Sword Emperor

Chapter 1893 The Greatest Treasure

After regaining consciousness, Daozi and others immediately discovered the mysterious pearl in their hands. They looked at Sun Bing and asked directly: "Brother Sun, what is this?"

"This is the soul-fixing bead. You must have felt its effect yourself. After possessing this thing, I think we will be much safer in the future."

Sun Bing said directly. At this time, he finally understood why the stone man was so confused before. It can be said that the difference between having soul-fixing beads and not having soul-fixing beads is really too big. No wonder the other party had the courage to take action directly.

But what they didn't expect was that Sun Bing's sword soul and sword intent were very terrifying, and he just managed to restrain this kind of violence, and his whole person was not greatly affected, so they fell short. Otherwise, Sun Bing and others would still have Total annihilation is really possible.

But generally speaking, each person can bring one of these soul-fixing beads. Even if they need to keep a spare, it is impossible to bring so many at once. Obviously, this should be the trophy of those two people.

Just through these soul-fixing beads, we can know that the two of them killed many monks before, but when they faced Sun Bing, they capsized in the gutter.

As the saying goes, one learns from every experience. After experiencing the previous battle, everyone became more aware of the dangers of this place. Although it seemed peaceful, there were countless crises lurking in the dark, so everyone couldn't help but feel anxious.

He became more and more vigilant.

Fortunately, after Daozi and others have the soul-fixing beads, they no longer need to resist the hostility and evil spirits in the void. If a battle breaks out, they can also participate in the battle. With so many people gathered together, it can be regarded as a considerable amount of power. .

Even if others want to take action, they need to consider whether it is worth it first, so the rest of the journey was uneventful. Sun Bing and others finally entered the chaotic star field.

Looking around, one can see weird-looking figures one after another, because although these figures are a bit weird, they may have two heads and four hands, or they may have four eyes. In short, they are all transforming into human forms. After all, this is a human form. The body in the world that is most in line with the Dao.

Among these people, Sun Bing and others could be said to be inconspicuous, and easily entered the long flow of people.

But Sun Bing could clearly sense that there was a certain distance between everyone around him. It can be said that he was extremely vigilant in his heart, because there were no rules here, and he didn't even like you. , may cause a dispute.

Only when he was really in this place could Sun Bing feel the vastness of the Sea of ​​All Realms, because the auras of most of the monks around him were very powerful, and they had reached the realm of the Holy King, and those who had the courage to come here were all of them. The strong one in the realm.

Even if we can see the Holy

Although he is a human figure, he is also wearing countless treasures around his body. Even if he is seen by others, he will not take any thought at all.

Because those saints are often protected by many powerful people behind them, and the identity of such saints is not simple. If you want to have some careful thoughts, this kind of behavior is tantamount to seeking death.

Moreover, there are some very depressing auras among the crowd, and those are the auras of the Supreme, but their numbers are extremely rare, or the Supreme will definitely not move around in this outermost area.

"Brother Sun, what should we do at this time? If we stay here all the time, it will be too eye-catching."

Just as Sun Bing was surveying his surroundings, Daozi immediately sent a message from his soul into Sun Bing's mind.

After hearing these words, Sun Bing couldn't help but think about it secretly. After all, there were more than a dozen of them standing here, and they could see pairs of slightly surprised or doubtful eyes coming and going. It was difficult to guarantee that Among them are people with evil intentions.

So Sun Bing directly sent a message: "In this case, you can form your own teams and separate, stay together in twos and threes, and enter this place to inquire about information, but remember to pay attention to safety, and you also need to be careful not to expose yourself and Kyushu. "

Even the latter point is the top priority. Sometimes even if you fall, you still have to ensure the safety of Kyushu.

Daozi et al.

Obviously they knew what Sun Bing was thinking, so they all nodded secretly. The group of people separated quietly. After entering the crowd, no one could be seen anymore.

As for Sun Bing at this time, he couldn't help but restrain all his aura, and gradually walked slowly towards the deepest part of the chaotic star field, looking around all the way, hoping to find some clues.

Although there are no rules in this chaotic star field, and even killing and chaos are the characteristics of this place, along the way, Sun Bing can also find some default unspoken rules, that is, when setting up a stall, others are not allowed to take action. .

After all, the vast majority of people gathered here are wanderers, often wandering between life and death, and cultivation resources are extremely scarce, so sometimes it is necessary to exchange what they have.

If fighting can still take place while setting up a stall, then this road will undoubtedly be completely cut off. This will infringe on everyone's interests. Even if it is said that after the sale, it is okay to follow and kill others, but As long as you take out the treasures and start setting up a stall, you can't take action.

Moreover, the treasures here are somewhat similar to those in Kyushu. The most precious ones are naturally weapons and armors, and there are even treasures such as soul protection, followed by elixirs and elixirs.

Among them, Sun Bing did find some good treasures, but he didn't take action on them. After all, his biggest purpose in coming here was to

I just want to find clues about the ancestor of the human race, and I don't need to reveal my identity for such a little treasure.

It's a pity that this place is different from any place Sun Bing has encountered before. Even though there are many monks coming and going, most of them look like they don't allow strangers to enter, and there aren't many conversations at all.

Even if two people are discussing the purchase of treasures, it is still through the sound transmission of the soul, and no information will be leaked at all. After all, this place is too dangerous. If you are not careful, you may even lose your life here.

Therefore, everyone is more on guard. Trying to get news from these people is tantamount to wishful thinking. Sun Bing's brows were tightly knitted together because of this.

After some hesitation, Sun Bing could only plan to buy some treasures as a way to talk to people. Immediately, Sun Bing's eyes couldn't help but start to scan.

Suddenly, a very simple stall appeared in Sun Bing's eyes. It was filled with ancient objects one after another. One of the stone slabs attracted Sun Bing's attention.

Although there are only some thin lines on it, in Sun Bing's eyes, each of them seems to be a manifestation of the avenue, an entity of rules. Just a glance can make people immersed in it unconsciously.

Even though he still didn't know what this thing was, Sun Bing could conclude that it was definitely a treasure.

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