Sword Emperor

Chapter 1873: The vicissitudes of history

And not only that, Sun Bing could also clearly detect that as the bodhi tree grew, Sun Bing's cave sky was also expanding towards the surroundings at a very terrifying speed.

Originally, Sun Bing's cave sky could only be regarded as a small world, with only one red sun composed of the Nirvana Holy Fire. There was no moon and no stars at all, let alone the vast starry sky.

But now, with the infinite and mysterious Taoist charm permeating the air, Sun Bing's cave began to expand. Different from the expansion of previous realm breakthroughs, this time Sun Bing's cave seemed to be undergoing transformation, becoming more and more vast and majestic.

The sky that once had the limit expanded and spread, the vast starry sky appeared bit by bit, and the majestic energy in the cave sky began to gather, and finally condensed into bright stars.

The moment the starry sky appeared, Sun Bing's cave sky underwent a completely different change, frantically absorbing the energy around him. At this time, Sun Bing could even feel the energy pouring into his body from the Heart of the World. Disappeared instantly.

It is far from even reaching the level of satisfaction. It is absorbing infinite energy from the outside world, and the concentration of spiritual energy in the cave is increasing. Even the original stubborn stone has now undergone considerable transformation.

Just as Dongtian was in the process of transformation, Sun Bing was also confused.

I understand that I have arrived in chaos, surrounded by nothingness. Time and space seem to have turned into chaos. In short, it is like the beginning of heaven and earth.

I don’t know how much time has passed. Being in this chaos, I couldn’t feel the passage of time at all. Finally, a bright light suddenly appeared. Seeing this scene, Sun Bing felt how familiar it was. It was exactly the same as before. The first ray of light I saw.

Immediately, the chaos in all directions began to transform, and this world appeared directly in Sun Bing's eyes. Stars condensed, and the majestic continent appeared.

As time went by, an innate god was born from heaven and earth, and one after another innately raised divine beasts appeared, each of them extremely powerful. Chaotic wars broke out, and gradually others The races are now presented one by one.

Sun Bing's heart was filled with excitement, because what he saw at this time seemed to be the tragedy of a world, and even an epic. The scenes were thrilling and amazing.

In the end, it developed to the point where the Meteor God Realm was prosperous. There was only one race in the entire world that dominated the world. It was extremely powerful. It could be said that there were saints everywhere. The saint kings were not as good as dogs, and there were countless supreme realms. thousand.

Even the unattainable Half-Emperor has three of them. In the end,

Time, the most powerful one among them.

But this side of the world has also become older, at least in Sun Bing's view, because the world seems to be squeezing its own potential, crazily gathering infinite energy, and finally one of the strongest half-emperors... , finally ushered in the final transcendence.

And that Half-Emperor was exactly what Sun Bing had seen, the huge corpse in the Meteor God Realm that contained infinite divine power.

Even though he was already in the deepest part of the starry sky and had begun to overcome the tribulation, the horror of this catastrophe was still far beyond his imagination. The aftermath of the catastrophe enveloped the entire world, even for many other powerful people. Join hands to resist, but you are still completely unqualified to compete.

As for the center of the thunder, the disaster was even more terrible and horrifying. Each thunder was enough to cut through the chaos and break the whole world. Even though Sun Bing was just looking at those phantoms, bursts of cold sweat appeared on his back.

It cannot be said that the half-emperor was extremely powerful. Even in the face of such a terrible disaster, he was able to resist it without any sign of being at a disadvantage.

Immediately, Sun Bing frowned tightly: "The final tribulation will definitely fail, so why is it so easy now? Could it be that the final thunder is so terrifying that it is unimaginable?"

For a moment, endless doubts filled Sun Bing's heart.

It's a comic, but it's a pity that no matter how anxious you are, you can only calm down and watch, and time just flows away slowly.

This thunder lasted for a full seven days. The further back, the more terrifying the power of the thunder became. The void completely exploded, and the world seemed to collapse. After all, it had ushered in the final test, and Sun Bing stared at all the scenes in front of him carefully.

The sky was filled with thick black clouds, and the terrifying thunderbolts gathered together and merged into the final blow. Under the thunder, everything became nothingness, and the power of destruction was extremely powerful.

The half-emperor immediately used all his strength to fight against the thunder. After all, this was the last blow. As long as he got through it, he could truly become a transcendent.

But just when his energy and spirit were gathered together, a burst of golden divine light suddenly burst out in the void on the side, and then a figure full of noble aura appeared directly. Taking this opportunity, there was no If there is any hesitation, he immediately attacks the strong man.

Originally, the half-emperor was fighting against the thunder calamity of heaven and earth, but he did not expect that there would be a sneak attack, and the person who made the sneak attack was also very powerful, almost the same as him.

After turning his head, the half-emperor's eyes suddenly shrank, and finally the whole world echoed with a roar: "You are from the God Clan, An."

Dare to do this. "

But now it is of no use, because in this momentary loss of consciousness, the terrible blow has already fallen on the half-emperor. Even though he is powerful, facing such an attack, his aura is instantly reduced to the extreme, and Most of the person's vitality has been consumed, and he may die at any time.

But now, the half-emperor no longer had any scruples about his own situation. He stared at the figure in front of him with his eyes, and he did not hesitate to squeeze all his strength to attack the opponent. Infinite power emerged, and the two people were in the vast starry sky. And so began the final horrific confrontation.

Although the Half-Emperor of the Meteor God Realm was attacked first, after all, he was almost transcendent, and his strength was unimaginable. Even if he was seriously injured, he could still suppress the opponent.

And in this short moment, the thunder punishment that gathered the power of the entire world came down above the head. Without perfect preparation, even a true transcendent may be injured, let alone someone without Any precautions.

The last two people died together in the thunder, and not only that, the aftermath of the thunder spread directly to the entire world, and all life collapsed completely at that moment, even the two remaining half-emperors were unable to resist.

After all, even though they are both half-emperors, their strength is too weak to withstand the world-destroying divine power.

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