unable to resist. Xuan and Bian's eyes were extremely solemn.

Under the sword light, Bo Li could clearly feel the oppression. At this time, there was no way to express the frustration in his heart.

After such a long time, Bo Li finally remembered that Sun Bing was the monk that Bo Xuan captured on the way. He didn't expect that such an insignificant person would become his final obstacle, especially with his current explosive strength. It can even match the tone.

The vertical and horizontal sword light had already arrived in front of him in an instant, but Bo Li was not a weakling. Although his expressions changed, the three faces became extremely dignified at the same time.

The void in all directions is encrypted with this vast aura.

Even Bo Li's figure changed in Sun Bing's eyes. It was vast and majestic, and suddenly seemed to span the entire world, like a god with infinite power.

"Tianyuan Realm?"

Sun Bing frowned slightly, because he had seen Boxuan use it before, so he had a deep memory of this move, and he had already recognized it the moment it was used.

The power contained in the sword light was not unpowerful, but when the sword light was close to his eyes, the vast figure in Sun Bing's eyes stretched out a hand, and he easily withstood the sword light. No one was harmed at all.

Sun Bing's expression suddenly changed after seeing this scene: "What, you can actually block my move?"

But when he was surprised, his movements became even faster. In an instant, he waved the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand repeatedly, and many sword moves appeared one by one. At this time, he could see the sword light emerging one after another, and there were endless visions. Born in the void.

Sometimes it burns the sky, sometimes it freezes the void, or it swallows all kinds of things. Every vision seems very vast and amazing.

But in front of him, Bo Li, who was in the center of Tianyuan Domain, did not suffer any damage at all. He could easily kill the sword light every time.

Resist it.

And no matter how Sun Bing attacks, there are no flaws. Every side is his front, and there is no weakness at all. Sun Bing's face became more solemn when he saw such a scene.

In fact, not only Sun Bing was solemn, but Bo Li was also horrified. You must know that Tianyuan Domain is the secret skill of the Three Faces Clan. After using it, he becomes the center of the world, controlling the four directions of space, and temporarily stealing the power of the Supreme.

This means that in the same realm, the Three-faced Clan is almost invincible. Every attack can transform it into the heaven and earth. Unless it defeats the surrounding heaven and earth, there is no way to cause it at all. damage.

But having said that, there are still limits, and in the sword light he just faced with Sun Bing, Bo Li even felt that it was a little beyond his control. Fortunately, he was safe in the end.

Even at this moment, he couldn't help but smile arrogantly: "If you only have this kind of strength, you are far from my opponent. You'd better catch me as soon as possible."

Sun Bing dismissed such a voice, narrowed his eyes slightly, and gathered all his energy and spirit together. Finally, he said coldly: "If you want me to catch you without mercy, it depends on whether you have the strength." , the sword cuts through eternity, breaks.”

between words

, the Immortal Killing Sword was filled with a terrifying aura, and the supreme pressure was directly revealed. In just a short moment, all the energy and spirit in Sun Bing's body was squeezed out, turning into the sharpest sword light. Attacked and left.

At first, Bo Li thought that Sun Bing was a tough talker, and he didn't take those words to heart, but in just the next moment, countless cold sweats appeared on his back. Under this sword, he was really A deadly threat has emerged.

But it was too late at this time. Looking at the sword light stretching thousands of miles in front of him, Bo Li could only use his full strength to activate the Tianyuan Domain, making the originally vast figure become more majestic, with golden light shining all over his body, saying The rhyme is permeating, especially majestic.

However, this sword is even more terrifying. It is just a sword light, without any strange phenomena or excessive momentum, but the space under the sword light collapses, time is messed up, and everything is annihilated and becomes nothingness.

The sword light was mighty, and the stalwart figure in the void stretched out a hand as always, trying to block this attack, but it was completely different from the previous understatement. Under the sword light, first of all, it was the palm of the stalwart , there was a deep scar visible to the bone.

The white bones emerged, with vague flesh and blood still remaining, but the sword light still did not stop, and the palm of the hand collapsed completely.

It collapsed, and the next arm also broke directly. On the contrary, the power of the sword light did not weaken at all.

In the end, this terrifying sword mark actually spread to that majestic body. It was originally as noble as a god, but now it is in an extremely embarrassed state and looks particularly miserable.

It seemed that a distorted sound could be heard vaguely. The Tianyuan Domain that Bo Li had been trying his best to persist in finally collapsed completely at this moment. Countless cracks filled the space in all directions, and finally collapsed directly.

At the moment when the Tianyuan Domain collapsed, Bo Li could no longer hold on. His whole body was like a kite with its string broken, flying backwards backwards.

Compared with the previous complacency, the opponent looked even more miserable at this time. There were sword marks all over his body, and the wounds were deep enough to see the bones. His brother's blood fell into the void, shining with infinite light and charm.

"Okay, okay, okay. I didn't expect you to have such strength. It's really beyond my expectation. But just like that, it's completely impossible to kill me."

Although he had been severely injured, Bo Li still gritted his teeth, because he had been planning for so long, and he was not using it to make a wedding dress. He took one last look at Sun Bing, gritted his teeth, and burned his Essence and blood.

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